Page 78 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23 01-83 84-192 193-365
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
On-roll employees and gender diversity Striving to be the Best
Diversity and inclusion (as on March 31)
Digitalisation of HR operations has helped standardise
2022-23 2021-22 and automate business processes and workflows. Marksmen Daily, in partnership with India Today,
Total Female Total Female This allows the HR department to spend less time on recognised Tata Chemicals as the “Most Preferred
TCL India 1,794 132 1,679 124 administrative tasks and more on partnering with Workplace “ in Manufacturing FY 2022-23
TCE, UK 334 40 373 44 stakeholders to add value to the operations. Tata Chemicals Magadi was declared the ‘Company of
TCNA, US 593 42 590 38 the Year 2022’, for the second year in a row
TCML, Kenya 155 27 163 30
TCSA, South Africa 22 9 21 8
TCIPL, Singapore 1 0 3 1
Rallis 1,716 64 1,796 64
Ncourage 7 1 17 3 Enabling a Culture of Inclusion and FY 2022-23 Key Performing Indicators
Total 4,622 315 4,642 312 Motivation
Employees in R&D
Empowering People through Digitalisation Fostering Employee Well-being At Tata Chemicals, constant efforts are made to create a (Intellectual Capital)
culture of inclusion, with focus on embedding a sense (FY 2021-22: 245)
With the phased launch of myWOW (My World of Work) HRMS Ensuring the wellness and well-being of its employees is a vital of belonging among the employees. Various initiatives
Oracle platform rolled out across all entities, Tata Chemicals has part of Tata Chemicals’ human resource charter. The Company and programmes are undertaken to keep the employees 239
embarked on an organisation-wide digital transformation journey encourages its people to take adequate breaks for rest and engaged, satisfied and motivated.
under the One Tata One Operating Network (OTON). TCL India has rejuvenation. It also undertakes various programmes like yoga
completed the first two phases of the programme, including its sessions, sports day, marathons to ensure their physical and The Company is continuously reviewing its people- % Employees trained under
payroll as well as leave and attendance management processes. It emotional well-being. friendly policies like infant care policy, parental leave, Leadership/Managerial
has also piloted an AI-based Chatbot. based on feedback and benchmarks with other peer Programmes
With a strong emphasis on mental health awareness, Tata
Chemicals organised counselling at TCE, TCM and India entities organisations (FY 2021-22: 14%)
The single sign-on-based, mobile-enabled platform provides during FY 2022-23
better user experience to the Company’s multi-generational In FY 2022-23, an external enterprise-wide employee 26%
workforce. It also assists managers with better and more informed The Employee Assistance Programme, launched two years engagement Xpress survey was conducted with a
team management. ago under the umbrella of “We Care”, continued to offer response rate of 95%
confidential psychological support and other assistance, such ‘Leadership Connect’, a platform for members of the Training days per employee
as life coaching, emotional and mental wellness support, to Board for interacting with a diverse group of employees (FY 2021-22: 2.9)
India-based employees and their families
in TCL India and Rallis, helps understand the pulse of 2.2
the employees and the business
The Company’s managers engage with their teams on
a regular basis to review their performance and provide Manpower productivity =
inputs on their areas for improvement PBT/ total employees
(FY 2021-22: 0.36 Crore)
I 0.59 Crore
External Employee Engagement Score
2,270+ appreciations and 300+
FY 2020-21 - 72% monetary awards to employees
FY 2022-23 - 72% through the ‘Kudos’ online rewards
platform in TCL India
Fun at Office
76 77