Page 67 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 67

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

 Ensuring a Safe and Healthy Work Environment  Our integrated SHE policy  Striving for  ‘Zero Harm’
            We have in place a well-articulated   Safety is part of the value system at Tata Chemicals. Our emphasis on creating a culture
            and integrated Safety, Health and   of safety is underlined by our unwavering commitment to the continual improvement
 At Tata Chemicals, we have ingrained health and safety as an ethos across our business systems and processes. We believe   Environment (SHE) policy.   of the organisation’s safety performance. We are focussed on engaging world-class
 all accidents are preventable, and the safety and well-being of our people is vital for sustained and sustainable business     Ÿ Our SHE policy clearly lays out the   health, safety and environment (HSE) practices with the aim of ensuring “Zero Harm” in
 growth. Led by our focus on nurturing a Zero Harm workplace environment, we have committed ourselves to the creation of   course of action we have chosen to   the organisation.
 organisation-wide culture of safety.
               influence workplace decision-making
 We have aligned our health   Our safety culture proposition    Ÿ It guides our actions related to
 and safety focus to the Tata   safety, health and environment.
 Code of Conduct, which   These include activities across all
 serves as the foundation for   manufacturing locations, mines,   Zero Harm   Zero Harm   Zero Harm to
 maintaining high ethical and   offices, research laboratories, as well   to People  to Assets  Environment
 safety standards that are   Making safety and health an integral   Creating a workplace where everyone   as our supply chain partners
 vital to the well-being of our   part of the organisational strategy and   understands the essence and demonstrates
 employees and the success of   business operations.  the key principles of safe working.
 the Company.
                                                 We have concertedly adopted a focussed strategy for health and safety
 SDGs impacted                                   management to drive our ‘Zero Harm’ commitment. In pursuit of this
                                                 objective, we are continually working on building safety leadership
                                                 capability at all levels.
 Deploying systematic processes and   Ensuring the safety of processes, and well
 trained personnel, backed by adoption of   tested mitigation system deliver superior
 global best practices and use of best in   business results.  Safety is an inherent facet of all   Assessing and managing safety risks effectively
 class technologies.
               stages of the project life cycle,
               and is ensured through the     At Tata Chemicals, we acknowledge the importance of effective risk management.
               implementation of systematic   We use our regular assessment process to identify and mitigate safety risks that can
               processes. Execution is ensured   affect our employees, processes, and operations. Our comprehensive assessment
               through trained competent      process enables us to make informed decisions that will help protect our people and
               personnel, adequate monitoring   our business. With this proactive approach, we ensure that our team is always safe and
               and close supervision.         prepared for any potential risks.

            Structured incident reporting, investigation and learning

            At Tata Chemicals, incident reporting and investigation is a clearly defined process, aligned to the Tata Group Guidelines
            for Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illnesses.
               The objective of every investigation   Our standard procedure covers the   Employees identify unsafe conditions
               is to ensure that all critical factors   methodology for the constitution   and report them on our e-enabled
               involved in an incident are determined   of the investigation team and the   portal – MDO, which is regularly
               through scientific investigation and   process required to reach high   tracked to ensure risk control. We
               analysis. It is further aimed at ensuring   degree of accuracy and consistency   carry out internal / external audits,
               that the key factors are identified to   in findings. It also covers the   inspections and surprise checks. We
               derive the corrective and preventive   methodology of implementation of   also engage experts to identify gaps
               steps which will eliminate recurrence.  the corrective and preventive steps,   and improvement areas and to ensure
                                                 and adequate dissemination of the   effective implementation of the safety
                                                 learnings garnered from the incident   systems that are in place.
                                                 to all entities to avoid occurrence of
                                                 such incidents at other site.
 Corporate Safety Team Meeting
 with Contractors

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