Page 343 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 343

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

 (vi) (b) Average longevity at retirement age for current beneficiaries of the plan (years)  (viii) Maturity profile of the defined benefit obligation as at March 31, 2023 is as follows:
 India  UK  USA  India  UK  USA                                                                        ` in crore
 As at   As at   As at   As at   As at   As at   Particulars (expected payments)  India   US               UK
 March 31, 2023  March 31, 2023  March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022  March 31, 2022  March 31, 2022  Within the next 12 months (next annual reporting period)  33  120  126
 Males  12 to 22 years  22 to 24 years  23 to 24 years  12 to 22 years  21 to 24 years  22 to 24 years  Later than 1 year and not later than 5 years  89  498  536
 Females  12 to 25 years  24 to 27 years  25 to 26 years  12 to 25 years  23 to 27 years  25 to 26 years  6 years and above  668  642  745
             Weighted average duration of the payments (in no. of years)  6-15 years  13-15 years    11-13 years
 (vii)  Sensitivity Analysis
 Impact on defined benefit obligation due to change in assumptions as at March 31, 2023  Maturity profile of the defined benefit obligation as at March 31, 2022 is as follows:

 ` in crore                                                                                            ` in crore
 TCL  Rallis  USA  UK
 Assumptions  Particulars (expected payments)                           India             US               UK
 Increase  Decrease  Increase  Decrease  Increase  Decrease  Increase  Decrease  Within the next 12 months (next annual reporting period)  31   108   117
 Discount Rate  Later than 1 year and not later than 5 years              90              453              499
 0.5% change  (11)  12    -  -  (104)   115   (131)  145   6 years and above  577         589              696
 1% change  -  -   (6)   5    -   -   -   -  Weighted average duration of the payments (in no. of years)  6-16 years  13-15 years  14-16 years

 Compensation rate  (D)   Provident Fund
 0.5% change   3    (3)   -  -   25    (29)   -   -      The Company and its domestic subsidiaries operate Provident Fund Schemes and the contributions are made to the recognised
 1% change  -  -  3    (3)   -   -   -   -  funds maintained. The Company and its domestic subsidiaries are required to offer a defined benefit interest rate guarantee on
                provident fund balances of employees. The interest rate guarantee is payable to the employees for the year when the exempt
 Pension rate   fund declares a return on provident fund investments which is less than the rate declared by the Regional Provident Fund
 1% change   5    (5)   -  -   -   -   -   -  Commissioner ('RPFC') on the provident fund corpus for their own subscribers. The Actuary has provided a valuation for provident
                fund liabilities on the basis of guidance issued by Actuarial Society of India and based on the below provided assumptions,
 Healthcare costs  shortfall between plan assets as the end of the year and the present value of funded obligation has been recognised in the
 1% change   11    (9)   -  -   -   -   -   -  Consolidated Balance Sheet and Other Comprehensive Income.

 Impact on Defined benefit obligation due to change in assumptions as at March 31, 2022     The details of fund and plan assets position are given below:
 ` in crore                                                  TCL                            RALLIS
 TCL  Rallis  USA  UK
 Assumptions     Particulars                       ` in crore      ` in crore      ` in crore      ` in crore
 Increase  Decrease  Increase  Decrease  Increase  Decrease  Increase  Decrease  As at    As at    As at    As at
 Discount Rate                                    March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022  March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022
 0.25% change  -  -   -  -   -   -   (113)   119  Plan assets at the end of the year  347   349   117      117
 0.5% change   (11)  12   -  -  (126)   147    -   -
 1% change  -  -  (5)  5   -   -   -   -  Present value of funded obligation  348   335    114             114
                 Amount recognised in the                   (1)              -               -               -
                 Consolidated Balance Sheet
 Compensation rate
 0.5% change  3   (3)   -  -   27    (33)   -   -     Assumptions used in determining present value of obligation of interest rate guarantee under a deterministic approach:
 1% change  -  -  3  (3)   -   -   -   -
                                                                                         As at            As at
                                                                                March 31, 2023    March 31, 2022
 Pension rate    Guaranteed rate of return                                              8.15%            8.10%
 1% change  4  (4)   -  -   -   -   -   -  Discount rate for remaining term to maturity of investments  7.35% to 7.50%  7.23% - 6.65%
                 Discount rate                                                          7.45%            7.00%
 Healthcare costs  Expected rate of return on investments                        7.93% to 8.39%    8.09% - 8.78%
 1% change  13  (10)   -  -   -   -   -   -

 The sensitivity analysis above has been determined based on reasonably possible changes of the respective key assumptions occurring
 at the end of the reporting period, while holding all other assumptions constant.

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