Page 344 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23                01-83                   84-192                  193-365
                                                                                                                                     Integrated Report       Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

           (E)  The defined benefit scheme is administered by a fund that is legally separated from the Group. Responsibility for governance of   4.   Other information
               the scheme lies with the board of trustees. The board of trustees must be composed of representatives of the Group and scheme                                                                                 ` in crore
               participants in accordance with the scheme rules and on timely basis, the board of trustees reviews the level of funding for the   Particulars   Addition to non-current assets*  Depreciation and amortisation  Other non-cash expenses**
               scheme as required by legislation. Such a review includes the asset-liabilities matching strategy and investment risk management               Year ended    Year ended    Year ended    Year ended    Year ended     Year ended
               policy and is used to determine the schedule of contributions payable by and agreed with the Group.                                         March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022 March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022 March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022
                                                                                                                                    (i)   Basic chemistry products   1,475    1,619         752          683         116          149
           41.  Segment information                                                                                                 (ii)   Specialty products      260          183         125          109          50           24
           41.1 Continuing operations                                                                                                                             1,735       1,802         877         792          166         173
           (a)  Information about operating segments                                                                                    Unallocated                  5           24          15           14          25           10
                 The Company has 2 reportable segments which are the Company's strategic business units. These business units offer different                     1,740       1,826         892         806          191         183
               products and are managed separately. Reportable Segments approved by Board of Directors are as under:               *Comprises additions to Property, plant and equipment, Capital work-in-progress, Goodwill, Right-of-use assets, Other intangible assets and Intangible
                                                                                                                                   assets under development.
                -   Basic chemistry products - Soda Ash, Salt and other bulk chemicals
                                                                                                                                   **Comprises of Provision for employee benefits expense, Provision for doubtful debts and advances/bad debts written off, Provision for contingencies,
               -   Specialty products - Nutrition solutions, agri Solutions, advance materials, etc.                               Foreign exchange gain/(loss) and (Profit)/ loss on assets sold or discarded.
                                                                                                     ` in crore
                                                                                  Year ended       Year ended                      (b)  Information about geographical areas
                                                                               March 31, 2023   March 31, 2022                         The geographical segments revenue are disclosed on the basis of sales as follows:
           1. Segment revenue (Revenue from operations)                                                                                - Asia (other than India): Comprising sales to customers located in Asia (other than India).
              (i)  Basic chemistry products                                           13,597            9,758                          - Europe: Comprising sales to customers located in Europe.
              (ii)  Specialty products                                                 3,198            2,826                          - Africa: Comprising sales to customers located in Africa.
                                                                                      16,795           12,584
                  Inter segment revenue                                                 (28)             (12)                          - America: Comprising sales to customers located in America.
                                                                                      16,767           12,572
                  Unallocated                                                             22               50                      1.    Geographical Segment revenue*
                                                                                      16,789           12,622                       Year ended March 31, 2023                                                                ` in crore
           2. Segment result (Reconciliation with profit from continuing operations)                                                Particulars                     Basic chemistry products  Specialty products  Unallocated   Total
              (i)  Basic chemistry products (note 34)                                  3,028            1,486                        (i)  India                                     4,889             2,305           22        7,216
              (ii)  Specialty products                                                    91             168
                  Total Segment results                                                3,119            1,654                       (ii)  Asia (other than India)                    577               325             -          902
                  Net unallocated income/(expenditure)                                    29               90                       (iii)  Europe                                   2,496              111             -        2,607
                  Finance costs                                                         (406)            (303)                      (iv)  Africa                                     451                44             -          495
                  Profit before share of profit/loss from investment in joint ventures and   2,742      1,441                       (v)  America                                    5,137              397             -        5,534
                  associate and tax                                                                                                 (vi)  Others                                      19                16             -           35
                  Share of Profit/(loss) of joint ventures and associate (net of tax)     (2)            226                                                                      13,569             3,198            22        16,789
                  Tax expense                                                           (288)            (267)
                  Profit for the year from continuing operations                       2,452            1,400
                                                                                                                                    Year ended March 31, 2022                                                                ` in crore
           3.   Segment assets and segment liabilities*                                                                             Particulars                     Basic chemistry products    Specialty products    Unallocated    Total
                                                                                                     ` in crore                     (i)   India                                     3,681             2,196           50        5,927
                                                    Segment assets                   Segment liabilities                            (ii)   Asia (other than India)                   249               153             -          402
           Particulars                               As at             As at           As at             As at                      (iii)  Europe                                   1,844               54             -        1,898
                                             March 31, 2023   March 31, 2022   March 31, 2023   March 31, 2022                      (iv)  Africa                                     277                44             -          321
           (i)  Basic chemistry products            22,177           19,475            4,494            4,018                       (v)   America                                   3,682              375             -        4,057
           (ii)  Specialty products                  3,112            3,216             959             1,084                       (vi)  Others                                      13                 4             -           17
                                                    25,289           22,691            5,453            5,102                                                                      9,746             2,826            50        12,622
               Unallocated                           9,795           11,152            8,989            9,584                      * Including operating revenues and net off inter segment revenue
                                                    35,084           33,843           14,442           14,686
           * Including assets held for sale

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