Page 25 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2017-18
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Key revenue drivers of our chemicals business value chain
Strong customer Long-term Reliable
connect and mutually bene cial supply chain
loyalty contracts with Snapshot of the capitals
Financial capital
Supply assurance Competitive Consistent high Industry Approx. impact on sectors:
via solutions and value-based product quality innovation leader Detergents: 8-10%
such as vendor pricing with several Float glass: 4%
managed pioneering Mining: 22%
inventory initiatives Paper: 18% Integrated Report
Value creation to gather and act on data-driven insights
about product and service needs. This Manufactured capital
Tata Chemicals serves the needs of increases accessibility, transparency, and Production:
customers globally, providing inorganic makes our response to customer needs Soda Ash: 38,57,807 MT
chemicals from world-class manufacturing more agile. Bicarb: 2,12,785 MT
facilities in four continents. All operations Cement: 5,00,424 MT
have a long-standing focus on Product innovations include Magadi Salt: 14,22,761 MT
manufacturing excellence and continuous Moore Nyama and Magadi Moore Crushed Re ned Soda:
improvement processes such as Lean Maziwa the salt and crushed re ned 5,48,657 MT
Six Sigma. This means they maintain soda for animal feed, Medikarb, India's Others: 26,788 MT
positions as low cost producers, o er rst branded pharmaceutical grade Real estate leased:
competitive and value-based pricing in sodium bicarbonate, and DetMate, 1,24,281 acres
the highly cost competitive soda ash and the coloured soda ash speckles. We Statutory Reports
sodium bicarbonate segments. Consistent have pioneered high quality technical Human capital
high product quality world-class service salt used in detergent and textile Employees
levels, customised solutions and excellent applications. Tata Salt is being targeted Direct: 2,763
customer relationships are the foundation at the Indian diaspora in the UK. Other Indirect: 3,145
of our customer contracts. Proven product innovations include de-icing salt
procedures exist, including the mobility granulite packed in a newly designed Intellectual capital
of skilled people, to share knowledge and 10kg bag as a quality product for shops Industry- rst innovations
best practice between locations. and supermarkets in the UK, and high namely ChemConnect and
purity technical salt developed to service transport of product using
We are an industry innovation leader. We textile, detergents and other industrial bulkers and value-added
work closely with our Innovation Centre applications in the UK, EU and global product variants; Medikarb,
to take innovative ideas, bench-test, and markets. Supply chain innovations include Crushed Re ned Soda (CRS)
develop viable business propositions bulker and coastal shipping and internet- in livestock
to meet customer requirements. based vendor managed inventory. Financial Statements
Service innovations such as the recently Social and relationship
introduced customer relationship We are investing in data analytics to capital
management portal ChemConnect, is achieve process optimisation in site Depots: 43
an example of innovation in customer operations. Using data analytics for Customers consuming
engagement. Currently available to 2,500 process optimisation, modern lime products (direct/indirect):
customers and all distributors in India, kilns, and MVR technology for VE salt Households: 50,48,804
it will be made available to customers have de ned our site innovations. We Companies: 4,759
in other regions. The portal has enabled launched a wide range of electrical,
digitisation of key steps in the customer mechanical, and technical projects at Natural capital
journey including order booking. More Middlewich Salt to improve reliability of Production of cement from
than 90% orders by channel customers are process and implemented training and soda ash by-product.
now placed through it. Our connectivity competency programme at Middlewich Access to natural wealth of
with customers has improved. It allows us Salt Mechanical. salt, trona, natural soda ash.
Basic chemicals 23