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Integrated Annual Report 2021-22

           This section is aimed at helping businesses demonstrate the structures, policies and processes put in place towards adopting the NGRBC
           Principles and Core Elements.
           The National Guidelines on Responsible Business Conduct (NGRBC) released by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs has updated and adopted
           nine areas of Business Responsibility. These are briefly as under:

           P1  Businesses should conduct and govern themselves with integrity and in a manner that is ethical, transparent and accountable
           P2  Businesses should provide goods and services in a manner that is sustainable and safe
           P3  Businesses should respect and promote the well-being of all employees, including those in their value chains
           P4  Businesses should respect the interests of and be responsive to all its stakeholders
           P5  Businesses should respect and promote human rights
           P6  Businesses should respect and make efforts to protect and restore the environment
           P7  Businesses, when engaging in influencing public and regulatory policy, should do so in a manner that is responsible and transparent
           P8  Businesses should promote inclusive growth and equitable development
           P9  Businesses should engage with and provide value to their consumers in a responsible manner

           Disclosure Questions                            P1    P2    P3   P4    P5    P6   P7    P8    P9
           Policy and Management processes
           1(a)  Whether your entity’s policy/policies cover each   Y  Y  Y  Y    Y     Y     Y     Y    Y
                principle and its core elements of the NGRBCs. (Yes/No)
            (b) Has the policy been approved by the Board? (Yes/No)   Y  Y  Y  Y  Y     Y     Y     Y    Y
            (c)  Web Link of the Policies, if available
            2.  Whether  the  entity  has  translated  the  policy  into   Y  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y   Y     Y    Y
                procedures. (Yes / No)
            3.  Do the enlisted policies  extend to your value chain   Y  Y  Y  Y  Y    Y     Y     Y    Y
                partners? (Yes/No)
            4.  Name of the national and international codes /   Y  Y  Y     Y    Y     Y     Y     Y    Y
                certifications / labels / standards (e.g. Forest Stewardship   (1,3)  (2,4)  (5)  (1,3)  (6,7)  (4)  (8)  (1,3)  (2)
                Council, Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, Trustee) standards
                (e.g. SA 8000, OHSAS, ISO, BIS) adopted by your entity
                and mapped to each principle. #
            5.  Specific commitments, goals and targets set by the   Y  Y  Y  Y   Y     Y     Y     Y    Y
                entity with defined timelines, if any.
            6.  Performance  of  the  entity  against  the  specific   Performance of each of the principles is reviewed periodically by
                commitments, goals and targets along-with reasons in   various Committees led by the Management and Board of Directors
                case the same are not met.
           # UN Global Compact Act (1), Responsible Care (2), GRI (3), ISO 14001 (4), OHSAS 18001 (5), SA8000 (6), UN Guiding principles on Business and Human Rights (7), Tata
           Code of Conduct conforms to NVG (8)

           7.    Statement by Director responsible for the business responsibility report, highlighting ESG related challenges, targets and
                The Company is committed to integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles into its businesses which is central
               to improving the quality of life of the communities it serves. It adheres to the principles of product stewardship by enhancing health,
               safety and environmental impacts of products and services across their lifecycles.
                The environmental impacts cover Climate, Resources (Energy & Water), Waste Management and Nature & Biodiversity. The Company
               has committed to reduce its carbon emission (scope 1 & 2) as per the Science Based Target Initiatives (‘SBTi’) guidelines. The Company
               has established policies for Climate Change, Safety, Health & Environment (‘SHE’) and Biodiversity.

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