Page 327 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2021-22
P. 327


            41.3  Reconciliation of information on reportable segment to Consolidated Balance Sheet and Consolidated
                Statement of Profit and Loss
                (a)  Reconciliation of profit for the year as per Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss   ` in crore
                                                                                       Year ended    Year ended
                                                                                   March 31, 2022  March 31, 2021
                 Profit for the year from continuing operations (note 41.1(a)(2))         1,400.15        436.22
                 Profit for the year from discontinued operations (note 41.2)                4.98             -
                 Profit for the year as per Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss    1,405.13        436.22
                (b)  Reconciliation of total assets as per Consolidated Balance Sheet                  ` in crore
                                                                                       Year ended    Year ended
                                                                                   March 31, 2022  March 31, 2021
                 Total assets as per continuing operations (note 41.1 (a) (3))           33,843.27     28,337.20
                 Total assets as per Consolidated Balance Sheet                         33,843.27      28,337.20

                (c)  Reconciliation of total liabilities as per Consolidated Balance Sheet             ` in crore
                                                                                           As at          As at
                                                                                   March 31, 2022  March 31, 2021
                 Total liabilities as per continuing operations (note 41.1 (a) (3))      14,685.88     13,194.63
                 Total liabilities as per Consolidated Balance Sheet                    14,685.88      13,194.63

            42.  Derivative financial instruments
            (a)  The details of the various outstanding derivative financial instruments are given below:
                                                                                                       ` in crore
                                                               As at March 31, 2022      As at March 31, 2021
                                                                  Assets    Liabilities     Assets    Liabilities
             Current portion
             Derivatives designated in cash flow hedges
             - Forward contracts                                    1.48         1.49         6.05            -
             - Interest rate swaps                                     -        14.26            -        37.14
             - Commodity swaps                                    973.79            -        37.76         1.58
             Total designated derivatives                         975.27        15.75        43.81        38.72
             Derivatives not designated in a hedge relationship
             - Forward contracts                                       -         4.92            -         2.42
             Total un-designated derivatives                           -         4.92            -         2.42
             Total current portion                                975.27        20.67        43.81        41.14
             Non-current portion
             Derivatives designated in cash flow hedges
             - Forward contracts                                       -            -         1.15            -
             - Interest rate swaps                                     -            -            -        25.67
             - Commodity swaps                                      2.70            -        16.87         0.07
             Total designated derivatives                           2.70            -        18.02        25.74
             Total non-current portion                              2.70            -        18.02        25.74
             Total                                                977.97        20.67        61.83        66.88
            Derivatives not designated in a hedge relationship are effective as hedges from an economic perspective, however these are not
            considered for hedge accounting.

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