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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23                01-83                   84-192                  193-365
                                                                                                                                     Integrated Report       Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                                                                                                                                             Corporate Governance Report

               secure attendance of outsiders with relevant expertise,   findings covering operational, financial and compliance       •    Support the Board and Independent Directors, as may       Dr. C. V. Natraj, Chairman of the NRC, was present during
               if considered necessary. Apart from the above, the Audit   areas, internal financial controls and financial reporting       be required, in evaluation of the performance of the   the last e-AGM held on July 6, 2022.
               Committee also exercises the role and powers entrusted   systems. The Audit Committee also reviewed the reports             Board, its Committees and Individual Directors;
               upon it by the Board of Directors from time to time.  on Leadership of Business Ethics as well as Business &                                                                 Board, Director Evaluation and Criteria for Evaluation
                                                                 Human Rights, reports on dealings under Prohibition of                •    Whether to extend or continue the term of       In terms of the requirement of the Act and the SEBI Listing
               Meetings Held                                     Insider Trading Regulations and statement of significant                  appointment of the Independent Director, on the   Regulations, during the year under review, the Board
                                                                                                                                           basis of the report of performance evaluation of
                During FY 2022-23, nine (9) Meetings of the Audit   Related Party Transactions. The Chairperson of the Audit               Independent Directors;                         has carried out an annual performance evaluation of its
               Committee were held on the following dates:       Committee briefs the Board at its Meetings about the                                                                     own performance, performance of the Directors as well
                                                                 significant discussions at each of the Audit Committee                •    On an annual basis, recommend to the Board the   as the evaluation of the working of its Committees. This
               •  April 29, 2022         •  June 21, 2022        Meetings including the internal audit matters. The minutes                remuneration payable to Directors, KMP and executive   exercise was led by the Chairman of the NRC along with
               •  August 9, 2022         •  August 29, 2022      of each of the Audit Committee Meetings are placed in the                 team members of the Company;                   the Chairman of the Board.
                                                                 next Meeting of the Board after they are confirmed by
               •  October 27, 2022        •  January 12, 2023    the Committee.                                                        •   Devise a policy on Board diversity;            Criteria for Evaluation
               •  February 1, 2023        •  March 10, 2023       Ms. Padmini Khare Kaicker, Chairperson of the Audit                  •    Review HR and people strategy and its alignment with       The performance evaluation criteria for Independent
               •  March 30, 2023                                 Committee, was present during the last e-AGM held on                      the business strategy periodically or when a change   Directors are determined by the NRC. An indicative list
                                                                 July 6, 2022.                                                             is made to either;                             of factors on which evaluation was carried out includes
                The gap between two Meetings did not exceed 120 days.                                                                  •    Provide guidelines for remuneration of Directors on   participation and contribution by a Director, commitment,
               Necessary quorum was present for all the Meetings of   4.  Nomination and Remuneration Committee                            material subsidiaries; and                     effective deployment of knowledge and expertise, integrity
               the Committee.                                     The Nomination and Remuneration Committee (‘NRC’) is                                                                    and maintenance of confidentiality and independence of
                                                                 constituted and functions in accordance with Section 178              •    Evaluate the balance of skills, knowledge and   behaviour and judgement.
               Composition and Attendance                        of the Act, Regulation 19 of the SEBI Listing Regulations and             experience on the Board and prepare a description       The overall functioning of the evaluation process reflected
                                           No. of   No. of       its Charter as approved by the Board.                                     of the role and capabilities required of an    a high degree of engagement amongst the Board Members
                                                                                                                                           Independent Director.
               Name of the Member  Category  Meetings   Meetings       The role of the NRC is to oversee the selection of Directors                                                       and their freedom to express views on matters transacted
                                           held   attended                                                                                                                                at the Meetings.
