Page 340 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23                01-83                   84-192                  193-365
                                                                                                                                     Integrated Report       Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

               (ii)  Changes in the fair value of plan assets:                                                                     (v)  Risk Exposure :
                                                                                                     ` in crore                         Through its defined benefit plans, the Group is exposed to a number of risks, the most significant of which are detailed below :
                                                             Year ended March 31, 2023   Year ended March 31, 2022
               Particulars                                                                                                             Investment risk:     If future investment returns on assets are lower than assumed in valuation, the scheme's assets will
                                                                Funded      Unfunded    Funded      Unfunded                                               be lower, and the funding level higher than expected.
               At the beginning of the year                        4,359          -       4,486             -
               Interest on plan assets                              142           -        119              -                            Changes in bond yields:   A decrease in yields will increase plan liabilities, although this will be partially offset by an increase
               Administrative expenses                              (11)          -        (12)             -                                              in the value of the plans' bond holdings.
               Remeasurement (gain)/loss                                          -
               Annual return on plan assets less interest on plan assets  (1,116)  -        62              -                          Longevity risk:      If improvements in life expectancy are greater than assumed, the cost of benefits will increase because
               Contributions                                         69           -         26              -                                              pensions are paid for longer than expected. This will mean that the funding level will be higher
                                                                                                                                                           than expected.
               Benefits paid                                       (258)          -       (348)             -
               Exchange fluctuations                                142           -         26              -                          Inflation risk:       If inflation is greater than assumed, the cost of benefits will increase as pension increases and deferred
               Value of plan assets at the end of the year         3,327          -       4,359             -                                              revaluations are linked to inflation.
               Liability (net)                                      960          263       822            256
                                                                                                                                   (vi) (a) Assumptions used to determine net periodic benefit costs:
               (iii)  Net employee benefit cost for the year                                                                                                                         India                    USA Plans      UK Plans
                                                                                                     ` in crore
                                                               Year ended March 31, 2023   Year ended March 31, 2022                                                        Funded          Unfunded      Funded   Unfunded  Funded
               Particulars                                                                                                          Discount rate  As at March 31, 2023  7.45% to 7.50%   7.45% to 7.50%   5.10%   5.08% p.a. 4.90% p.a.
                                                                  Funded    Unfunded       Funded    Unfunded
               Current service cost                                   45            5          49          6                                      As at March 31, 2022  6.85 % to 7.23% p.a.  6.85 % to 7.23% p.a.  3.84%  3.81% p.a.  2.80% p.a.
               Past service Cost                                        -         21            -         12
               Administrative expenses                                11           -           12          -                        Increase in   As at March 31, 2023   7.50% - 8.00% p.a.    7.50% - 8.00% p.a.    5.30% to    NA    NA
               Interest on defined benefit obligation (net)           27          16           28         13                        compensation cost                                                    8.40% p.a.
               Components of defined benefits costs recognised in     83          42           89         31
               Consolidated profit or loss                                                                                                        As at March 31, 2022   7.50% - 8.00% p.a.    7.50% - 8.00% p.a.   5.30% to   NA  NA
               Remeasurements of the net defined benefit liability/(asset)                                                                                                                               8.40% p.a.
               Actuarial (gain) / loss arising from:
               - Changes in financial assumptions                  (1,118)        (22)       (344)       (16)                       Healthcare cost   As at March 31, 2023   NA          8.00%-10.00% p.a.  NA       NA        NA
               - Changes in demographic assumptions                  (28)          -         (14)          -                        increase rate
               - Experience adjustments                               110         (7)          51         (9)                                     As at March 31, 2022        NA         8.00%-10.00% p.a.  NA       NA        NA
               Return on plan assets less interest on plan assets    1,116         -         (62)          -
               Components of defined benefits costs recognised in     80         (29)        (369)       (25)
               Other Comprehensive Income                                                                                           Pension increase  As at March 31, 2023   NA             6.00% p.a.      NA       NA     3.00% p.a.
               Net benefit expense                                    163         13         (280)         6                        rate
                                                                                                                                                  As at March 31, 2022        NA            6.00% p.a.      NA       NA     3.35% p.a.
               (iv)  Categories of the fair value of total plan assets:
                                                                                                     ` in crore                    (a)    Discount rate for the domestic plans is based on the prevailing market yields of Indian Government securities as at the Balance
                                                                                       As at             As at                         Sheet date for the estimated term of the obligations. Discount rate for USA Subsidiaries is based on high quality bonds and for
                                                                               March 31, 2023   March 31, 2022                         UK subsidiaries it is based on corporate bonds.
               Government Securities/Corporate Bonds (Quoted)                          1,756            2,503                      (b)   The estimates of future salary increases considered in actuarial valuation take into account inflation, seniority, promotion and
               Government Securities/Corporate Bonds (Unquoted)                         475              537                           other relevant factors.
               Equity Instruments (Quoted)                                              195              341
               Equity Instruments (Unquoted)                                            687              763                       (c)   The details of post-retirement and other benefit plans for its employees given above are certified by the actuaries and relied
               Insurer Managed/Hedged Funds                                             118              116                           upon by the Auditors.
               Others (Quoted)                                                            25              13
               Others (Unquoted)                                                          71              86
               Total                                                                  3,327             4,359

                Each year an Asset-Liability-Matching study is performed in which the consequences of the strategic investment policies are
               analysed in terms of risk-and-return profiles. Investment and contribution policies are integrated within this study.

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