Page 349 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 349

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

 (b)   The details of the gross notional amounts of derivative financial instruments outstanding are given in the table   43.  Disclosures on financial instruments
 below:     (a)  Financial instruments by category
 Derivative instruments  Underlying   Units  As at   As at      The following table presents the carrying amounts of each category of financial assets and liabilities as at March 31, 2023
 (Receivables/ payables/ borrowings)  March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022
 Forward contracts  USD/INR  $ million  101.2    74.4                                                  ` in crore
 Forward contracts  EUR/INR  € million  4.0    2.5   Investments -  Investments -  Derivatives -  Derivatives -  Amortised   Total carrying
 Forward contracts  EUR/GBP  € million  6.0    3.6   FVTOCI   FVTPL   FVTPL     FVTOCI       cost        value
 Forward contracts  USD/GBP  $ million  4.8    2.4   Financial assets
 Forward contracts  JPY/USD   JPY million   -  123.7   (a)  Investments - non current
 Forward contracts  JPY/INR   JPY million   192.5   -  Equity instrument at fair value  4,892    -  -  -  -  4,892
 Commodity swaps  Natural Gas (US)  million MMBTU  13.0    3.5   Debt instrument at fair value  -   150   -  -  -  150
 Commodity swaps  Natural Gas (UK)  million therms  17.4    35.8   (b)  Investments - current
 Interest rate swaps  Floating to fixed  $ million  303.5   200.0   Investment in mutual funds  -   1,231   -  -  -  1,231
                 Investment in Non convertible     -          39          -          -         -            39
 (c)   The following table analyses the movement in the effective portion of Cash Flow Hedge Reserve (‘CFHR’) for   Debentures - quoted
 the year ended March 31, 2023 and 2022  (c)  Trade receivables  -   -    -          -      2,627         2,627

 ` in crore  (d)  Cash and cash equivalents        -            -         -          -       508           508
 Forward   Interest   Commodity   Total  (e)  Other bank balances  -   -  -          -       157           157
 contracts  rate swaps  swaps  (f)  Loans - current  -          -         -          -       325           325
 Balance as at April 1, 2021  7    (60)   54   1   (g)  Other financial assets - non-  -   -  -  8    32    40
 Net (losses) / gains recognised in the CFHR  (1)  12   1,538   1,549   current
 Amount re-classified from the CFHR and included in the Consolidated   (h)  Other financial assets - current  -   -  -  22    39    61
 Statement of Profit & Loss (due to settlement of contracts) within:  Total  4,892    1,420    -  30   3,688    10,030
 Power and Fuel cost  -  -  (546)  (546)  Financial liabilities
 Other expenses  (7)  -  -  (7)  (a)  Borrowings - non-current            -          -      5,540         5,540
 Finance costs  -  38   -  38   (b)  Lease liabilities - non-current      -          -       137           137
 Deferred income tax  -  -  (197)  (197)  (c)  Borrowings - current       -          -       543           543
 Balance as at March 31, 2022  (1)  (10)  849   838   (d)  Lease liabilities - current  -  -   76           76
 Net (losses) / gains recognised in the CFHR  (1)  39   (710)  (672)  (e)  Trade payables  -  -  2,597    2,597
 Amount re-classified from the CFHR and included in the Consolidated   (f)  Other financial liabilities -   -  23    25    48
 Statement of Profit & Loss (due to settlement of contracts) within:  non-current
 Power and Fuel cost  -  (2)  (425)  (427)  (g)  Other financial liabilities -   7    125    564           696
 Other expenses  (1)  -  -  (1)  current
 Finance costs  -  (2)  -  (2)  Total                                     7        148      9,482        9,637
 Deferred income tax  1   (2)  232   231
 Balance as at March 31, 2023  (2)  23   (54)  (33)

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