Page 59 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 59

ESG Action


 Inspired by our mission of Serving   Chain Partners, Rating Agencies and   stewardship by enhancing health, safety   Independent Directors. Our governance
 Society through Science, Tata   other stakeholders. As a signatory to   and environmental impacts of products   framework aligns the interests of all
 Chemicals is committed to integrate   Responsible Care, we are committed to   and services throughout their lifecycles.   our stakeholders and forms the basis of
 Environmental, Social and Governance   drive continuous improvement in safe   The environment impacts cover Climate,   our corporate strategy, environmental
 principles into its business, which is   chemicals management and achieve   Resources (Energy & Water), Waste   awareness, ethical behaviour, and risk
 central to improving the quality of life   excellence in environmental, health,   Management and Nature & Biodiversity.   management.
 of the communities we serve globally   safety and security performance.  TCL has established policies for Climate
 and enhancing long-term stakeholder          Change, SHE and Biodiversity Policies.  In this report, we are pleased to share
 value. While sustainability has long been   Our social commitment is to provide   the progress and impacts of our
 a business priority at Tata Chemicals,   employees and business associates   In terms of governance, we have   actions and further plans to fulfil our
 through this ESG section, we intend to   with working conditions that are   established robust ethical and   commitment of serving societies and
 share our ESG approach, actions, update   clean, safe, healthy and fair. We strive   compliance standards. The Company   making planet better than we inherited.
 of key indicators and key learnings with   to be neighbour of choice in the   has adopted Tata Code of Conduct   We are grateful to our employees,
 all our stakeholders.   communities in which we operate   for its employees, Executive and   partners and stakeholders for partnering
 and contribute to their equitable and        Non-Executive Directors including   this journey with us.
 At the core of our sustainability   inclusive development. To deliver these
 framework is Materiality of Our Business   commitments, we have well defined CSR
 and Responsible Care. We identify and   Policy, Community Development Policy,   Sustainability Compliances
 prioritise ESG issues material to our   Affirmative Action Policy, Diversity &   Our approach to sustainability and disclosures is guided by key national and international
 business and ecosystem through a   Inclusion Policy.  principles and standards, including:
 structured stakeholder engagement
 comprising of Community, Employees,   Our environment commitments                                    BRSR
 Investors, Regulators, Customers, Value   embody principles of product

                                                                        Location: Tata Chemicals Mithapur Coral Reef Restoration
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