Page 329 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2021-22
P. 329


            43.  Disclosures on financial instruments
            (a)  Financial instruments by category
                The following table presents the carrying amounts of each category of financial assets and liabilities as at March 31, 2022.
                                                                                                       ` in crore
                                             Investments  Investments  Derivatives  Derivatives   Amortised  Total carrying
                                                - FVTOCI   - FVTPL    - FVTPL   - FVTOCI      cost       value
             Financial assets
             (a)  Investments - non current
                 Equity instrument at fair value   4,973.76      -          -          -          -      4,973.76
                 Debt instrument at fair value         -      150.00        -          -          -      150.00
             (b)  Investments - current
                 Investment in mutual funds            -      1,325.06      -          -          -      1,325.06
             (c)  Trade receivables                    -         -          -          -      1,933.35    1,933.35
             (d)  Cash and cash equivalents            -         -          -          -      761.53     761.53
             (e)  Other bank balances                  -         -          -          -      548.85     548.85
             (f)  Loans  - non-current                 -         -          -          -       0.35        0.35
             (g)  Loans  - current                     -         -          -          -       0.18        0.18
             (h)  Other financial assets - non-current   -       -          -       2.70      51.95       54.65
             (i)  Other financial assets - current     -         -          -      975.27    199.78     1,175.05
             Total                               4,973.76    1,475.06       -      977.97    3,495.99    10,922.78
             Financial liabilities
             (a)  Borrowings - non-current                                  -          -      3,725.46    3,725.46
             (b)  Lease liabilities - non-current                           -          -      135.04     135.04
             (c)  Borrowings - current                                      -          -      3,077.17    3,077.17
             (d)  Lease liabilities - current                               -          -      86.92       86.92
             (e)  Trade payables                                            -          -      2,444.68    2,444.68
             (f)  Other  financial liabilities  - non-                      -          -      16.36       16.36
             (g)  Other financial liabilities - current                   4.92     15.75     437.16      457.83
             Total                                                       4.92      15.75    9,922.79    9,943.46

            The following table presents the carrying amounts of each category of financial assets and liabilities as at March 31, 2021.
                                                                                                       ` in crore
                                             Investments  Investments  Derivatives  Derivatives   Amortised  Total carrying
                                                - FVTOCI    - FVTPL   - FVTPL   - FVTOCI       cost      value
             Financial assets
             (a)  Investments - non current
                 Equity instrument at fair value   3,150.44      -          -          -          -      3,150.44
                 Debt instrument at fair value         -      150.00        -          -          -       150.00
             (b)  Investments - current
                 Investment in mutual funds            -      1,563.49      -          -          -      1,563.49
             (c)  Trade receivables                    -         -          -          -      1,396.99    1,396.99
             (d)  Cash and cash equivalents            -         -          -          -      689.34      689.34
             (e)  Other bank balances                  -         -          -          -      721.67      721.67
             (f)  Loans  - non-current                 -         -          -          -       0.62        0.62
             (g)  Loans  - current                     -         -          -          -       0.17        0.17
             (h)  Other financial assets - non-current   -       -          -       18.02     24.83       42.85
             (i)  Other financial assets - current     -         -          -       43.81     109.53      153.34
             Total                               3,150.44    1,713.49       -      61.83    2,943.15    7,868.91
             Financial liabilities
             (a)  Borrowings - non-current                                  -          -      5,199.48    5,199.48
             (b)  Lease liabilities - non-current                           -          -      188.60      188.60
             (c)  Borrowings - current                                      -          -      1,452.47    1,452.47
             (d)  Lease liabilities - current                               -          -      91.98       91.98
             (e)  Trade payables                                            -          -      1,682.87    1,682.87
             (f)  Other financial liabilities - non-                        -       25.74     21.03       46.77
             (g)  Other financial liabilities - current                   2.42      38.72     409.45      450.59
             Total                                                       2.42      64.46    9,045.88    9,112.76

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