Page 60 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23                01-83                   84-192                  193-365
                                                                                                                                     Integrated Report       Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

           Towards a Sustainable Future

           Environment sustainability is a key metric of Tata Chemicals' ESG journey. We humbly acknowledge the impact of our actions on   On the path of decarbonisation
           environment and life on earth, and are committed to creating a more sustainable and equitable future for all. We are investing   Cognisant of the impact of climate change and the importance of reducing our carbon footprint, we have committed ourselves
           continuously in chemistries that drive sustainable growth for the company, and long-term value creation for our stakeholders.  to minimising our greenhouse gas emissions. In line with our commitment, we have initiated various projects, with several more
           Our environment commitments are inspired by Tata Group’s sustainability ambition, as articulated in its Project Aalingana. They   in the pipeline.
           cover the critical areas of Climate, Resources (Energy, Water & Material), Waste Management, as well as Nature and Biodiversity.

           SDGs impacted

                                                                                                                                           Shift to low emission fuels                                Energy efficiency
                                                                                                                                          Shift from conventional fuels such                          Energy-saving measures such
                                                                                                                                          as coal to low emission fuels such                          as optimisation of process,
                                                                                                                                            as LNG, Biomass and Hydrogen                              upgradation of equipment and
                                                                                                                                                                            Here is an overview of    technology
                                                                                                                                                                           our efforts to reduce our
                                    Climate Change Actions   Circular Economy          Nature & Biodiversity                                                              carbon footprint and our
                                                                                                                                                                            progress in key areas.
                                    GHG Emissions, NOx & SOx  Water, Solid Waste,      Plantation, Species, Resource                              Renewable energy                                    Carbon capture
                                                             Renewable Energy          Conservation                                          Utilisation of Solar, Wind and                           Amine-based carbon capture to
                                                                                                                                                        Hybrid Energy                                 utilise for chemical manufacturing
                                       Ÿ Reduce carbon emission to     Ÿ Become water positive by     Ÿ Zero Harm
                                      achieve neutrality by 2045  2030 and Zero Waste to     Ÿ Net zero impact on
           Commitment                  Ÿ NOx, SOx and SPM well   Landfill by 2030        Biodiversity
                                      below regulatory limits    Ÿ Double the share of     Ÿ Coastal & marine
                                                                renewable power by 2025  ecosystem restoration
                                       Ÿ UK’s first Carbon      Ÿ 100% Fly Ash consumption    Ÿ Reduce negative impact
                                      Capture Unit              Ÿ Recycling solid waste >   on biodiversity
           Key Projects &              Ÿ Salt works consuming   5 Lakh MT                Ÿ Conserving life below
           Achievements               solar energy              Ÿ Resource efficiencies  water; saved > 450 sharks
                                       Ÿ Increasing use of      Ÿ Green chemistries,     Ÿ Coral reef restoration
                                      biomass for heating       fermentation technologies    Ÿ Mangrove and tree
                                       Ÿ Increasing mix of      Ÿ Committed to Extended   plantations
                                      renewable power           Producer Responsibilities     Ÿ Water harvesting projects
                                       Ÿ Energy efficiencies    (EPR) on plastic waste     Ÿ Action plans for net
                                      across all manufacturing   management              positive impact by 2024
                                      facilities                Ÿ IIoT applications for     Ÿ Invest in Nature Based
                                                                process efficiencies and   Solution projects in India
                                                                high productivity        by 2025
                                                                Ÿ Renewable energy
                                                                Ÿ More than double the
                                                                content of renewable
                                                                energy by 2025
                                                                Ÿ Replenish freshwater used
                                                                (in India) by 2030
                                                                Ÿ Zero waste-to-landfill
                                                                by 2030
                                                                Ÿ Replenish more freshwater
                                                                than consumed by 2040                                              Location: Lesser Flamingos at Mithapur Wetland Area
                                                                                                                                   Picture Credit: Chirag R. Parmar
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