Page 164 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2019-20
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of life. The Company has always given importance to this Principle 9: Businesses should engage with and provide
programme as it is essential for the overall development value to their customers and consumers in a responsible
of the community. Projects like infrastructure support manner
to schools and construction of individual toilets were 1. What percentages of customer complaints/consumer
taken up. Employee volunteers play an important role in cases are pending as on the end of financial year?
our community development initiatives. In FY 2019-20, Products Cases pending as on
about 20,000 volunteering hours were contributed by the March 31, 2020 (%)
volunteers and their family members.
Chemicals 0
Relief Programme Nutraceuticals (Nx & NQ) 0
Tata Chemicals continues its support to any disaster, which Silica 0
hits our country. during Covid-19 pandemic, the Company
focussed on supporting the government and the local 2. Does the Company display product information on the
communities. The Company is manufacturing and supplying product label, over and above what is mandated as per
disinfectant in the Mithapur factory. The Company has local laws? Yes/No/N.A./Remarks (additional information)
produced masks in Mithapur and Cuddalore through Self Yes. Product information about the physical dimensions
Help groups and artisans associated with the Company’s and/or chemical compositions/nutritional information/
okhai initiative. The Company has been creating awareness nutrient content is provided through the product labels/pack
about the pandemic and safety measures in the local declaration and/or catalogues. Round-the-clock information
communities using posters and videos. Relief support was of the products is available on the Company’s website and at
also provided in flood affected areas of Maharashtra. the call centre, during specific hours of the working day. All
packages retail/bulk contain product information including,
For further information on projects and achievements, Product Manager’s address/Customer Relationship Manager’s
please refer the Annual Report of TCSRd at contact number to enable consumers to correspond. All the
and Company’s information is voluntary with various branding
elements, with no comment on competitors or regional
5. Have you taken steps to ensure that this community bias statements. Wherever applicable, specific certification
development initiative is successfully adopted by the requirements of regulatory authorities and some marks
community? Please explain in 50 words, or so. like ISI (Indian Standards Institute), FSSAI (Food Safety and
Yes. Community is our key stakeholder and the Company Standards Authority of India), etc. are provided on the
believes that development of the community is only product labels and/or catalogues.
possible through engagement and partnership from all the
stakeholders. The guiding principles for the engagement with 3. Is there any case filed by any stakeholder against the
the community are enshrined in the ‘Community development Company regarding unfair trade practices, irresponsible
Policy’. These principles are sustainability, participatory advertising and/or anti-competitive behaviour during the
approach, transparency, networking & partnership, creating a last five years and pending as on end of financial year? If
resource centre and volunteering. so, provide details thereof, in about 50 words or so.
There is no anti-competitive, abuse of dominant position or
The process of engagement with the community starts
with identification of the key community, their needs and unfair trade practices case pending against the Company.
prioritisation. The needs are identified through various 4. Did your Company carry out any consumer
listening and learning methods, participatory rural appraisals, survey/consumer satisfaction trends?
household survey and focussed group discussion.
Yes. Customer satisfaction survey is carried out by the
The participation of the stakeholders is vital to the success of Company every year.
all programs and forms the basis of all programme designs.
The projects are continuously monitored and evaluated overall customer satisfaction for FY 2019-20 is given below:
to measure impact. Stakeholder Engagement Surveys SBU Consumer Satisfaction (%)
and Social Impact Audits are conducted to assess project Chemicals 85
outcomes. The Company develops exit strategy for projects Nutraceuticals 80
which have matured and withdraws after handing over the
project to the community. Silica NA