Page 181 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                      Corporate Governance Report

     The details of e-voting on the aforementioned resolution(s) are provided hereunder:     Analyst/Investor Meets     •  Registration of email address for the limited

 Particulars  In favour  Against      The Managing Director & CEO and Chief Financial Officer   purpose of receiving the credentials for remote
                                                                       e-Voting along with the Integrated Annual Report
 Total no.   No. of valid   %  Total no.   No. of valid   %  hold quarterly briefs with analysts, shareholders and   2022-23 at the AGM: The Company has made special
 of members    Votes cast  of members   Votes cast  major stakeholders where the Company’s performance   arrangement with the help of its RTA for registration
 voted   voted  is discussed. The official press releases, the presentation   of email addresses of those Members whose email
                made to the institutional investors and analysts,
 Special Resolution   2,772  14,99,24,983  87.47  210  2,14,70,462  12.53  audio/video recording and transcript of the calls with   addresses are not registered and who wish to receive
 Re-appointment of Ms. Padmini Khare   analysts for quarterly/half-yearly/annual results are available   the credentials for remote e-Voting and the Notice of
 Kaicker (DIN: 00296388) as an Independent   on the Company’s website at and   the 84  AGM along with the Integrated Annual Report
 Director of the Company  uploaded on the website of NSE & BSE.        2022-23.
 Ordinary Resolution  2,809  17,13,62,529  99.99  143  21,673  0.01
 Re-appointment of Mr. Zarir N. Langrana        Letters and Reminders to Shareholders for      •  Updation of bank account  and other details for
                Unclaimed Shares/Dividends
                                                                       dividend payment and TDS: In line with the green
 (DIN: 06362438) as an Executive Director                              initiative introduced by MCA and in order to provide
 of the Company       Pursuant to the provisions of the Act, the Company sends
                reminder letters to those shareholders whose unclaimed   a smooth and convenient process for updating
    Both the Resolutions were passed with requisite majority.  dividend/shares are liable to be transferred to the Investor   shareholders’ bank details, the Company appointed
                Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) account. In addition   NSDL to send SMS and email alerts to shareholders for
    Procedure for Postal Ballot:     Stock Exchange Intimations  to the aforesaid  statutory requirement, the Company sends   updating their bank details in NSDL’s demat account.
     The Postal Ballot was carried out as per the provisions of       All price-sensitive information and matters that are material   a voluntary reminder to the shareholders who have not   The Company also voluntarily sent a communication
 Section 110 read with Section 108 and other applicable   to shareholders are disclosed to the respective Stock   claimed their dividends, on an annual basis.  to all those shareholders whose email addresses
 provisions, if  any,  of the Act  (including any  statutory   Exchanges where the securities of the Company are listed.   were  registered with  the Company  regarding  tax
 modification(s) or re-enactment(s) thereof for the time   All submissions to the Exchanges including Shareholding       The Company has uploaded the names of the Members and   on dividend requesting them to update their bank
 being in force) read with Rules 20 and 22 of the Companies   Pattern and Corporate Governance Report are made   the details of the unclaimed dividend by the Members on   account details and other detailed process.
 (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, Regulation   through the respective electronic filing systems. Material   its website. The Members may log in to find out details of      Company’s Website
 44 of the SEBI Listing Regulations and the Secretarial   events or information as detailed in Regulation 30 of the   dividends outstanding for any of the previous years.
 Standard - 2 on General Meetings issued by the Institute   SEBI Listing Regulations are disseminated on the Stock       Pursuant to SEBI Circular dated March 16, 2023, outstanding       In order to make the corporate website user-friendly with
 of Company Secretaries of India, each as amended, and   Exchanges by filing them with the National Stock Exchange   payments will be credited directly to the bank account of   a great communication mix and enable ease of navigation
 in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the   of India Limited (‘NSE’) through NEAPS / NSE digital portal   the shareholder, only if the folio is KYC compliant.  and better accessibility to the information, the Company has
 Ministry of Corporate Affairs vide its General Circulars dated   and with BSE Limited (‘BSE’) through BSE Listing centre.   redesigned its corporate website wherein comprehensive
 April 8, 2020, April 13, 2020, June 15, 2020, September 28,   They are also displayed on the Company’s website at   Other Communication to Shareholders  information such as the Company’s business and operations,
 2020, December 31, 2020, June 23, 2021, December 8, 2021,     •     Furnishing of PAN, KYC  details and Nomination   policies, stock exchange intimations, press releases,
 May 5, 2022 and December 28, 2022.                                etc. can be accessed. The ‘Investors’ tab on the website
    Financial Results  details by physical shareholders: Pursuant to SEBI   provides information relating to financial performance,
      Details of special resolution proposed to be       The  quarterly/half-yearly/annual  financial  results  are   Circular dated March 16, 2023, the Company has   annual reports, corporate governance reports, policies,
 conducted through postal ballot:  published  within  the  timeline  stipulated  under  SEBI   sent a communication to its physical shareholders   general meetings, credit rating, details of unclaimed
                    for furnishing details of PAN, email address, mobile
     None of the businesses proposed to be transacted in the   Listing Regulations. The results are also uploaded on   number, bank account details and nomination   dividend and shares transferred to IEPF, frequently
 ensuing AGM requires the passing of a special resolution   NSE and  BSE through their respective portals.  The   details. Folios wherein any of the above cited details/  asked questions and presentations made to analysts at
 through postal ballot.  financial results are published within the time stipulated   documents are not available, on or after October 1,   the AGM. The proceedings of the 83  AGM held on July
 under the SEBI Listing Regulations in newspapers viz.   2023, or any such date as may be prescribed, shall be   6, 2022 are also available on the Company’s website at
 12.  Means of Communication  Business Standard (in English), The Free Press Journal (in   frozen as per the aforesaid Circulars.
     The Company follows a robust process to seamlessly   English) and Navshakti (in Marathi). They are displayed        Additionally, various downloadable forms required to be
 communicate with its stakeholders and investors thereby   under ‘Investors’ section of the Company’s website viz.      •     Steps to capture email address of the shareholders: In   executed by the shareholders have also been provided on
 honouring  their  commitment  towards  the  Company’s   order to capture email address of a larger shareholder   the Company’s website.
 vision. Prompt and efficient communication with the       For the benefit of the shareholders, after the results   base and send all intimations electronically, the
 investor community/external constituencies enables them   are approved by the Board of Directors, the Company   Company appointed National Securities Depository       Members also have the facility of raising their queries/
 to be aware of the Company’s business activities, strategy   voluntarily sends quarterly financial results through email   Limited (‘NSDL’) and Central Depository Services   complaints through the Shareholder Query Form available
 and future prospects. For this purpose, the Company   to those shareholders whose email addresses are registered   (India) Limited (‘CDSL’) to send SMS alerts to those   in the ‘Investor Information’ section under the ‘Investors’ tab
 provides multiple channels of communications through   with the Company/Depositories.  shareholders whose email addresses were not   of the website.
 the following ways:  registered with the Company.

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