Page 54 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23                01-83                   84-192                  193-365
                                                                                                                                     Integrated Report       Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                                                                                                                     Managing Risk and Ensuring
                                                                                                                                     Business Resilience

            Strategic risk                                                                                                              Talent risk

                                                                                                                                   Challenges of attracting and retaining talent in remote   Impact (2) X Probability (2)
                Recession risk                                                                                                     manufacturing locations (New Risk)             Opportunities arising from risks  Oversight

           Recession fuelled by rising interest rates, impacting demand and price.  Impact (2) X Probability (2)                                                                     Ÿ Opportunity to collaborate with     Ÿ Nomination &
                                                                                                                                   Linkage to Capital                               universities and build brand value  Remuneration
           Linkage to Capital                                       Oversight                                                           Human Capital                                Ÿ Develop future-ready skills/   Committee
                                                                      Ÿ Audit Committee                                                                                             competencies                    Ÿ Risk Management
                Financial Capital                                                                                                                                                    Ÿ Provide avenues / opportunity for   Committee
                                                                      Ÿ Risk Management Committee
                                                                                                                                                                                    career growth
           Mitigation plans
                                                                                                                                   Mitigation plans
             Ÿ Maintaining cost focus: variable & fixed     Ÿ Product mix: expanding product     Ÿ Tie-up with customers, volume
             costs, across all entities        offerings                        and price contracts                                   Ÿ Enabling better infrastructure at     Ÿ Enriching job through job rotation/     Ÿ Career rotation & movements
                                                                                                                                     remote locations                  exposure and participation in CFT   across business units / geographies
             Ÿ Cash – deleveraging and maximising     Ÿ Supply chain: flexibility in supplying
             cash unless required for capacity   from different locations                                                             Ÿ Enrichment of skills & competencies     Ÿ Avenues for cross-functional
             expansion                                                                                                               through formal education support   deputations / growth through internal
                                                                                                                                     programme                         job postings

                Digitalisation risk

           Embracing digitalisation as a key lever of business growth  Impact (2) X Probability (2)                                  Operational risks

           Linkage to Capital                                Oversight                                                                  Cyber risk
                                                                Ÿ Audit Committee
                Intellectual Capital                                                                                               Loss of data & compromised operations resulting from cyber attacks  Impact (3) X Probability (2)
                                                                Ÿ Risk Management Committee
                                                                                                                                   Linkage to Capital                                 Oversight

           Mitigation plans                                                                                                              Manufactured Capital                            Ÿ Audit Committee
             Ÿ IT strategy and IT roadmap are     Ÿ Various digital initiatives are     Ÿ Initiatives are reviewed weekly,                                                               Ÿ Risk Management Committee
             reviewed and updated on a regular   undertaken to improve operational   monthly and quarterly at multiple             Mitigation plans
             basis as per evolving business needs   productivity, enhance customer &   levels of organisational hierarchy
             and industry trends               user experiences, collaborate with   as part of the governance process;                Ÿ Round-the-clock monitoring and     Ÿ Identifying threats and managing the     Ÿ Conducting internal and third party
                                                                                                                                                                                                         security assessments to identify and
                                                                                                                                     planned improvement of security
                                                                                                                                                                       network devices and perimeter for
             Ÿ Enterprise Reference Architecture is   business partners, and better meet   progress on digital initiatives is        posture, while preventing, detecting,   reducing cybersecurity risks to the   mitigate security gaps/risks to the
             used for decision-making in IT and   the requirements of safety, health,   monitored and reported to the                analysing, and responding to      organisation                      Company, and defining strategies to
             solution designing in digital, to drive   environment and sustainability  Management regularly                          cybersecurity issues                                                further strengthen security posture
             synergies and harmonisation       Ÿ Implementation of key digital     Ÿ Post implementation, success                     Ÿ Conducting periodic Vulnerability     Ÿ Implementation of Multi-Factor     Ÿ Subscribed to cyber insurance policy
                                                                                                                                                                       Authentication (MFA) and Virtual
             Ÿ Special focussed track is created to   initiatives by way of first doing a digital   metrics, such as degree of adoption,   Assessment and Penetration Testing   Private Network (VPN) based security   at corporate level
             improve data quality and awareness   value assessment (DVA); this helps   improvement in the target KPIs etc.,          (VAPT) for critical infrastructure assets   solutions to enable safe access to the
             across the functions of the organisation;    to zero down on the best use cases   are tracked on a periodic basis to    and applications, to proactively identify   organisation’s resources    Ÿ Periodic review of cyber security risks
             Data Governance Council and Data   which will maximise business value;   monitor the benefits realised                  and remediate potential vulnerabilities                             by the Risk Management Committee
             Office are established to review and   benefits of the value assessment     Ÿ Skills and resource requirements          to enhance security posture        Ÿ Implementation of policies, processes   of the Board
             improve data maturity status      include variability reduction, efficiency   are regularly reviewed, and efforts        Ÿ Solutions implemented to       and solutions designed to prevent the     Ÿ IT policies have been updated based
                                                                                                                                                                       loss, misuse, or unauthorised access of
             Ÿ To assess and improve the digital   improvement, yield improvement,   are made to select the right                    continuously detect and mitigate   sensitive information            on ISO & ITIL standards
             maturity of the organisation, ‘Digital   downtime reduction and cost   candidates or business partners                  cyber threats in real-time on end-point                             Ÿ Complying with government
             Execution Scorecard’ model (framework   reduction; choice of approach and   to support the digital initiatives,         devices and preventing unauthorised     Ÿ Conducting regular security awareness   and industry security standards,
             of a leading global consulting firm   technologies to be used (such as   especially in the prevailing business          privileged access to critical resources  campaigns and training programmes   regulations and audit requirements
             which benchmarks the scores across   analytic models, IIoT or RPA) is also   environment where there is dearth                                            for employees and building a culture
             industry verticals) is adopted    governed by the DVA results      of digital skillsets                                                                   sensitive to cyber security issues within
                                                                                                                                                                       the Company

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