Page 157 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2021-22
P. 157

                                      Business Responsibility
                                      & Sustainability Report
                (c)  Hazardous waste
                      Not applicable as our products get consumed by other industries who then produce the finished products for the end user.
                (d)  Other waste
                    Not applicable
            4.    Whether Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is applicable to the entity’s activities (Yes / No). If yes, whether the waste
                collection plan is in line with the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) plan submitted to Pollution Control Boards? If
                not, provide steps taken to address the same.
                 The Company manufactures products which are intermediate products (input materials) for our customers who in turn finally produce
                the finished products. Therefore, these products packaging materials becomes pre-consumer plastic waste to our customers who
                recycle it through certified recyclers. Only Cement goes to the end user directly and for that EPR is applicable to us.
                 For the Cement plastic bags, the Company is recycling it through WMA (Waste Management Agencies) via certified recyclers as per
                waste collection plan submitted to Central Pollution Control Board (‘CPCB’).
            1.    Has the entity conducted Life Cycle Perspective / Assessment (LCA) for any of its products (for manufacturing industry) or
                for its services (for service industry)? If yes, provide details in the following format?
                                                  Boundary for which the  Whether conducted
                                         % of total                                      Results communicated
                   NIC   Name of Product /   Turnover   Life cycle Perspective   by independent   in public domain (Yes / No)
                  Code  Service                     / Assessment was   external agency
                                        contributed                                    If yes, provide the web link
                                                       conducted        (Yes / No)
                 107, 201 Soda ash, Salt and   93%    Gate to Gate        No             Results shared in CDP
                        other bulk chemicals                                             and CDP supply chain
            2.    If there are any significant social or environmental concerns and/or risks arising from production or disposal of your
                products / services, as identified in the Life Cycle Perspective / Assessments (LCA) or through any other means, briefly
                describe the same along-with action taken to mitigate the same.
                 There are no significant social / environmental concerns and / or risks arising from production. The Company recycles all its plastic
                waste through authorised vendors and addresses post-consumer waste through EPR management. The Company is recycling /
                using internally / externally other plant waste to produce value-added products like cement, ingredients for the paint industry,
                bricks, etc.

            3.    Recycled or reused input material to total material (by value) used in production (for manufacturing industry) or providing
                services (for service industry).
                                                                      Recycled or reuse input material to total material
                 Indicate input material
                                                                          FY 2021-22           FY 2020-21
                 Limestone recycled (in MT)                                 5,70,561             4,66,524

            4.    Of the products and packaging reclaimed at end of life of products, amount (in metric tonnes) reused, recycled, and safely
                disposed, as per the following format.
                                                    FY 2021-22                         FY 2020-21
                                                                  Safely                             Safely
                                         Re-used     Recycled                Re-used    Recycled
                                                                Disposed                           Disposed
                 Plastics (including packaging)
                 Hazardous waste            Nil        Nil         Nil         Nil        Nil         Nil
                 Other waste

            5.   Reclaimed products and their packaging materials (as percentage of products sold) for each product category.
                 Damaged material comes to the depots and disposed-off as is where is basis through contracting process. The quantum of such
                material is almost negligible (0.03%)

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