Page 36 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2017-18
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Rallis puts technology
in the field
Rallis, the agri-solutions subsidiary of Tata Rallis along with Group Technology Rallis’ approach toward business is
Chemicals, is doing things differently. It and Innovation Office (GTIO) has also all-inclusive. Not only does it manufacture
is using technology to provide precision been piloting the use of drones for crop agricultural inputs but also provides support
agricultural solutions of the future. Artificial protection. Commercial drone with custom services. From the Company’s point of view,
Intelligence (AI), one of the industrial 4.0 modifications to enable them to carry heavy these technologies have leaped it further
technologies, is its primary comrade. payloads of pesticide spray solutions were in the race. The data at its disposal helps it
engineered. Several successful pilots have greatly in taking pertinent decisions around
Rallis is employing digital in agriculture been completed and the results being the operations strategy. If the conditions
extremely well. Project Dhristi is the state-of- utilised to further improve the overall are suitable for pest attacks, it can increase
the-art digital pest and disease-forecasting system. This initiative has immense potential the production level of pesticides, and if
system that uses advanced analytics and and is being seen as a value-added service the conditions are otherwise, it can move
Artificial Intelligence. The system uses for farmers in the future. the product to a different market. Based
historical, current and forecasted weather on conditions, it can make a decision to
data and high-resolution remote sensing Having access to data of this scale gives it mobilise or manufacture.
satellite-based spectral images. It identifies the ability to further advise farmers on their
the crop and crop stage; forecast the current agricultural inputs. Changes in nitrogen Rallis has embarked upon a digital and
and projected crop health, soil moisture, levels or carbon content within the soil are cultural transformation journey to give
nutrient index, plant stress and likely pest good examples. They are precisely identified its agro-business a boost and deliver its
and diseases. These valuable insights are and subsequent solutions are suggested to customer promise. It is in the early stages
then bundled along with Rallis Proprietary the farmers. Benefits range from reduction but the opportunities are endless.
Package of Practices (PoP) to provide a of excess fertiliser and pesticide usage to
Predictive agri-advisory to the farmer preventing yield losses thereby increasing it.
community. Personalised advisory, alerts, and assistance
can then be provided to the farmers.
34 Annual Report 2017-18