Page 183 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                      Corporate Governance Report

      Transfer to Investor Education and Protection   (ii)  Transfer of shares to IEPF  13.  General Shareholder Information
 Fund (IEPF):          Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 124 and 125       The Company is registered with the Registrar of Companies, Maharashtra, Mumbai. The Corporate Identity Number (CIN) allotted
    (i)   Transfer of unclaimed dividend  of the Act read with the IEPF Rules, all the shares on   to the Company by the MCA is L24239MH1939PLC002893.
         Members are hereby informed that under the Act,   which dividends remain unpaid or unclaimed for a
 the Company is required to transfer the dividend   period of seven consecutive years or more shall be   Day, Date and Time  :  Monday, June 26, 2023 at 3.00 p.m. (IST)
 which remains unpaid or unclaimed for a period of   transferred to the demat account of the IEPF Authority   Venue  :  In accordance with the General Circulars issued by the MCA, the AGM will be held
 seven consecutive years or more to the IEPF. In view   as notified by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. The   through VC/OAVM only
 of the same, dividend of ` 2,34,14,113 pertaining to   said requirements does not apply to shares in respect   Financial Year  :  April 1 to March 31
 FY 2014-15 which remained unpaid or unclaimed   of which there is a specific order of Court, Tribunal
 was transferred to the IEPF Authority in the month of   or Statutory Authority, restraining any transfer of the   Book Closure Date  :  Thursday, June 15, 2023 to Monday, June 26, 2023, (both days inclusive for the
 September 2022.  shares.  Accordingly,  the  Company  has  transferred   purpose of AGM and Dividend)
 85,392 Ordinary Shares of face value ` 10 per share   Dividend payment date  :  On or after Friday, June 30, 2023, if declared by the Members at the AGM
         Members are requested to note the following   to the demat account of the IEPF Authority during   Last date for receipt of Proxy Forms  :  In terms of the relaxations granted by MCA, the facility for appointment of proxies
 due date(s) for claiming the unpaid or unclaimed   FY 2022-23.  by Members will not be available at the ensuing e-AGM
 dividend declared by the Company for FY 2015-16
 and thereafter –          The Company had sent individual notice to all the   Listing on Stock Exchanges  :  The Company’s Ordinary Shares are listed on the following Stock Exchanges:
 Members whose shares were due to be transferred to   (1)  BSE Limited
 Financial    Date   Dividend   Last date for   the IEPF Authority and had also published newspaper
 Year  of Declaration  per share   claiming unpaid   advertisements in this regard.     Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street, Mumbai - 400 001
 (`)  dividend(s)                                  (2)  The National Stock Exchange of India Limited
 2015-16  August 11, 2016  10  September 10, 2023          The details of such shares transferred to IEPF are      Exchange Plaza, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051
 2016-17  August 9, 2017  11  September 8, 2024  uploaded on the website of the Company at https://  The Company has paid the listing fees to these Stock Exchanges for FY 2022-23
 2017-18  July 25, 2018  22  August 24, 2025  and  FY 2023-24
 2018-19  July 8, 2019  12.50  August 7, 2026
 2019-20  July 7, 2020  11  August 6, 2027  (iii)  Claim from IEPF Authority  Stock Code  :  BSE Limited : 500770
 2020-21  July 2, 2021  10  August 1, 2028          The Members/Claimants, whose unclaimed dividends/  The National Stock Exchange of India Limited : TATACHEM
 2021-22  July 6, 2022  12.50  August 5, 2029  shares have been transferred to IEPF, may contact the   International Securities Identification  :  INE092A01019 (Ordinary Shares)
 Company or TSR and submit the required documents   Number (ISIN) in NSDL and CDSL
         Members who have not encashed the dividend   for issue of Entitlement Letter.  The Members/
 warrants so far in respect of the aforesaid period(s)   Claimants can attach the Entitlement Letter and other      Market Price Data
 are requested to make their claim to TSR Consultants   documents mentioned thereon and file the IEPF-5
 Private Limited, RTA well in advance of the above   form for claiming the dividend/shares available on       Market price data - monthly high/low, number of shares traded and number of trades of BSE/NSE depicting liquidity of the
 due dates. Link to e-Form IEPF-5 is also   Company’s Ordinary Shares on the said exchanges is given hereunder:
 available on the website of the Company at https://  Month  BSE                        NSE
         As per the Investor Education and Protection Fund UnclaimedDividends.htm.
 Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund)   No claims shall lie against the Company in respect of   High Price (`) Low Price (`) No. of Shares No. of Trades High Price (`) Low Price (`) No. of Shares No. of Trades
 Rules, 2016, as amended (‘IEPF Rules’), the Company   the dividends/shares so transferred.   Apr-22  1,021.45  930.80   11,81,309    57,586   1,021.80  930.50   1,73,45,420    4,83,074
 has uploaded the information in respect of the   May-22  1,069.65  890.65   28,18,836    94,817   1,069.95  888.95   4,65,68,526    11,01,548
 unclaimed dividends as on the date of the previous   Jun-22  958.50  781.10   12,03,526    64,714   958.60  781.05   2,27,85,545    6,43,881
 AGM i.e. July 6, 2022 (83  AGM) on the website of the   Jul-22  913.10  773.90   9,19,494    51,264   913.00  773.35   1,83,45,001    5,07,446
 IEPF viz. and on the website of the
 Company at  Aug-22  1,182.40  910.20   36,90,431    1,70,811   1,182.20  910.00   6,66,10,598    14,69,412
 Investors/unclaimed-dividends.html.  Sep-22  1,194.00  1,032.00   26,71,358    1,26,680   1,194.00  1,031.65   4,73,10,936    12,35,330
                 Oct-22        1,214.65  1,083.00   31,84,825    1,17,982   1,214.90  1,082.40   4,49,62,355    11,92,741
                 Nov-22        1,157.45    997.70   11,59,497    68,078   1,158.00  997.00   2,09,50,971    7,01,128
                 Dec-22        1,070.60    877.90   16,92,073    1,22,408   1,071.45  876.80   2,18,88,732    7,75,229
                 Jan-23        1,000.50    926.25   7,22,081    51,155   1,000.50   925.85   1,34,30,245    5,76,075
                 Feb-23        1,041.30    912.25   11,72,747    75,841   1,041.25  912.00   2,20,11,385    8,32,245
                 Mar-23        1,016.70    943.75   6,55,710    57,169   1,016.00   934.25   1,23,05,372    5,42,552
                [Source: This information is compiled from the data available on the websites of BSE and NSE]

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