Page 16 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2017-18
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Our strategic direction
In the context of market trends, the key drivers of value creation, and the Company’s competitive advantage,
our strategic direction is three fold:
Maintain leadership Grow rapidly Seed and build
Maintain cost leadership and scale further Grow through increased product portfolio Develop our niche specialty chemicals
through operational excellence in our and strategic sourcing in our consumer portfolio through scienti c innovation
global chemicals business. products business - Foods. and acquisition of businesses in -
agrochem, nutritional solutions, and
advanced materials.
Metrics and targets
Targets and measurements are used to track the Company’s ability to deliver on its strategy.
These key performance indicators (KPIs) indicate our alignment with the strategy.
Dimension KPI Measurement Enterprise
strategic objective
Pro t Improvement in pro t Maximize
Financial sustainable long-
Capital allocation The e ciency with which capitals are employed
term pro tability
Growth in free Improvement of net income through operating performance
cash ow or e ciency ratios
Develop deep
Customer Net promoter score An indicator for our engagement with customers highlighting our understanding of
understanding of their needs and their satisfaction. the unique needs
of customers
Safety: TRIFR* Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate, considering Achieve
number of employees and hours worked benchmark level
in sustainability,
Internal Sustainability Concerns of communities at our sites as well as ensure Safety, Health and
Assessment Index their growth Environment (SHE)
(SAI) and CSR
The employee engagement survey identi es opportunities in all
Learning Employee Build human capital
and growth engagement score aspects across businesses and geographies to build an engaged
*Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate
14 Annual Report 2017-18