                                                                 and Senior Management based on criteria related to the                Meetings Held
               Ms. Padmini Khare   ID       9        8                                                                                                                                     The procedure followed for the performance evaluation
               Kaicker (Chairperson)                             specific requirement of expertise and independence. The                During FY 2022-23, four (4) Meetings of the NRC were held
               Ms. Vibha Paul Rishi  ID     9        8           NRC evaluates the performance of Directors and Senior                 on the following dates:                            of the Board, its Committees and individual Directors is
               Mr. S. Padmanabhan  NED      9        9           Management based on the expected performance criteria.                •  April 29, 2022         •  August 29, 2022       detailed in the Board’s Report.
               Mr. K. B. S. Anand  ID       9        9           The NRC also recommends to the Board the remuneration                                                                      Remuneration of Directors and Key Managerial
                                                                 payable to Directors and Senior Management of the                     •  February 1, 2023        •  March 31, 2023
               ID - Independent Director; NED - Non-Executive Director                                                                                                                    Personnel
                                                                 Company. An annual working plan for the NRC Meetings
               Independent Directors who are not Members of the Audit   is agreed by the Members at the beginning of the year.          The necessary quorum was present for all the Meetings of       The Company’s philosophy for remuneration of Directors,
               Committee also attend the Audit Committee Meetings as                                                                   the Committee.                                     Key Managerial Personnel (‘KMP’) and all other employees
               permanent invitees.                               Terms of Reference                                                                                                       is based on the commitment of fostering a culture of
                The Chief General Counsel & Company Secretary acts as the       The Board has adopted a charter of the NRC for its smooth      Composition and Attendance                 leadership with trust. The Company has adopted a Policy
               Secretary to the Audit Committee. The composition of the   functioning covering aspects relating to composition,         Name of the    Category   No. of   No. of         for Remuneration of Directors, KMP and other employees
               Committee is in conformity with Section 177 of the Act and   responsibilities, evaluation process, remuneration, Board   Member                  Meetings   Meetings       which is aligned to this philosophy.
               Regulation 18(1) of the SEBI Listing Regulations.  development and reviewing HR strategy. The key terms of                                         held    attended        The said Policy is also uploaded on the website of the
                                                                 reference of the NRC, inter alia, are:
                The Chairperson of the Audit Committee has one-on-one                                                                   Dr. C. V. Natraj   ID      4         4            Company at
               meetings with both the Internal Auditors and the Statutory      •    Make recommendations to the Board regarding the     Ms. Vibha Paul Rishi  ID   4         4            Executive Directors
               Auditors on a periodic basis to discuss key concerns, if any.  setup and composition of the Board;
                                                                                                                                        Mr. S. Padmanabhan  NED    4         4             The Company pays remuneration by way of salary, benefits,
                The Managing Director & CEO, Executive Director, Chief      •    Review the efficacy of HR practices including those      ID - Independent Director; NED - Non-Executive Director  perquisites and allowances (fixed component) and
               Financial Officer, Statutory Auditors and Chief Internal   for leadership development, rewards and recognition,                                                            commission (variable component) to its Executive Directors.
               Auditor attend and participate in all the Meetings of the   talent management and succession planning                    The composition and terms of reference of the NRC are in   Annual increments are recommended by the NRC within
               Committee. The Business Heads, Functional Heads and   (specially for Board, KMP and Senior Management);                 compliance with the provisions of Section 178(1) of the Act   the salary scale approved by the Members of the Company
               Chief Human Resources Officer attend the Meetings where      •    Identify persons who are qualified to become          and Regulation 19 of the SEBI Listing Regulations.  and are effective April 1 each year. The NRC recommends
               Internal Audit Reports are discussed. The Committee, from   Directors and who may be appointed in Senior                                                                   the commission payable to the Executive Directors out
               time to time, also invites such executives, as it considers   Management  in  accordance  with  the  criteria  laid       The Chairman of the NRC briefs the Board at its   of the profits for the financial year and within the ceiling
               appropriate, to be present at the Meetings. During the   down and recommend to the Board of Directors their             Meetings about the significant discussions at each of the   prescribed under the Act based on the performance of the
               year under review, the Committee reviewed the key audit   appointment and removal;                                      NRC Meetings.                                      Company as well as that of the Executive Directors.

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