Page 159 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2019-20
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Integrated report Statutory reportS FInancIal StatementS
Business Responsibility Report
4. Does the Company have any project related to Clean • Collecting back and disposing post-consumer plastic
Development Mechanism? If so, provide details thereof waste under extended producer responsibility
in about 50 words or so. Also, if Yes, whether any framework of Plastic Waste Management Rule, 2016
environmental compliance report is filed?
Green Packaging application
Yes. Clean development Mechanism (‘CdM’) is an integral
part of the Company’s strategy for carbon conscious growth • Reusing secondary packaging in most products to
of the organisation. The Company got 2 CdM projects reduce Carbon Footprint
registered in 2004 and 1 CdM project in 2005. As on date,
the Company does not have any CdM projects but it has Green Supply Chain
become an unsaid practice to assess CdM potential in each • Maximising Rail transportation
and every project and to address the same in the feasibility
report of the project. In the new facilities, the Company is • Full load basis transportation and preference to bulker
actively promoting solar power systems. movements
Besides this, the Company also endeavours to reduce
5. Has the Company undertaken any other initiatives on -
clean technology, energy efficiency, renewable energy, indirect energy consumptions. Some of the initiatives
etc.? Yes / No. If Yes, please give hyperlink to web page etc. are as follows:
• Preventive and reliability centred maintenance etc. to
Yes. As per Tata Chemicals’ strategy of Carbon conscious
growth, the Company has taken various initiatives to address reduce downtime and ensure smooth operations
clean technology, renewable energy and energy efficiency On-off timer system has been implanted in all street
etc. Abatement levers have been identified during carbon lights. Used fluorescent bulb in place of mercury light
footprint base line study which is an integral part of the Long
Term Sustainability Planning (‘LTSP’) to identify key projects in • Low voltage variable frequency drives for throttled and
the journey of responsible operations. Some of the initiatives recirculation applications
taken by the Company are as follows:
• Premium efficiency motors to replace rewound motors
Renewable Source of Energy
• Thermograph audits and actions for steam distribution
• Solar energy to produce solar salt and in turn Soda Ash network
at Mithapur
For more information, visit:
• Solar energy in the new plant at Mambattu
Natural Capital Accounting & Biodiversity Ecosystem
6. Are the Emissions/Waste generated by the Company
• The Company has also adopted Tata group initiative on within the permissible limits given by CPCB/SPCB for the
valuation of natural capital programme for Chemicals financial year being reported?
business to pilot the protocol developed by Natural The Company has installed online monitoring systems as per
Capital Coalition
the guidelines of the Central Pollution Control Board (‘CPCB’).
• Mangrove plantation and bio-diversity plantation online monitoring data are regularly updated in CPCB server
as per prescribed parameters. Emissions/waste generated
Waste Management reports are regularly submitted to CPCB/SPCB as per the
• Well integrated mechanism to maximise the waste prescribed norms for FY 2019-20.
utilisation within the operations
7. Number of show cause/legal notices received from CPCB/
• Emphasising to develop value-added product out of SPCB which are pending (i.e. not resolved to satisfaction)
waste such as developed green Bricks out of Sulphur as on end of Financial Year.
Rich Fly Ash
observations were received through Show Cause Notices/
• Unique set-up of Cement plant to absorb waste Site Visits/directions by the regulatory during FY 2019-20.
generated out of other plants within the Mithapur The Company has taken adequate measures and submitted
operations compliance reports to the regulatory authorities.