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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23                01-83                   84-192                  193-365
                                                                                                                                     Integrated Report       Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                                                                                                                                             Corporate Governance Report

                 Name, designation and address of the Compliance      Terms of Reference                                               Composition and Attendance                             implementation and monitoring of CSR activities as
               Officer                                            The terms of reference of the RMC, inter alia, are as under:          Name of the Member  Category  No. of   No.            specified under Schedule VII to the Act;
               Mr. Rajiv Chandan                                 •    To formulate a detailed risk management policy which                                      Meetings held  of Meetings      •    Recommend the amount to be spent on CSR activities
               Chief General Counsel & Company Secretary             shall include:                                                                                        attended           and review reports on performance of CSR;
               Tata Chemicals Limited                                i.    A framework for identification of internal                   Mr. K. B. S. Anand   ID     4         4
                Bombay House, 24 Homi Mody Street, Fort,                 and external risks specifically faced by the                   (Chairman)                                        •    Review and monitor the Company’s CSR policy and
               Mumbai - 400 001                                          listed entity, in particular including financial,              Mr. S. Padmanabhan  NED     4         4               activities of the Company on behalf of the Board
               Tel. No.: +91 22 6665 8282                                operational, sectoral, sustainability (particularly            Ms. Padmini Khare   ID      4         3               to ensure that the Company is in compliance with
               Email:                                                                                                                                             appropriate laws and legislations;
                                                                         ESG related risks) information, cyber security                 Mr. R. Mukundan  MD & CEO   4         4
                                                                         risks or any other risk as may be determined by                Mr. Zarir Langrana  ED      4         4
                The Company has taken various investor-friendly          the Committee;                                                 Mr. Nandakumar    CFO       4         4           •    Provide guidance to Management to evaluate long
               activities like encouraging investors to register their                                                                  S. Tirumalai                                          term strategic proposals (including technologies
               email ids, facility for registration of email ids for the         ii.    Measures for  risk  mitigation  including        ID - Independent Director; NED - Non-Executive Director; MD & CEO -   adopted) with respect to CSR implications;
               limited purpose of receiving Annual Report and e-voting   systems and processes for internal control of                 Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer; ED - Executive Director;
               credentials for the e-AGM, activities and initiatives during   identified risks;                                        CFO - Chief Financial Officer                      •    Formulate and recommend to the Board (including
               the e-AGM and preparation of the Digital Annual Report         iii.   Business continuity plan                           The Chairman of the RMC briefs the Board at its       any revisions thereto), an annual action plan in
               for FY 2021-22 to enable a live feel of the Annual Report.                                                              Meetings about the significant discussions at each of   pursuance of the CSR policy and have an oversight
               Encouraging the corporate shareholders for converting      •    To keep the Board of Directors informed about           the RMC Meetings. The Company has a well-defined risk   over its implementation; and
               their holdings in dematerialised form, communication   the nature and content of its discussions,                       management framework in place. The risk management      •    Review the impact assessment carried out for the
               to shareholders for updating their bank account details   recommendations and actions to be taken;                      framework adopted by the Company is discussed in detail   projects of the Company as per the requirements of
               and other details for payment of dividend and tax      •    Review  the  Company’s  risk  governance  structure,        in the Management Discussion & Analysis which forms part   the law.
               deducted at source related activity and communication   risk assessment and risk management practices                   of this Integrated Annual Report.
               of quarterly financial results to the shareholders via   and guidelines,  policies and  procedures  for  risk                                                              Meetings Held
               email are some of the other investor-friendly initiatives   assessment and risk management;                         7.  Corporate Social Responsibility Committee           During FY 2022-23, three (3) Meetings of the CSR Committee
               undertaken by the Company.                                                                                               The Corporate Social Responsibility (‘CSR’) Committee of
                                                                 •    Review and approve the Enterprise Risk Management                                                                   were held on the following dates:
                Pursuant to the SEBI Circular dated March 16, 2023 issued   (ERM) framework;                                           the Board is constituted in accordance with the provisions      •  June 21, 2022         •  December 1, 2022
               for common and simplified norms for processing investor’s                                                               of Section 135 of the Act. The CSR Committee has been
               service request and norms for furnishing PAN, KYC details      •    Review the Company’s risk appetite and strategy     entrusted with the specific responsibility of reviewing      •  March 3, 2023
               and Nomination details, individual letters are being sent to   relating to key risks, including market risk, cyber      corporate social responsibility programmes. The scope of       The necessary quorum was present for all the Meetings of
               shareholders holding shares in physical form for furnishing   security risk, product risk and reputational risk as      the CSR Committee also includes approving the budget of   the Committee.
               the KYC details to comply with the KYC requirements.  well as the guidelines, policies and processes for                CSR activities, reviewing the CSR programmes, formulation
                                                                     monitoring and mitigating such risks;                             of annual action plan and monitoring the CSR spends.
                The Chairperson of the SRC briefs the Board at its Meetings                                                                                                               Composition and Attendance
               about the significant discussions at each of the SRC      •    Review and analyse risk exposure related to specific       The CSR Policy is displayed on the website of the Company   Name of the Member  Category  No. of   No.
               Meetings. Ms. Vibha Paul Rishi, Chairperson of the SRC, was   issues and provide oversight of risk across organisation;  at                       Meetings held  of Meetings
               present during the last e-AGM held on July 6, 2022.     •    Nurture a healthy and independent risk management           The annual report on CSR activities undertaken by the                                 attended
                                                                     function in the Company; and                                      Company during the year under review, along with the   Mr. S. Padmanabhan   NED  3       3
           6.  Risk Management Committee                                                                                               amount spent forms part of the Board’s Report as an   (Chairman)
                                                                 •    Review the appointment, removal and terms of
                In terms of Regulation 21 of the SEBI Listing Regulations,                                                             Annexure. All details related to CSR initiatives of the   Dr. C. V. Natraj   ID  3       3
               constitution of a Risk Management Committee (‘RMC’) was   remuneration of the Chief Risk Officer (if any).              Company are displayed on the Company’s website at   Mr. R. Mukundan   MD & CEO  3        3
               mandatory for the Company w.e.f. April 1, 2019. However,      Meetings Held                                          ID - Independent Director; NED - Non-Executive Director; MD & CEO -
               the Company had voluntarily constituted a RMC in February                                                               resources.                                         Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer;
               2015. The primary role of the RMC is that of assisting       During FY 2022-23, four (4) Meetings were held on the
               the Board of Directors in overseeing the Company’s risk     following dates:                                            Terms of Reference                                  Head of CSR was an invitee to the Meetings of the CSR
               management processes and controls. The RMC, through      •  June 22, 2022         •  August 29, 2022                     The terms of reference of the CSR Committee, inter alia, are   Committee.  The Chief General Counsel & Company
               the Enterprise Risk Management in the Company, seeks to                                                                 as under:                                          Secretary also attended the Meetings.
               minimise adverse impact on the business objectives and      •  December 2, 2022       •  March 10, 2023                 •    Formulate and recommend to the Board the CSR       The Chairman of the CSR Committee briefs the Board at
               enhance stakeholder value. The Company has appointed a                                                                      policy containing guiding principles for selection,   its Meetings about the significant discussions at each of
               Chief Risk Officer to oversee the Risk Management function       The gap between two Meetings did not exceed 180 days.                                                     the CSR Meetings. Mr. S. Padmanabhan, Chairman of the
               of the Company.                                   The necessary quorum was present for all the Meetings of
                                                                 the Committee.

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