Page 325 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2021-22
P. 325
4. Other information ` in crore
Addition to non-current Depreciation and Other non-cash
assets* amortisation expenses**
Particulars Year ended Year ended Year ended Year ended Year ended Year ended
March 31, March 31, March 31, March 31, March 31, March 31,
2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021
(i) Basic chemistry products 1,619.52 947.61 682.87 648.28 147.72 206.65
(ii) Specialty products 182.65 195.98 108.97 100.39 24.74 (1.50)
1,802.17 1,143.59 791.84 748.67 172.46 205.15
Unallocated 23.61 50.06 14.28 10.65 8.92 18.17
1,825.78 1,193.65 806.12 759.32 181.38 223.32
*Comprises additions to Property, plant and equipment, Capital work-in-progress, Goodwill, Right-of-use assets, Other intangible assets and Intangible
assets under development.
**Comprises of Provision for employee benefits expense, Provision for doubtful debts and advances/bad debts written off, Provision for contingencies,
Foreign exchange gain/(loss) and (Profit)/ loss on assets sold or discarded.
(b) Information about geographical areas
The geographical segments revenue are disclosed on the basis of sales as follows:
- Asia (other than India): Comprising sales to customers located in Asia (other than India).
- Europe: Comprising sales to customers located in Europe.
- Africa: Comprising sales to customers located in Africa.
- America: Comprising sales to customers located in America.
1. Geographical Segment revenue* ` in crore
Year ended March 31, 2022
Particulars Basic chemistry Specialty
products products Unallocated Total
(i) India 3,680.32 2,196.86 50.44 5,927.62
(ii) Asia (other than India) 249.24 152.94 - 402.18
(iii) Europe 1,844.12 53.61 - 1,897.73
(iv) Africa 276.58 43.51 - 320.09
(v) America 3,681.56 375.12 - 4,056.68
(vi) Others 13.55 4.27 - 17.82
9,745.37 2,826.31 50.44 12,622.12
` in crore
Year ended March 31, 2021
Particulars Basic chemistry Specialty Unallocated Total
products products
(i) India 2,891.03 2,009.01 22.42 4,922.46
(ii) Asia (other than India) 219.62 102.27 - 321.89
(iii) Europe 1,353.33 52.93 - 1,406.26
(iv) Africa 234.15 13.51 - 247.66
(v) America 2,888.10 399.55 - 3,287.65
(vi) Others 11.15 2.73 - 13.88
7,597.38 2,580.00 22.42 10,199.80
* Including operating revenues and net off inter segment revenue