Page 347 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 347

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

 2.    Non-current assets*   41.3  Reconciliation of information on reportable segment to Consolidated Balance Sheet and Consolidated
 ` in crore     Statement of Profit and Loss
  As at     As at   (a)  Reconciliation of profit for the year as per Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss
 March 31, 2023   March 31, 2022                                                                       ` in crore
 (i)   India   6,359   5,452    Particulars                                         Year ended       Year ended
 (ii)   Europe   2,204   2,117                                                   March 31, 2023   March 31, 2022
 (iii)   Africa   100   104   Profit for the year from continuing operations (note 41.1(a)(2))  2,452     1,400
 (iv)   America    11,845    10,956   Profit for the year from discontinued operations (note 41.2(a))  (18)  5
  20,508    18,629   Profit for the year as per Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss  2,434         1,405
 *non-current assets other than investments in joint ventures and associate, financial assets, deferred tax assets (net) and net defined benefit assets  (b)  Reconciliation of total assets as per Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                                                                       ` in crore
 (c)  Revenue from major products                                                        As at            As at
 The following is an analysis of Group's segment revenue from continuing operations from its major products  March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022
 ` in crore  Total assets as per continuing operations (note 41.1 (a) (3))              35,084           33,843
  Year ended    Year ended   Total assets as per Consolidated Balance Sheet            35,084           33,843
 March 31, 2023*   March 31, 2022*
 (i)   Basic chemistry products  (c)  Reconciliation of total liabilities as per Consolidated Balance Sheet
 -    Soda Ash  9,646   6,618                                                                          ` in crore
 -    Salt  2,062   1,546    Particulars                                                 As at            As at
 -    Bicarb  795   539                                                          March 31, 2023   March 31, 2022
 -    Others  1,066   1,043    Total liabilities as per continuing operations (note 41.1 (a) (3))   14,442   14,686
 (ii)  Specialty products  Total liabilities as per Consolidated Balance Sheet         14,442           14,686
 -    Crop Protection (includes Fungicides, Herbicides and Insecticides)  2,415   2,086
 -    Seeds  340   349   42.  Derivative financial instruments and hedging activities
 -    Others  443   391   (a)  The details of the various outstanding derivative financial instruments are given below:
 (iii)  Unallocated   22    50                                                                         ` in crore
  16,789    12,622                                           As at March 31, 2023        As at March 31, 2022
 * Including operating revenues and net off inter segment revenue   Particulars  Assets  Liabilities  Assets  Liabilities
             Current portion
 (d)  Revenue from major customers  Derivatives designated in cash flow hedges
     The Group has one customer whose revenue represents 14% (2022: 12%) of The Group’s total revenue and trade receivable   - Forward contracts  -  2   1   2
 represents 30% (2022: 19%) of The Group's total trade receivables.  - Interest rate swaps  18   -  -       14
             - Commodity swaps                                      4           123          974              -
 (e)   Other note  Total designated derivatives                    22          125           975            16
     Segment revenue, results, assets and liabilities include the respective amounts identifiable to each of the segments and amounts   Derivatives not designated in a hedge relationship
 allocated on a reasonable basis.
             - Forward contracts                                    -            7             -             5
             Total un-designated derivatives                        -            7             -             5
 41.2  Discontinued operations  Total current portion              22          132           975            21
 (a)  Information about operating segment
             Non-current portion
 ` in crore
 Year ended    Year ended    Derivatives designated in cash flow hedges
  Particulars  - Forward contracts                                  -             -            -              -
 March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022
 Result :    - Interest rate swaps                                  2            23            3              -
             - Commodity swaps
 Segment result (note 36)  -   28   Total designated derivatives    8            23            3              -
 Share of loss of joint ventures (net of tax)  (18)  (10)  Total non-current portion   8    23   3            -
 (Loss)/profit before tax  (18)   18   Total                       30          155           978            21
 Tax expenses  -  (13)
 (Loss)/profit from discontinued operations after tax  (18)  5   Derivatives not designated in a hedge relationship are effective as hedges from an economic perspective, however these are not
            considered for hedge accounting.

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