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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                      Corporate Governance Report

 CSR Committee, was present during the last e-AGM held on    Mr. Zarir Langrana  ED  3  3  consolidated income or net worth respectively, of the listed   subsidiaries are placed before the Board of the Company
 July 6, 2022.  entity and its subsidiaries in the immediately preceding   for its review on a quarterly basis and a statement of
 ID - Independent Director; NED - Non-Executive Director; MD & CEO -   accounting year.  all significant transactions and arrangements entered
 8.   Safety, Health, Environment and   Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer; ED - Executive Director  into by the unlisted subsidiary companies are also
 Sustainability Committee      The Chairman of the SHES Committee briefs the Board at       Accordingly,   Independent   Directors   of   the   Company   placed before the Board. Pursuant to the explanation
 each Board Meeting about the significant discussions at
     The Safety, Health, Environment and Sustainability (‘SHES’)   the SHES Committee Meetings.  have been appointed on the Board of unlisted material   under Regulation 16(1)(c) of the SEBI Listing Regulations,
 Committee is entrusted with the specific responsibility of   subsidiaries.  For effective governance, the Independent   the Company has revised its Policy for determining
 reviewing and monitoring the health, environment and       The CFO, Head of CSR and Head of Sustainability also   Directors appointed in such subsidiaries brief the Board of   material subsidiaries which is disclosed on the
 safety framework and sustainable development. The overall   attended the Meetings of the SHES Committee. The Chief   Directors of the Company at each Board Meeting on any   Company’s website at
 roadmap as well as specific issues of concern including   General  Counsel  &  Company  Secretary  also  attended   significant issues of these unlisted material subsidiaries.  policy-on-determining-material-subsidiaries.pdf. The
 those related to safety and climate change is reviewed   the Meetings.  other requirements of Regulation 24 of the SEBI Listing
 in detail.      The subsidiaries of the Company function independently   Regulations with regard to Corporate Governance
 9.  Scientific Advisory Board  with adequately empowered Board of Directors and   requirements for subsidiary companies have also been
    Terms of Reference      The Board of Directors has constituted a Scientific Advisory   adequate resources. The minutes of the Board Meetings of   complied with.
     The terms of reference of the SHES Committee, inter alia,   Board with the objective of synergising the Research
 are as under:  &  Development  (‘R&D’)  initiatives  at  the Company’s   11.  General Body Meetings
 Innovation Centre and R&D Centres (for crop care and seeds       Annual General Meetings held and Special Resolution(s) passed:
    •    Review and monitor the sustainability, environmental,
 safety and health policies and activities across the   division) of Rallis India Limited, subsidiary of the Company.
 Company to ensure compliance with appropriate laws   The Scientific Advisory Board is instrumental in providing   Year  Day, Date and Time  Venue  Special Resolution(s)
 and legislation;  guidance and direction to R&D Centres and report progress   2021-22  Wednesday, July 6, 2022    VC/OAVM  Change in place of keeping Registers
 to the Board.
    •    Encourage, assist, support and counsel management   at 3:00 p.m.  Deemed Venue: Bombay House, 24 Homi   and Records
 in  developing  short and long-term  policies  and       The Scientific Advisory Board consists of senior employees   Mody Street, Fort, Mumbai – 400 001
 standards to ensure that the principles set out in   of the Company and Rallis India Limited with background   2020-21  Friday, July 2, 2021   VC/OAVM  There was no matter that required passing
 the sustainability, safety, health and environmental   in R&D, Science and Technology and is chaired by Dr. C. V.   at 3:00 p.m.  Deemed Venue: Bombay House, 24 Homi  of Special Resolution
 policies are being adhered to and achieved; and  Natraj, Independent Director of the Company.  Mody Street, Fort, Mumbai – 400 001
    •    Investigate or cause to be investigated any       The terms of reference of the Scientific Advisory Board,   2019-20  Tuesday, July 7, 2020   VC/OAVM  There was no matter that required passing
 extraordinary negative sustainability, environment,   inter alia, are alignment of the R&D Centres’ priorities to   at 3:00 p.m.  Deemed Venue: Bombay House, 24 Homi   of Special Resolution
 health and safety performance or issues of asset   the  business  priorities;  recommending  the  right  skills   Mody Street, Fort, Mumbai – 400 001
 integrity which can impact safety, health, environment   and competencies necessary for the teams; ensuring that
 and sustainability where appropriate.  the right R&D metrics are derived from business targets;      All resolutions moved at the last AGM were passed by the requisite majority of Members.
 maintaining a balance between short-term and long-term      No Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members was held during the year.
    Meetings Held  projects; ensuring open innovation to support internal R&D
 activities; and give directions for ensuring the right balance      Postal Ballot
     During FY 2022-23, three (3) Meetings were held on the   between inputs and outputs for the centres. An update on
 following dates:      During the under review, the Company sought approval of the shareholders by way of postal ballot, through Notice dated
 the working of the Scientific Advisory Board is given to the   February 1, 2023, on the following Special and Ordinary Resolution:
    •  June 22, 2022         •  December 1, 2022  Board of Directors on a quarterly basis.
    •  March 3, 2023  10.  Subsidiary Companies  Sr. No.  Type of Resolution(s)  Description of Resolution(s)
                 1.      Special Resolution         Re-appointment of Ms. Padmini Khare Kaicker (DIN: 00296388) as an
     The necessary quorum was present for all the Meetings of       The Company has six material subsidiaries as per   Independent Director of the Company
 the Committee.  Regulation 16 of the SEBI Listing Regulation namely Tata
 Chemicals International Pte. Limited, Gusiute Holdings   2.  Ordinary Resolution   Re-appointment of Mr. Zarir N. Langrana (DIN: 06362438) as an Executive
    Composition and Attendance  (UK) Limited, Valley Holdings Inc., Tata Chemicals North   Director of the Company 
 Name of the Member  Category  No. of   No.   America Inc.,Tata Chemicals (Soda Ash) Partners and Rallis       The Board of Directors had appointed Mr. P. N. Parikh (Membership No.: FCS 327, CP No. 1228) or failing him, Ms. Jigyasa N. Ved
 Meetings held  of Meetings   India Limited.   (Membership No.: FCS 6488, CP No. 6018) or failing her, Mr. Mitesh Dhabliwala (Membership No.: FCS 8331, CP No. 9511) of
 attended      In addition to the above, Regulation 24 of the SEBI Listing   M/s. Parikh & Associates, Practising Company Secretaries, as the Scrutiniser to scrutinise the remote e-voting process in a fair
 Mr. Rajiv Dube   ID  3  3  Regulations requires that at least one Independent Director   and transparent manner.
 Mr. S. Padmanabhan  NED  3  3  on the Board of Directors of the listed entity shall be a       The remote e-voting period commenced on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. (IST) and ended on Thursday, March
 Director on the Board of Directors of an unlisted material
 Dr. C. V. Natraj   ID  3  3  subsidiary, whether incorporated in India or not. For the   23, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. (IST). The consolidated report on the result of the postal ballot through remote e-voting for approving
 Mr. R. Mukundan  MD & CEO  3  3  aforementioned resolutions was provided by the Scrutiniser on Thursday, March 23, 2023.
 purpose of this provision, material subsidiary means a
 subsidiary, whose income or net worth exceeds 20% of the

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