Page 56 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 56

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23                01-83                   84-192                  193-365
                                                                                                                                     Integrated Report       Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                                                                                                                     Managing Risk and Ensuring
                                                                                                                                     Business Resilience

                High energy costs risk & supply chain constraints risk                                                               Regulatory and Policy risks

           High energy costs (high prices of energy sources like oil, natural          Impact (2) X Probability (2)                Policy changes which could impact the Company’s operations at large  Impact (2) X Probability (1)
           gas, coal will impact variable costs) & supply chain constraints   Opportunities arising   Oversight
           (higher freight costs and longer delivery cycles)  from risks                 Ÿ Audit Committee                         Linkage to Capital                                      Oversight
                                                                                                                                         Social and
           Linkage to Capital                                   Ÿ Diversify the supply     Ÿ Risk Management                             Relationship Capital   Manufacturing Capital         Ÿ Audit Committee
                                                                                                                                                                                              Ÿ Risk Management Committee
                                                                sources for each critical   Committee
                Natural Capital  Manufactured Capital           raw material             Ÿ Safety, Health,                               Intellectual Capital   Natural Capital               Ÿ Safety, Health, Environment &
                                                                Ÿ Long-term contract of   Environment &                                                                                      Sustainability Committee
                                                                affreightment            Sustainability Committee                  Mitigation plans
           Mitigation plans                                                                                                           Ÿ Monitoring of compliances through an   authorities and attendance at seminars,     Ÿ Providing inputs in policy formulation
           High energy costs                   Ÿ Cover optimal stock volumes and   and to reduce the number of vessels               e-enabled compliance management   memberships of government and     and devising the policies beneficial
             Ÿ Diversify the energy sourcing in   closed contracts to ensure stability and   required                                framework which is used in periodic   industry bodies, specifically those that   for the industry and the country
                                                                                                                                                                       take industry voice (thereby Company's
                                                                                                                                                                                                         at large; understanding upcoming
                                                                                                                                     reporting and reviews at leadership
             addition to current sources, to improve   flexibility               Ÿ Enter into annual COA (Contract of                forums; senior leaders’ active participation   voice) to the ministries who finally issue   policy changes with an endeavour to
             sourcing flexibility              Ÿ Continue with commodity hedging /   Affreightment) for predictable and              in various committees and sub     regulations/notifications         mitigate emerging risks
             Ÿ Explore/maximise the use of alternate   advance fixing of prices at all locations  steady requirements                committees formed by various bodies to     Ÿ Proactive meetings and dialogues with     Ÿ Keeping track of the draft
             energy sources, e.g. anthracite coal   Supply chain constraints     Ÿ Maintain adequate inventory levels                ensure adequate early knowledge and   industry and ministry to put forward   notifications and proposals, both
             fines, coke breeze, biomass briquettes                             to avoid supply chain disruptions                    policy advocacy                   views of the Company for consideration   from the government and/or industry
             etc., in power and cement plants to     Ÿ Shift the import material flow at                                              Ÿ Ongoing dialogue, liaison meetings   in formulating the rules and regulations  recommendations, as well as risks that
             reduce dependency on fossil fuels  Mithapur to bigger vessels, i.e.                                                     and conversations with regulatory                                   may arise by way of a structured process
                                               Panamax / Cape vessels, for thermal
                                               coal, in order to optimise freight cost
                                                                                                                                     Reputational risks
            Financial risks
                                                                                                                                        Safety risk
                International debt risk
                                                                                                                                   Ensuring containment of safety hazards (behaviour, workplace,   Impact (2) X Probability (2)
           Managing international debt & tightening interest rates  Impact (2) X Probability (2)                                   process & product)
           Linkage to Capital                             Oversight                                                                Linkage to Capital                                      Oversight
                                                             Ÿ Audit Committee                                                                                                                Ÿ Audit Committee
                Financial Capital                                                                                                                                                             Ÿ Risk Management Committee
                                                             Ÿ Risk Management Committee                                                 Human Capital
                                                                                                                                                                                              Ÿ Safety, Health, Environment & Sustainability Committee
           Mitigation plans                                                                                                        Mitigation plans
           Managing debt
                                                                                                                                      Ÿ Key safety risks are included in the     Ÿ Table top drill exercise for emergency   long-term Strategic Plan for Asset
             Ÿ Regular review of the Company’s debt profile                                                                          Enterprise Risk Register with risk owners   preparedness            Management
             Ÿ Re-alignment of the quantum, repayment, pre-payment and need for refinance, in line with overall long-term business plans /   for implementing the mitigation plans;     Ÿ Member of Nicer globe initiative for     Ÿ Hazards are identified using
             strategy of the Company                                                                                                 safety risks are reviewed periodically by   addressing transportation-related   techniques such as Job Safety
                                                                                                                                     the Risk Management Group of Senior
             Ÿ Maximise free cash flows to repay debt                                                                                Leadership and the Risk Management   hazards                        Analysis (JSA), Hazard and Operability
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Study (HAZOP), Hazard Identification
                                                                                                                                     Committee                          Ÿ Various safety improvement initiatives,   and Risk Analysis (HIRA), What-if-
                                                                                                                                                                       covering behavioural safety, structural
                Unfunded pension risk                                                                                                 Ÿ Key risks associated with safety which   safety, mine safety and process safety &   Analysis, Failure Mode Effect Analysis,
                                                                                                                                     can lead to emergencies and business   risk management (PSRM), management   etc., and addressed by following
           Unfunded pension liabilities of overseas subsidiaries   Impact (2) X Probability (3)                                      continuity issues are addressed through   of hazardous chemicals, workplace   hierarchy of risk control; E-enabled
           (UK Natrium Holdings)                                                                                                     Emergency Preparedness Plan; on-site   environment improvement, preventive   portal ‘MDO’ is implemented across
                                                                                                                                     and off-site emergency plans are in place   maintenance, and aspects are   the operations to capture near-misses
           Linkage to Capital                             Oversight                                                                  in case of failure to localise containment   continuously evaluated for effectiveness  and unsafe conditions
                                                                                                                                     of hazards
                                                             Ÿ Audit Committee                                                                                          Ÿ Mitigation plans for key risks are     Ÿ Migrated to ISO tankers with the GPS
                Financial Capital                                                                                                     Ÿ Achieve Zero Harm by following world-                            system for transporting bromine and
                                                             Ÿ Risk Management Committee                                                                               addressed through Annual Business
                                                                                                                                     class standards of SHE management   Plan with proper planning and   chlorine as well as for product safety
           Mitigation plans                                                                                                          systems, responsible care initiatives, good   allocation of resources; risks arising   and transportation of hazardous
                                                                                                                                     maintenance practices, enhancement
             Ÿ The pension schemes are closed to further accruals (in the UK)                                                        strategies for the environment, and   out of old infrastructure and assets
                                                                                                                                                                       are addressed systematically through
             Ÿ Utilising hedging and investment strategies, as appropriate, to manage economic risks including inflation             prevention of pollution

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