Page 76 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 76

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23                01-83                   84-192                  193-365
                                                                                                                                     Integrated Report       Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

           Nurturing a Positive Workplace Culture                                                                                  Certifications from best universities through various   Tata Chemicals reviews its employee structure
                                                                                                                                                                                        periodically to align it with the evolving customer needs
                                                                                                                                   learning platforms (140+ in FY 2021-22)
                                                                                                                                   137+                                                 and aspirations.

           Tata Chemicals considers its people as a key pillar of its chemistry of sustainable growth. The Company is committed to   Building Managerial Capability                   Promoting Skills and Diversity
           creating a positive workplace culture, underpinned by empowerment and progression of the employees. The Company
           is focussed on investing in the welfare, safety and well-being of its people through a purpose-led strategic approach. It is   While building a robust future talent pipeline, Tata Chemicals   Tata Chemicals has launched targeted programmes to promote
           continuously reinventing itself to create a people-friendly environment that promotes greater employee satisfaction and   has identified the development of managerial capability as a   the necessary skill-sets for addressing the needs of the
           increased productivity.                                                                                                 key focus area for steering its growth plans.      transforming business eco-system. It is also driving diversity as a
                                                                                                                                                                                      conscious agenda within the organisation.
                                                                                                                                      Ÿ The Manager Capability Building Programme, called ‘Invest’
           The Human Resource (HR) policies at Tata Chemicals are powered by concerted efforts to ensure the engagement and          and ‘Invest+’ (Increase Value-Enhancing Skills for Tomorrow),
           welfare of its people. They are structured around programmes that promote the skill development of the employees through   was conducted for four batches from India and Magadi,
           innovative practices. The Company continues to invest in equipping them to embrace technological advancements to          Kenya during FY 2022-23. This was complemented by a bi-  The internal job posting platform SHINE+ for Tata Chemicals’
           promote excellence at work.                                                                                               monthly learning capsule of articles, videos, podcasts, etc.  India entities has helped in providing enriching careers

                                                                                                                                      Ÿ CoachPro for senior leadership team was introduced at   to employees, across both the existing and new business
           SDGs impacted                                                                                                             various levels, along with a mentoring programme, to   segments.
                                                                                                                                     enhance the coaching skills of managers. TCE has also
                                                                                                                                     developed a ‘myPeople Management Tool Kit’ for people
                                                                                                                                     management skills
                                                                                                                                      Ÿ About 50 managers globally were recognised as part of the   The Graduate Engineer Trainees (GETs) programme is crafted
                                                                                                                                     Company’s ‘Katalyst Award Programme’ to acknowledge   to execute the Company’s diversity agenda with an intake of
                                                                                                                                     Role Model People Managers, based on the manager   50% women engineers, who are being groomed to build a
                                                                                                                                     effectiveness score delivered by the employee engagement   pipeline of technical talent for the business operations.
           Investing in the Right Talent                     Tata Chemicals has initiated various leadership development             survey of FY 2021-22
           In line with its growth and expansion plans, Tata Chemicals   interventions under the ‘Future Ready-Future Engaged’
           makes regular investments in attracting the right talent and   framework. These include:                                   Tata Chemicals India has women working in all the three
           skill-set to drive its sustainability-led business strategy. Its human     Ÿ 3-tier Tata Group Leadership Programmes       shifts at its manufacturing sites.
           resource framework is built around a model designed to create a     Ÿ Breakthrough Series for Women Leaders (for India entities)
           multi-skilled and productive structure. The focus is on addressing
           the existing skill gaps, and attracting new and industry-relevant     Ÿ Coachathon (TCE) Future Leaders Programme (at TCE)
           skills in the areas of supply chain and logistics, digitalisation,     Ÿ Byte Size Coaching (TCE)
           fermentation, analytics, among others.               Ÿ Leadership Development Program (Rallis)

             Ÿ The Company imparts continuous training through   Other interventions for developing and upskilling
             multiple digital learning platforms, such as Global Gyan,   talent include:
             Tata Tomorrow University (TTU) and LinkedIn Learning, to     Ÿ Functional/technical training
             its employees across business entities
                                                                Ÿ On-the-job training
             Ÿ Tata Chemicals has incorporated the CDP (Career     Ÿ Rotational stints
             Development Plan) in its HR systems
                                                                Ÿ Alliances with learning partners, academia and
                                                                research institutions

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Employees celebrating Navratri
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   at Wadala (Mumbai) office

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