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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                      Corporate Governance Report

 March 31, 2023 as required under Schedule IV to the   the  above,  presentation  on  Risk  Management,   the website of the Company at https://www.tatachemicals.     •     Review of the Company’s accounting policies, internal
 Act  (Code  for  Independent  Directors)  and  Regulation   benchmarking with peers on financial performance,   com/TCOCNED.htm.  accounting controls, financial and such other matters
 25(3) of the SEBI Listing Regulations. At their Meeting,   interaction with analysts, cyber security, CSR, Safety and       As on March 31, 2023, all the Board Members and Senior   and the changes thereon;
 the Independent Directors reviewed the performance   Sustainability initiatives, Talent pipeline, HR Strategy and
 of Non-Independent Directors and the Board as a whole   Succession planning, etc. are made at the respective   Management of the Company have affirmed compliance      •     Review the statement of related party transactions
 including the Chairman of the Board after taking the views   Committee Meetings where some of the Independent   with their respective Codes of Conduct. A declaration to   submitted by the Management;
 of Executive and Non-Executive Directors and also assessed   Directors are  also  Members. The Directors are also regularly   this effect duly signed by the Managing Director & CEO      •     Review the functioning of Whistleblower Mechanism
 the quality, quantity and timeliness of flow of information   updated by sharing various useful reading material/  forms part of this Report. The Company has also received   of the Company which shall include the  Vigil
 between the Management and the Board that is necessary   newsletters relating to the Company’s performance,   a  confirmation  from  the Non-Executive Directors and   Mechanism for Directors and employees to report
 for the Board to effectively and reasonably perform   operations, business highlights, developments in the   Independent Directors regarding compliance of the Code   genuine concerns in the prescribed manner;
 their duties.  industry, sustainability  initiatives,  customer-centric   for the year under review.
 initiatives, its market and competitive position on the           •     Discuss and review with the Management and auditors,
     The Meeting was attended by all the Independent Directors   Board Application.      Apart from reimbursement of expenses incurred in   the annual/half-yearly/quarterly financial statements
 as on that date and Dr. C. V. Natraj chaired the said Meeting.  discharging their  duties and the remuneration  that  the   before submission to the Board for approval;
     The Directors from time to time get an opportunity to visit   Directors would be entitled under the Act as Non-Executive
     Terms and Conditions of appointment of Independent   the Company’s plants where plant heads apprise them   Directors, none of the Directors has any other material      •     Hold timely discussions with external auditors
 Directors      pecuniary  relationship  or  transactions  with  the  Company,
 of the operational and sustainability aspects to enable               regarding critical accounting policies and practices,
     All the Independent Directors of the Company have been   them to have full understanding on the activities of the   its  Subsidiaries,  Associates,  Promoters,  its  Directors  and   significant reporting issues and judgements made,
 appointed as per the provisions of the Act and the SEBI   Company and initiatives undertaken on safety, quality,   Senior Management during the three immediately preceding   nature and scope of audit;
 Listing Regulations. Formal letters of appointment are   CSR, sustainability, etc. Pursuant to Regulation 46 of the   financial years or during FY 2022-23.
 issued to the Independent Directors after their appointment   SEBI Listing Regulations, the details of such familiarisation      •     Evaluate auditors’ performance, qualification,
 by the Members. As required by Regulation 46 of the SEBI   programmes during FY 2022-23 are available on the       Senior Management of the Company have made disclosures   independence and effectiveness of audit process;
 Listing Regulations, the terms and conditions of their   website of the Company at https://www.tatachemicals.  to the Board confirming that there are no material, financial
 appointment have been disclosed on the website of the   com/familiarisation-directors-fy-22-23.pdf.  and/or commercial transactions between them and the      •     Recommend   to   the   Board,   the   appointment,
 Company at  Company which could have potential conflict of interest   re-appointment, removal of the external auditors,
     During the year under review, a full day offsite strategy   with the Company at large.  fixation of audit fees and also approval for payment
