Page 331 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2021-22
P. 331


                                                                                                       ` in crore
                                                                         As at March 31, 2021
                                                                      Fair value measurement using
                 Particulars                                        Quoted prices in   Significant   Significant
                                                          Total     active markets   observable   unobservable
                                                                       (Level 1)   inputs (Level 2)  inputs (Level 3)
                 Assets measured at fair value:
                 Derivative financial assets
                 Commodity swap                                54.63             -          54.63             -
                 Forward contracts                              7.20             -           7.20             -
                 FVTOCI financial investments
                 Quoted equity instruments                   2,634.31      2,634.31            -              -
                 Unquoted equity instruments                  516.13             -             -         516.13
                 FVTPL financial investments
                 Investment in mutual funds                  1,563.49            -        1,563.49            -
                 Quoted debt instruments                      150.00         150.00            -              -
                 Liabilities measured at fair value:
                 Derivative financial liabilities
                 Forward contracts                              2.42             -           2.42             -
                 Interest rate swaps                           62.81             -          62.81             -
                 Commodity swap                                 1.65             -           1.65             -
            (c)   The following tables shows a reconciliation from the opening balance to the closing balance for level 3 fair
                                                                                                       ` in crore
                                                                                                 FVTOCI financial
                 Balance as at April 1, 2020                                                             410.79
                 Addition / (deletion) during the year                                                    39.60
                 Add / (less): Fair value changes through  Other Comprehensive Income                     65.74
                 Balance as at March 31, 2021                                                            516.13
                 Addition / (deletion) during the year                                                   114.65
                 Add / (less): Fair value changes through  Other Comprehensive Income                    (11.83)
                 Balance as at March 31, 2022                                                            618.95
            (d)  Valuation technique to determine fair value
                 The following methods and assumptions were used to estimate the fair values of financial instruments:
                (i)   The management assessed that fair value of cash and cash equivalents, trade receivables, trade payables, bank overdrafts and
                    other current financial assets and liabilities approximate their carrying amounts largely due to the short-term maturities of
                    these instruments.
                (ii)   The fair values of the equity investment which are quoted, are derived from quoted market prices in active markets. The
                    Investments measured at fair value (FVTOCI) and falling under fair value hierarchy Level 3 are valued on the basis of valuation
                    reports provided by external valuers with the exception of certain investments, where cost has been considered as an
                    appropriate estimate of fair value because of a wide range of possible fair value measurements and cost represents the best
                    estimate of fair values within that range.
                    The Group considers Comparable Companies Method (CCM) method and the illiquidity discount based on its assessment
                    of the judgement that market participants would apply for measurement of fair value of unquoted investments. In the CCM
                    method, the Group would find comparable listed entities in the market and use the same PE multiple (ranging from 6.70 to
                    19.88) for determining the fair value of the investment.

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