Page 75 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

 Enablers for social, economic and environmental development  Building social capital

   Ÿ We have pledged to support the   In FY 2022-23:    Ÿ We facilitate the creation of     Ÿ During the year, TCL provided relief
 Corporate TB Pledge (CTP) for the   Women and adolescent girls   community-based organisations viz.   support to flood affected people in
 eradication of tuberculosis in the   treated for haemoglobin  Dwarkesh Women Federation, FPOs,   Mithapur
 Devbhumi Dwarka district of Gujarat            Samarthan Saksham Foundation, etc.     Ÿ Ample opportunities (through both

 Social, economic and environment     Ÿ We carried out impact assessment   813  Empowering vulnerable     Ÿ TCNA undertakes social programmes   digital and physical modes) were
                                                to support single mothers and children
                                                                                  provided to employees and their family
 indicators are the key enablers of the   of our Holistic Nutrition Project at   Children screened for malnutrition   in need   members to volunteer for various
 overall societal development, and we   Barwani, Madhya Pradesh and Dharni,   This is a key cross-cutting theme in   social and environmental causes
 continue to invest in their improvement   Maharashtra  333  all our programmes that focus on   In FY 2022-23:
 through targeted initiatives.    Ÿ We have initiated a nutrition project   Reduction of prevalence of anaemia   empowerment, partnerships and equity,   Women covered under   People covered under various
 at Bommasandra, near Rallis office in   among women  and are incorporated with the aim of   empowerment programmes  Affirmative Action programmes
 Bengaluru  achieving long-term sustainability.                                 70,000+
   Ÿ In Kenya, we support Magadi Hospital   23%    Ÿ Under the Tata Affirmative Action   2,904
 in extending healthcare services to the   Reduction of prevalence of stunted   programme, we work with women,   Purchase from marginalised/
 Promoting healthcare   scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.  Other initiatives
 local community  children under 5                                              vulnerable group vendors
 Healthcare is an important area of   We are in early stages of work with     Ÿ We are extending support for research
 intervention for the Company, and we     Ÿ TCE helped raise money for St. Luke’s   15%  persons with disability   and development related to green   I  19.67 Crore
 are committed to building a healthy   Hospice, Save the Children, and for   Lactating mothers have positively   technologies
 community.  emergency services and military   responded to increase in consumption
 veterans through fundraising activities
   Ÿ We run a mobile clinic in Mithapur to   organised by volunteers during   of essential supplements like iron    My entrepreneurial
 and vitamins
 cater to rural areas with limited access   the year. It also supported the local
 to healthcare   foodbank at Mid Cheshire  >90%
                always had a penchant for accounting and dreamt of running my
   Ÿ We have helped 11,987 children with   52,146  I  own business someday. However, as I hailed from an economically
 enhancing their learning capability,   marginalised family, I always thought it would remain an unrealised dream.
               But my association with TCL’s ‘Hun Pan’ digital programme changed that.
 besides strengthening the community   Students supported
 Investing in education   school management system, through   (Online Classes, Scholarships,   Besides learning digital banking, I also acquired the skills to train and
               empower 200 other women to do online banking and other transactions.
 We are running various educational   our Learning & Migration programme  Quality of Education: 40,159)
 programmes to improve the quality of     Ÿ In Kenya, we supported the   I then went on to start Dwarkesh Foods Foundation with some of these
 education, ensure zero school dropouts,   construction of a girl’s dormitory for   Learning and Migration   women. I am happy to share that the Foundation is the first ever 100%
 programme: 11,987)
               women-owned and managed company in the Dwarka district.
 and focus on bridging the learning gap   Magadi Secondary School - a public
 caused due to closure of schools during   school for the community around   My entrepreneurial journey has transformed my life. Today, I have my
 the pandemic.   own house. My husband owns a grocery shop while I work as a Director
 Magadi; provided scholarships to 18   at Dwarkesh Foods. Dwarkesh Foods Foundation takes pride in providing
   Ÿ In FY 2022-23, we supported 40,159   university students: and supported 12   daily meals to TCL’s workforce at Mithapur.
 children through remedial classes,   students from the local community to
 scholarships, summer camps etc., with   join a technical college   My future plan is to empower 100 women by enabling them to work
               in the Foundation. I want to make the Foundation sustainable. And I
 focus on STEM (Science, Technology,   am confident of realising this dream, too, thanks to the training and
 Engineering and Maths)   empowerment received from TCL.

 ensuring access to clean drinking water   In FY 2022-23:  Nilpaben Gosai
 for communities.  Households provided with tap   Director - Dwarkesh Foods Foundation & Head – Dwarkadish Mahila SHG
 Ensuring drinking water and     Ÿ In FY 2022-23, we facilitated access   connection in Mithapur in    Interventions associated: Self Help Group (SHG), Rural Entrepreneurship
 infrastructure  to clean water for 12,080 households   FY 2022-23  Development Programme (REDP), Hun Pan Digital, Dwarkesh Foods
 We are working on community need-  through our Swachh Tarang project  256  Foundation.
 based infrastructure projects, and     Ÿ We are also working on providing tap
 connection to households in Mithapur

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