Page 155 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2019-20
P. 155

Integrated report            Statutory reportS            FInancIal StatementS
                                                 Business Responsibility Report

                (ii)   Medikarb  IP: Medikarb is Sodium Bicarbonate    Water Purifier:  Tata Swach helps the consumer in
                    developed for pharmaceutical applications; which   saving the electrical energy at their end as it does not
                    is manufactured by further processing of Sodium    use electrical energy in purifying the water.
                    Bicarbonate to reduce Sulphate, Chloride and other   3.     Does the Company have procedures in place for
                    heavy metals. This product complies to specifications   sustainable sourcing (including transportation)? If yes,
                    as prescribed by Indian and British pharmacopeial   what percentage of your inputs was sourced sustainably?
                    requirements.                                  Also, provide details thereof, in about 50 words or so.
                (iii)  Water Purifier -  Tata Swach:  Ncourage Social        Yes, the Company has developed a supplier sustainability
                    Enterprise Foundation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of   code and has established process for vendor selection. This
                    the Company through its Tata Swach range of Water   includes  various  principles  and guidelines  like SHE  Policy,
                    Purifiers  have  been  addressing  one  of  the  basic   Legal Compliance, Adherence to Tata Code of Conduct, ISo
                    human  needs  of  making  access  to  Safe  drinking   Certification, etc.  The Company has started carrying
                    Water accessible to marginalised communities. Tata   out a Sustainability Assessment of its Key Suppliers and
                    Swach Tech Jal was an intervention in this direction -   communicates areas of further improvements and reinforce
                    for providing affordable access to safe drinking water   sustainability principles.
                    for communities. This year saw Tata Swach remodel
                    this community purification system and made        For sustainable transportation and to help reduce carbon
                    available  a  variant  by  integrating  an  ATM  interface   footprint, the Company  maximises Rail and Coastal mode
                    to Tata Swach Tech Jal. This new variant is targeted   despatches, full load based transportation, loose/bulker
                    and deployed to create dual impact – (i) provide an   movements – deployment of  german designed patented
                    opportunity for livelihood for an operator/attendant   Lupa Bulker, etc.
                    (ii) with ATM integration it can now be deployed at        Bulker helps  in  continuing  journey  towards  pollution
                    popular and high-density tourist locations to make   prevention,  minimisation  of  waste,  eliminating  the  efforts
                    available assured safe drinking water at an affordable   of packaging, loading and unloading. It has an approximate
                    price.  Thus, actively encouraging reducing plastic   capacity of 25 tonnes and can replace 3 million plastic bags
                    waste through the reduction in the use of single-use   each year.
                    plastic bottles.
                                                               4.     Has the Company taken any steps to procure goods
            2.     For  each  such  product,  provide  the  following  details  in   and services from local and small producers, including
                respect of resource use (energy, water, raw material, etc.)   communities surrounding their place of work? If yes,
                per unit of product (optional):
                                                                   what steps have been taken to improve the capacity and
                (i)     Reduction during sourcing/production/distribution   capability of local and small vendors?
                    achieved since the previous year throughout the
                    value chain                                      Yes, the Company has a vendor development programme.
                    Nil                                            over the years, the Company has promoted local contractors
                                                                   and service providers and provides them opportunities.
                (ii)   Reduction during usage by consumers (energy,
                    water) has been achieved since the previous year?  Additionally, the Company has also promoted skills and
                                                                   livelihood development in the neighbouring community
                    Sodium Bicarbonate:  National Thermal  Power   through various training and  community  development
                    Corporation (‘NTPC’) was the first customer where   programmes.  The  Company  has  also  established  an
                    after several discussions with technology providers,   apprentice training centre to improve capacity and skills of
                    the  Company  received  trial  orders  to  supply  Sodium   more than 100 apprentices every year. The Company provides
                    Bicarbonate  to  its  dadri Unit  in  National  Capital   support to people from socially backward community.
                    Region.  NTPC has plans to adopt dry sorbent
                    injection  technology  using  Bicarb  at  multiple        The Company also keeps exploring development of suppliers
                    units. It is expected that use of Bicarbonate in   from socially  and economically  backward communities.
                    Flue gas Treatment for addressing flue gas emissions has   The Company initiated a sponsored Professional
                    a promising potential for environmental sustainability   Training programme for developing Functional skills and
                    once it’s adopted by the national power producer. It can   competencies of SC/ST and other socially and economically
                    be adopted by small power producers as the regulations   backward candidates to make them capable of being
                    tighten and are mandated by enforcement agencies.  employed in sales and marketing field.

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