Page 65 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

 In a world-first initiative, we are purifying the carbon dioxide   strategy at our manufacturing facilities. Our waste management
 thus captured from energy generation emissions to food and   approach covers solid waste, effluents and by-products.
 pharmaceutical grade, for use as a raw material in the manufacture     Ÿ Rallis, the subsidiary of Tata Chemicals, is working towards making   Reducing hazardous waste
 of sodium bicarbonate. We aim to export the sodium bicarbonate,   its plant Zero Liquid Discharge  with solar dryer
 branded as EcoKarb®, to over 60 countries around the world. Much
 of the sodium bicarbonate exported will be used in haemodialysis to     Ÿ We are focussed on creation of water strategies and integrated   o reduce the quantity of hazardous waste generated from our effluent treatment plant at Mithapur, we have installed two solar
 treat people living with kidney disease.  watershed management  Tdryers for drying of wet hazardous waste. The benefit is significant – as against ~80-90% w/w initial moisture content of solid
   Ÿ Our efforts are also geared towards creating value from waste   waste, the moisture content of hazardous waste is down to less than 20% w/w.
 Charting the circular economy course  through effective waste management
 As part of our efforts to promote sustainable growth through circular   Benefit
 economy, we have adopted the 3R (Reuse, recycle and reduce) waste   The installation of the solar dryer resulted in reduction of hazardous waste generation from 480 MT to 199 MT in 11 months
                  of operation.

 Creating value-added
 product from solid waste
 ur journey of value creation through waste   study on the production of a precast admixture using the   Protecting and nurturing biodiversity
 Omanagement is a continuous one. Back in 1993, we   soda ash effluent process residue. The aim was to develop an
 installed a 1,000 TPD cement plant to consume solid waste   admixture that could give high early strength, reduce water   Tata Chemicals is committed to conserving and strengthening   Dry deciduous forest plot
 generated from chemical complexes, such as undersize   in concrete, and ensure improved workability. We conducted   biodiversity in and around the areas of its operations. Our   development project
 limestone from soda ash and fly ash from power plant.    an experiment with different proportions of effluent solids   initiatives include:
 Six years later, we expanded our cement plant capacity   and super plasticiser to analyse the effect on precast mould.    Ÿ Conservation and strengthening of coastal and marine   eeing an increase in the presence of birds of dry
 to 2,500 TPD to enable consumption of waste solid waste   ecosystems, and protection of selected endangered species  Sdeciduous forest habitat in Mithapur in Gujarat
 generated from soda ash. We have, through targeted   A series of lab and on-site trials, including at the vendor sites,   over the past few years, Tata Chemicals launched a dry
 initiatives, succeeded in using 100% of the solids generated   led to the production and commissioning of BUILTONIC     Ÿ Partnership and networking with government agencies and   deciduous forest development project in the region
 in cement manufacturing, green belt development and   2TPD (80% effluent solids + 20% super plasticiser).   institutes of excellence for conservation action  in August 2019. The project was aimed at attracting
 management of the Padali ponds.     Ÿ Promotion of stewardship among local coastal communities   birds preferring such habitats (like the Asian Paradise
 However, given the limitation in the use of solids in each   for conservation and environmental leadership  Flycatcher, the Magpie Robin and the Golden Oriole) and
 of these processes individually, we decided to undertake a     Ÿ Provision of platform for knowledge exchange and   encouraging them to stay and nest here.
               dissemination of best practices through our innovative   Under the project, plantation work has been completed
 Infographic indicates % change after use of admixture (1 kg added to 50 kg cement bag) with OPC 53  business responses  over 35 acres. Trees for plantation were selected based
                                                                     on a study of the dry deciduous forest species of Barda
 Water reduction %  Rapid setting IST %  Rapid setting FST %         Wildlife sanctuary and Gir forest (the two dry deciduous
 24.8  89.1  83.8    Mangrove                                        forests located near Mithapur). The bulk of the saplings
                                                                     planted in Mithapur have been developed at our in-house
                     restoration project
                                                                     nursery at the Okhamandal Seva Trust.
 Density improvement %  Compressive strength %  Properties  ata Chemicals has been working on mangrove   Our employees from across departments, along with
 7.6  45.5  Builtonic  Tecosystem restoration through Tata Chemicals Society   their family members, have been contributing to the
                                                                     project in multiple ways, such as site clearance and
                 for Rural Development (TCSRD) at Mithapur (Gujarat),
                 Sundarbans (West Bengal) and Cuddalore (Tamil Nadu).   land development work, nursery activities for raising
                 During FY 2022-23, a total of 2,17,500 mangroves were   indigenous flora saplings, plantation at site, irrigation and
                 planted - 2,04,000 in Sundarbans and 13,500 in Cuddalore.   maintenance, etc. The project has so far generated over
                                                                     3,000 voluntary hours.
                 The importance of mangrove ecosystems lies in the
                 benefits and services they offer. These include providing
                 habitats for a wide range of species, and as a source
                 of food, medicines, and forestry products. Mangroves
                 functions also indirectly support economic activity, such
                 as through nutrient recycling, water purification and
                 flood control.
                 Tata Chemicals' conservation projects approach is linked
                 to the creation of livelihood opportunities for local
 Picture Credit: Chirag R. Parmar

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