Page 62 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23                01-83                   84-192                  193-365
                                                                                                                                     Integrated Report       Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
           Sustainability performance overview

           Sustainability area       Performance indicator                              FY 2022-23  FY 2021-22
                                     Scope 1 CO2 emissions (MT)                          4,423,569    4,417,797                             Transporting through container
                 Climate change                                                                                                             rakes to boost efficiency in India
                 performance         Scope 2 CO2 emissions (MT)                            92,811       85,124
                                     Scope 3 emissions (MT)                                152,794     144,366
                                                                                                                                           he launch of the container rake movement during FY 2020-21     Ÿ In the absence of container rakes, there would have been
                 Energy              Direct energy (TJ)                                    47,541       47,877                          Tenabled us to sustain our operations amid the COVID-19   increase in road movement by approximately 50,000 MT
                 performance         Indirect energy (TJ)                                     553        491                            pandemic. The transition was challenging, on account of the   as a result of the increased capacity
                                     Fresh water (kilolitres)                           34,305,876   32,053,227                         existing track line infrastructure and limited space for handling
                 Water management    Sea water (kilolitres)                             72,411,893   68,935,625                         operations at our premises. The need to unload and load 90   Benefits
                                                                                                                                        containers in limited time posed a huge challenge. Persuading
                                     Treated water discharged (kilolitres)              85,017,868   78,444,054                         the customers to adopt the new model was also not easy. It was     Ÿ The container rake option will prepare us to become future-
                                                                                                                                                                                         ready in terms of the supply chain with increase in capacity
                                     Hazardous waste (MT)                                  39,950       37,981                          only the assurance of enhanced speed, safety and hygiene that
                 Waste generated                                                                                                        helped us convince them.                         Ÿ We can keep material in proximity with our customer
                 and disposed        Non-hazardous waste (MT)                            1,011,417    1,047,599                                                                          locations and the market hubs, enabling reduction in delivery
                                     Solid waste utilisation - TCL India operation (MT)    580,601     570,561                          Two years on, the container rake movement model is   time with assurance of same-day or next-day delivery to our
                                     Limestone (MT)                                      21,19,558    2,095,401                         proving to be a success.                         valued customers
                 Raw material        Trona (MT)                                          4,564,411    5,293,597
                 consumption                                                                                                               Ÿ We have maintained CO  emission at 0.030 tonnes for     Ÿ The conversion of road movement into container rake
                                     Solar Salt (MT)                                     2,543,352    2,599,410                           transportation with year-on-year increase in volume by   movement has helped in reduction of carbon emission along
                                     Limestone recycled at India operations                525,006     570,561                            around 1 lakh tonnes                           with freight gain and optimisation of logistics cost
                                     Anthracite Breeze                                      6,646       5,886                              Ÿ We are now in the process of initiating and exploring trials
                 Recycled material    Coke Breeze                                           2,576       2,665                             of loose movement of Soda Ash through container rakes
                 consumed                                                                                                                 to some of our customers. This will help in reducing plastic
                                     Pallets, packaging, pallet covers                         7          11                              consumption by avoiding packing
                                     ESF Cake                                              42,003       36,712
                                     Deca                                                  234,416     221,623                          Share of Rail Transport of Finished Goods Despatch from Mithapur, Gujarat
                                     SOx (MT)                                               3,874       3,495                                                      No. of            By       By      CO    CO  Emission    Rail
                 Air emissions       NOx (MT)                                               5,450       4,345                            Year              Container Rakes  Container Rail   Rail  Tonnes  (Tonne CO )  Coefficient
                                     SPM (MT)                                               2,083       3,094
                                                                                                                                         2020-21                      34          86,017  12,26,778  61,971      0.030      87%
           FY2021-22 data revised with all subsidiaries including Rallis                                                                 2021-22                      59         1,42,036  12,62,996  65,026     0.029      88%
           For detailed information on sustainability performance, please refer to our website at
                                                                                                                                         2022-23                      85         2,09,932  13,00,553  70,196     0.029      85%
           Shifting to low emission fuels      Ÿ In India, we have successfully conducted
                                              trials for the use of biomass in our existing   Optimising
           Adoption of low emission fuels is   boilers. We are actively exploring ways
           critical to the achievement of our   to establish a reliable supply chain, and   process with VFD                            Augmenting the use of renewable energy
           decarbonisation goals.             ensure a consistent and resilient supply of   in Kenya                                    In line with our sustainability focus, we are committed to increasing
             Ÿ UK is leading our efforts of transitioning   biomass for our operations in India  rogressing on our                      the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind and
             to low emission fuels. We are                                         Psustainability drive, we have                       hybrid power, in our business operations. Our salt works produce
                                                                                   realised energy savings to the tune
             committed to replacing natural gas   Enhancing energy efficiencies    of around 1,33,590 Kwh through                       ~3 Mn MT of raw salt and other marine chemicals by using direct
             with blue / green hydrogen. We have   We have implemented energy efficiency   process optimisation in our Kenya            solar energy for evaporation. This helps prevent burning of 18
             signed an offtake agreement with   measures across our operations with the   operations. We installed two                  million tonnes of coal, leading to avoidance of ~33 Mn MT of CO   2
             Vertex Hydrogen for the supply of   aim to reduce our energy consumption and   Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs -           emissions every year. We also plan to install solar power plant in
             over 200 megawatts of low carbon   lower our carbon emissions. Since 2014,   of 30 Kw and 55 Kw motor ratings -            Kenya and hybrid capacity in India.
             hydrogen effective 2028        specific energy consumption of vacuum   at the fan drives there during
                                            salt (one of the key products in our India   FY 2021-22. The drives were put                Making strides in carbon capture
             Ÿ Our US operations consumed a mix of   unit), has decreased from 6.44 GJ / tonne   in for the calcination process,        In June 2022, we took a major step forward in our carbon
             coal and natural gas for thermal energy.   to 4.29 GJ / tonne. In 2023, we undertook a   enabling optimisation of speed and   capture journey with the official opening of UK’s first and largest
             We plan to gradually increase the share   comprehensive energy audit and identified   load. Two soft starters of 110 Kw    industrial scale carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) plant. The
             of natural gas over the next three to five   several areas for improvement of energy   were also installed at the dredge   initiative equipped us to make the world’s first carbon neutral
             years                          efficiency, including upgrading our equipment,   pump stations. The soft starters use       sodium bicarbonate. Supported by a £4.2 million grant from the
                                            optimising our manufacturing processes, and   internal circuitry to regulate voltage        Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS),
             Ÿ The US operations has commissioned   improving insulation. Additionally, we are   supplied to the motor, ensuring a
             the Dry Sorbent Injection (DSI) system,   constantly evaluating new technologies, to   slow and graceful start and         the £20 million investment at our Winnington site has helped
             resulting in SO2 emissions being below   further optimise energy utilisation.  drawing much less current.                  in capturing 40,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide every year. This is
             the new Wyoming State  requirements                                                                                        equivalent to taking 20,000 cars off the roads!

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