Page 73 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

 Building economic capital  Ensuring environmental integrity

 In FY 2022-23, we worked with 5,245     Ÿ C-SAFE is working on experimenting,   about two decades. Our initiatives   In FY 2022-23:
 farmers on capacity-building trainings,   piloting, establishing scientific   include coral reef restoration,
 field demonstrations, support on livestock   agricultural practices through its ABC   whale shark conservation,   People covered through
                                                                                Environmental projects
 management, supply of seeds, organic   value chain model - Agronomy, By-  mangroves and indigenous flora
 farming and agriculture equipment. Our   Products and Consumers, especially   and fauna conservation, along with   7,811
 Our CSR efforts in this area are centred   initiatives contributed significantly to   with small and marginal farmers and   Given the criticality of environment
 around enhancing livelihood for farmers,   improvement in farm productivity and led   farmer-producer organisations  conservation to sustainable business   environmental education initiatives
 youth and artisans in rural communities.  growth, we have identified protection   at Mithapur
 to increase in the sustainable income of                                       Mangroves planted
 the farmers.  In FY 2022-23:  of biodiversity, along with water     Ÿ Through C-SCAPES, we have also   2,17,500
            conservation and management as vital
   Ÿ Along with Okhamandal Farmer   Farmers benefited by farmer   elements of our CSR approach.  been working on new conservation
                                                projects on coastal ecosystem
 Producer Company Limited (OFPCL),   outreach initiatives  management; coastal community
 we supported four new FPOs (Farmer                                             Whale sharks rescued
 Enhancing farm productivity    Producer Organisations) for agriculture   12,963  resilience-building; climate change
 and income                                     mitigation and adaptation; and   44 (till date 910)
 and livestock management in
 We work closely with farmers to augment   partnership with NABARD (National   Cattle covered under livestock   Nurturing biodiversity   coastal governance
 the productivity of their land and enhance   Bank for Agriculture and Rural   management programmes
 their income.   Development). These work closely     Ÿ We have been running biodiversity
 with farmers to enhance productivity   55,403  conservation programmes for
 and profitability through market and
 government linkages and grants
                                                check dams, revival of community   In FY 2022-23:
                                                ponds, and promotion of drip
                                                irrigation                      Total water harvested through
            Progressing on water conservation
 with partners like NABARD, TCS, Light   rexine and leather, bead work, jute, block     Ÿ We also worked on water related   Jal Dhan
 of Life Trust (LOLT), etc. during the   print and coconut fibre are made. These   Our land development and Jal Dhan   government schemes - Sujalam
 year. We support skill development   are sold through Okhai, two retail outlets,   (water management and conservation)   Sufalam and Amrit Sarovar Yojana -   136 mcft (till date 717 mcft)
 Creating livelihood opportunities   institutions like Tata Strive Centre at   and handicraft stalls at Dwarka and Okha   programmes in Gujarat and Maharashtra   with community engagement during
 Aligarh, ITI at Dwarka and Vaghra,   railway stations   continued to benefit people in these
 We engage with the youth in rural   Leslie Sawhney Centre and Akola Girls   regions during the year.   the year
 communities and support them in   ITI. TCE participated in local career fairs     Ÿ In Magadi, we completed desilting
 becoming self-reliant through various   and discussed career paths with youth   In FY 2022-23:    Ÿ Our programmes cover groundwater   of a dam for the local community in
 skill development interventions. These   in the country  recharging, harvesting by building   Murantaua
 initiatives are aimed at equipping them   Youth provided skill training
 with employable skills to get jobs or start     Ÿ At our operations in Magadi, Kenya,
 their own enterprises.  we supported 24 trainees under   2,517
 our Community Skill Upgrading
   Ÿ Our skill development centre in   Programme
 Mithapur, which has programmes   Artisans impacted
 across fashion technology, welder,     Ÿ We have connected 29,445 (41% Rural    29,575
 fitter, domestic electrician, beauty and   Women artisans) with pan-India
 wellness, is creating employment and   customers through Okhai marketplace.
 entrepreneurship opportunities for    TCSRD is providing entrepreneurial   Sales of traditional handicrafts
 the youth   training to women members of self-  ₹ 1,292 Lakh
 help groups (SHGs). It has facilitated
   Ÿ Other skilling programmes were   the formation of six clusters or group
 undertaken at Mithapur, Dhasai,   enterprises in Mithapur, where
 Akola, Cuddalore and Mambattu
 products in bandhani (tie-and-dye),
            Location: Tata Chemicals Mithapur Coral
            Reef Restoration

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