 Induction and Familiarisation Programme for   Board Meeting was organised which provided the Board   of audit and non-audit services;
 Directors  an opportunity to comprehend the Company’s footprint in   3.  Audit Committee
     The Company has a familiarisation programme for its   the industry and also interact with the Company’s Senior       The Audit  Committee’s role is to assist the Board in      •     Reviewing the adequacy of internal control system,
                                                                       internal audit function and risk management function;
 Independent Directors with an objective to enable them   Leadership team that provided a good perspective of the   overseeing the governance function and responsibilities
 to understand the Company, its operations, strategies,   future opportunities and challenges. Two Independent   in  relation  to  the  Company’s  financial  reporting  process      •     Valuation of undertakings or assets of the Company,
 business, functions, policies, industry and environment   Directors also visited Company's plant at Mithapur.  carried out by the Management, internal control system,   wherever it is necessary;
 in  which  it  functions  and  the  regulatory  environment   risk management system and internal and external audit
 applicable to it and operations of its subsidiaries. These      Re-appointment of Directors  functions. The Audit Committee functions according to its      •     Consider and comment on the rationale, cost-
 include orientation programmes upon induction of new       As  required  under  Regulation  36(3)  of  the  SEBI  Listing   charter/terms of reference that defines its composition,   benefits and impact of schemes involving merger,
 Directors as well as other initiatives to update the Directors   Regulations and Secretarial Standard - 2 on General   authority,  responsibilities  and  reporting  functions. The   demerger, amalgamation etc., on the Company and
 on a continuous basis. An induction kit is provided to new   Meetings issued by the Institute of Company Secretaries of   Board has adopted a charter of the Audit Committee as   its shareholders; and
 Directors which includes the Annual Report, overview of   India, particulars of the Directors seeking re-appointment   amended during the year for its functioning. All the items
 the Company and its operating subsidiaries, charters of   are given in the Notice of the AGM which forms part of this   listed in Section 177 of the Act and Regulation 18(3) read      •     Carrying out any other function as is mentioned in the
 the Committees, annual calendar of Board and Committee   Integrated Annual Report.  with Part C of Schedule II to the SEBI Listing Regulations are   terms of reference of the Audit Committee.
 Meetings,  TCoC, Code of Conduct for Non-Executive   covered in its terms of reference.      The Company has engaged Ernst &  Young LLP, an
 Directors including Independent Directors, Company’s       Code of Conduct  independent external firm, to conduct the internal audit
 Code  of  Conduct  for  Prevention  of Insider Trading and       The Company has adopted the TCoC for its Whole-time      Terms of Reference  of the Company as well as its key overseas operating
 Code of Corporate Disclosure Practices, etc. Meetings with   Directors, Senior Management and other Executives which       The Audit  Committee of  the Company  is  responsible   subsidiaries and submit its internal audit findings to the
 Business/Functional Heads are organised to provide a brief   is available on the website of the Company at https://www.  for supervising the Company’s internal controls and   Audit Committee which were reviewed by the Committee
 on the businesses/functions.  financial reporting process and  inter alia, performs the   during the year under review.

                following functions:
     Pursuant to Regulation 25(7) of the SEBI Listing Regulations,       The Board has also adopted a Code of Conduct for Non-      Further, pursuant to Regulation 18(2)(c) of the SEBI Listing
 the Company imparted various familiarisation programmes   Executive Directors, which incorporates the duties of      •    Oversight of the Company’s financial reporting   Regulations, the Audit Committee is empowered to
 to its Directors including review of long-term strategy,   Independent Directors as laid down in Schedule IV to the   process and disclosure of its financial information to   investigate any activity within its terms of reference, seek
 industry outlook, regulatory updates at the Board and   Act (‘Code for Independent Directors’) and Regulation 17(5)   ensure that the financial statements are materially   information it requires from any employee, obtain outside
 Committee Meetings, Tax and Litigation updates. Besides    of the SEBI Listing Regulations and the same is available on   correct, sufficient and credible;  legal or other independent professional advice and

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