Page 30 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2017-18
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Boosting the nation's

                  health with new

                  nutraceutical products

                  Changing lifestyles and consumer health habits in India are creating

                  exciting demand for a range of new food products. These sit at the
                  intersection of markets traditionally served by FMCG and pharmaceutical
                  companies. This fast growing world of ‘nutraceuticals’ is a hotbed of
                  innovation. We are applying innovative food science, combined with our
                  traditional strengths in consumer products, to create offerings that provide
                  the healthy and tasty missing nutrients to bolster the diets of Indians.

                  Our business environment           to reach $8.5 billion by 2022 from $2.8
                  The Indian diet has historically lacked certain   billion in 2015. In 2015, India accounted for
                  micronutrients. This was not a concern for   a share of around 2% of the global market
                  many years until now. Current times have   and is anticipated to increase to a value of
                  seen signi cant changes in lifestyles, food   approximately 3%. This is owing to country’s
                  requirements, and subsequent adverse   large population base, increasing urban belt
                  e ects on overall well-being. Complete lack   and awareness. While dietary supplements   Brands, products, market segments,
                  of exercise is not uncommon. This has led to   segment accounted for 65% percent of   and customer
                  a rise in ailments arising out of de ciencies   Indian nutraceuticals market in 2015, the   Our current o ering is Tata Nx Zero Sugar
                  and poor nutrition.                remaining 35% was occupied by functional   which is a 100% natural sweetener with low
                                                     food and beverages. Indian nutraceuticals   glycaemic index. It is best suited for people
                  The environment is ripe to understand and   industry is one of the rapid growing markets   who have been advised to avoid sugar and
                  address nutritional needs and de ciencies   in Asia Paci c Region (APAC), anticipated to   for people who are calorie conscious. Tata Nx
                  through food formats. And to that e ect, we   grow at CAGR 12%.       Zero Sugar was awarded the Ayush Kamal
                  can already see interesting trends in market.                         Ratna for India’s Best Natural Sweetener in
                  The traditional pharmaceutical companies   Tata Nx is Tata Chemicals' foray into Indian   April 2017.
                  are exploring opportunities in food and   nutraceuticals for retail. Tata Nx promises to
                  typical FMCG companies are moving   deliver nutrition in its best form; backed by   At its inception, Tata Nx is targeting the new
                  towards functional foods with health   science; to ful ll the daily nutrition needs of   age ambitious 25-55 year-old young Indians
                  bene ts. Hence, the birth of the fast moving   today's fast paced lifestyle of our consumer   who require food that provides nourishment
                  health goods (FMHG) segment, worldwide   Its aspirational market share stands at 8%   every day. In the long run, we strive to create
                  known as Nutraceuticals. More and more   (functional food and vitamins/probiotics   a one-stop solution for all nutritional needs
                  companies from pharmaceuticals, over the   market). The sweetener category is about     of an Indian consumer across age groups
                  counter (OTC) and FMCG are entering into   ` 550 crore which opens a huge opportunity   and lifestyles.
                  this high growth segment.          for Tata Nx Zero Sugar to claim the natural
                                                     sweetener space. The shift from sugar may    We will be present in segments like
                  According to a study jointly undertaken by   still be years away but we can see a trend   sweeteners, functional foods, pre/probiotics
                  Assocham and market researcher RNCOS,   towards low calorie and natural sweetener  with di erentiated science-backed o ering.
                  Indian nutraceuticals market is expected

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