Page 163 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2021-22
P. 163
Business Responsibility
& Sustainability Report
• Comprehensive process for Emergency Permanent Employee
Preparedness, Response and Crisis Management The Company has a Family Benefit Scheme which
provides financial assistance to the family until the date
• Engage and communicate with the stakeholders on which the employee would have retired from the
by utilising both formal and informal mechanisms Company.
• Risk Management for preventing incidents, Contract Employee
injuries, occupational disease, emergency control The Company has Suraksha Scheme which provides
and prevention and business continuity financial assistance to the family until the date on
which the contract employee would have attained 60
1. Does the entity extend any life insurance or any 2. Provide the measures undertaken by the entity to
compensatory package in the event of death of (A) ensure that statutory dues have been deducted
Employees (Y/N) and deposited by the value chain partners.
The Company has systems in place to provide financial The Company monitors remittance of statutory dues
assistance to the legal dependents of the employees in by value chain partners as part of processing their bills
case of death while in service. on a regular basis with periodic audits.
3. Provide the number of employees having suffered high consequence work-related injury / ill-health / fatalities (as
reported in Q11 of Essential Indicators above), who have been rehabilitated and placed in suitable employment or
whose family members have been placed in suitable employment
No. of employees that are rehabilitated
and placed in suitable employment
Total no. of affected employees
or whose family members have been
placed in suitable employment
FY 2021-22 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2020-21
Employees Nil Nil Nil Nil
Workers 1 1 1 1
4. Does the entity provide transition assistance programs to facilitate continued employability and the management of
career endings resulting from retirement or termination of employment? (Yes/ No)
Subject to requirements, the Company provides opportunities for engagement on specific projects / assignments across the
5. Details of assessment of value chain partners.
% of value chain partners (by value of business done with such partners) that
were assessed
Health and safety practices No audit was conducted during FY 2021-22 due to the pandemic. The Company aims
Working conditions to conduct audits in FY 2022-23
6. Provide details of any corrective actions taken or underway to address significant risks / concerns arising from
assessments of health and safety practices and working conditions of value chain partners.
Not Applicable as no audit was conducted during FY 2021-22.
Principle 4 – Businesses should respect the interests of and be responsive to all its stakeholders
1. Describe the processes for identifying key stakeholder groups of the entity.
Internal and external group of stakeholders have been identified. Presently, the given stakeholder groups have the immediate impact
on the operations and working of the Company. This includes Employees, Shareholders, Customers, Communities, Suppliers, Partners
and Vendors.