Page 68 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23                01-83                   84-192                  193-365
                                                                                                                                     Integrated Report       Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

           Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate*           Loss Time Injury Frequency Rate*                                      Committed to a safer future
           (No. of TRI / million man-hours worked)           (1-day away from work)
                                                                                                                                   Our steadfast commitment to ensuring a ‘Zero Harm’ safety   3-tier leadership
                                                                                                                                   culture in the organisation is reflected in our plans and   sensitisation programme to
           FY 2020-21                                         FY 2020-21                                                                                                                       boost safety excellence
                                               1.46                                               1.08                             programmes for the coming years. Some of the future initiatives
                                                                                                                                   in this area include:
           FY 2021-22                                         FY 2021-22                                                                                                                      uring FY 2022-23, we initiated a Leadership
                                              1.43                                        0.85                                        Ÿ Sustaining the ongoing safety improvement programmes   DSensitisation programme to reiterate our
                                                                                                                                                                                           commitment towards safety excellence. Launched in
           FY 2022-23                                         FY 2022-23                                                              Ÿ Implementation of PSRM at all locations            collaboration with group companies and an external
                                           1.28                                        0.74                                           Ÿ Enhanced focus on lead indicators through PSI for measurable   consultant, the programme is aimed at enhancing the
           *Includes all subsidiaries                                                                                                systematic improvements in health and safety          Felt Leadership Skills of the participants. The goal is to
                                                                                                                                      Ÿ Strengthening of training modules for key trades associated   accelerate the leadership’s efforts towards fostering a
                                                                                                                                     with high-risk activities                             positive safety culture in their respective areas.
           How we strengthened our health and safety framework in FY 2022-23
                                                                                                                                      Ÿ Enhancing the scope of digitalisation, IoT and artificial   Through this concept, leaders emphasise on the
                                                                                                                                     intelligence for better safety management             importance of a demanding, uncompromising, and
                                                                                                                                                                                           ever-improving safety culture. They further establish
                                                                                                                                                                                           expectations that are clearly and universally understood,
                                                                                                                                        Enhancing process safety and                       accepted and practised. The premise of this approach
           Progressive Safety Index (PSI)                     Focus on employee engagement                                              risk management                                    is based on the belief that empowering and engaging
             Ÿ Renewed focus on health and safety performance, with     Ÿ Training undertaken with focus on interventions to                                                               employees help improve the Company’s HSE
             emphasis on identified lead indicators for consistent   improve safety, behaviour, competency, etc.                     Cognisant of the criticality of process safety to     performance in all areas.
             safety improvement                                 Ÿ Cross Functional Teams (CFTs) in place for deploying               operational safety, we have adopted the same as a tool    Tata Group Level Safety Workshop - September 2022
             Ÿ PSI consists of lead indicators related to Leadership   safety initiatives                                            to strengthen our SHE system. We are working on          Ÿ Target Audience – CEO, COO and Functional Chiefs
                                                                                                                                     integrating the requirements of a Risk Based Process
             Engagement, Workplace Safety Sustenance, Employee     Ÿ Joint management-workmen committees at sites to                 Safety Management framework, conforming to the           Ÿ Facilitator – Dupont Safety Solutions
             Engagement and Safety Competence, Behaviour Safety,   focus on OHS areas, with active participation of senior           requirements OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health
             Safety Review                                      management and workers                                               Administration, USA) and best practices, including the     Ÿ Location – Mumbai
                                                                Ÿ Cross-site learning from Community of Practices                    Centre for Chemical Process Safety, CCPS, USA.
             Ÿ Implemented the Progressive Safety Index                                                                                                                                    Regional Safety Workshop - January 2023
             Ÿ Exceeded the target of 75% for the enterprise    Ÿ Process Safety and Risk Management (PSRM) at Indian                                                                         Ÿ Target Audience – Site Executives
                                                                operations (Mithapur & Rallis)                                       We have also consciously adopted a risk-based approach
                                                                Ÿ Internal benchmarking of EHS practices at Indian                   in the areas of handling hazardous chemicals. Mithapur     Ÿ Facilitator – Dupont Safety Solutions
                                                                operations                                                           is moving towards Phase IV of this journey. The          Ÿ Location – Mumbai
                                                                                                                                     implementation efficacy is reviewed through annual
            Safety Management System, Asset Integrity,          Ÿ 7 Near-misses reported per employee                                audits and scoring as per API standard rankings in the   Site Felt Leadership Workshop - February 2023
            Risk Assessment, Audit and Inspection               Ÿ 13 Safety Green Area Projects                                      range of 1 to 4. Since inception of PSRM implementation     Ÿ Target Audience – Department Heads /
                                                                Ÿ 9 'My Safety Hour' sessions                                        at Mithapur, the audit score has improved to 154% over   Area in-charges
             Ÿ Long-term asset management plan and structural safety                                                                 the baseline score.
             in place                                           Ÿ Trade Validation Programme                                                                                                  Ÿ Facilitator – Corporate HSE
             Ÿ Internal / external audits, inspections, surprise checks     Ÿ Felt Leadership Programme                                                                                       Ÿ Location – Mithapur
             and engagement with experts to identify improvement     Ÿ 7 Sites adopting PSRM
             areas to ensure effective implementation of safety     Ÿ 1-month Safety induction for executives
             systems                                            Ÿ Community of Practices
             Ÿ Gap analysis and implementation of new safety     Ÿ 104 Practices benchmarked
             processes and checklists through internal
             benchmarking, in line with the Tata Health & Safety
             Management System & ISO 45001
             Ÿ Business assurance audit for high-risk areas
                                                              Digitisation and data analytics
             Ÿ 94% Closure of audit action points
             Ÿ 77% Completion of risk mitigation plan           Ÿ Implementation of safety analytics for global operations
                                                                Ÿ 2,421 Active MDO users
              Initiatives   Impact
                                                                                                                                   Fire Drill in collaboration with local fire officials

           66                                                                                                                                                                                                                      67
   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73