Page 51 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 51

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
               Stakeholder Engagement

 Ensuring Stakeholder Engagement

 for Holistic Growth

 We believe we have an obligation to address the suggestions and concerns of our stakeholders. We feel it is essential to   We undertake regular engagement exercises to measure the quality of our relationships with our stakeholders
 build and nurture trusted relationships, and strengthen our reputation as a responsible and sustainable organisation. This   and make informed decisions. This is essential to our purpose of serving society through science, and creating
 will help propel our inclusive and sustainable growth objective, and help us transcend our business goals to positively   value for our stakeholders.
 impact all our stakeholder groups.

 Customers  Shareholders  Employees  Suppliers / Partners  Government           Community / Society

 KPI  KPI  KPI  KPI                           KPI                               KPI
 Product quality and availability,   Dividends, profitability and financial   Responsible Care (RC), innovation,   Quality, timely delivery and payments,   Strong ESG practices (climate change   RC, waste management, integrated
 responsiveness to needs, after-sales   stability, robust ESG practices,   operational efficiencies, improvement   ESG consideration (sustainability,   roadmap, frameworks for sustainability   water management, clean water,
 service, responsible guidelines /   climate change risks, cyber risks,   areas, long-term strategy plans, training   safety checks, compliances, ethical   and beyond compliance and RC,   climate change impacts, community
 manufacturing, climate change   growth prospects  and awareness, responsible marketing,   behaviour), ISO and OHSAS standards,   changes in regulatory frameworks, skill   development, self-sustainability,
 disclosures, life cycle assessment  brand communication, health, safety   collaboration and digitalisation   and capacity building, employment,   livelihood support, disaster relief,
 Engagement Methods  and engagement initiatives  opportunities  environmental measures), policy   support of the UN SDGs building
 Engagement Methods  Annual general meeting, shareholder   advocacy, timely contribution to   capacity of future leaders, digital
 Website ECRM, distributors / retailers/   meets, emails, Stock Exchange (SE)   Engagement Methods  Engagement Methods  exchequer/local infrastructure,   eco-system development
 direct customers / achievers’ meets,   intimations, investor/analyst meets/  Senior leaders’ communication/  Pre-qualification/vetting,   proactive engagement
 senior leader-customer meets / visits,   conference calls, annual reports,   talk/forum, town hall briefing, goal   communication and partnership   Engagement Methods
 customer plant visits, COO club, key   quarterly results, media releases,   setting and performance appraisal   meets, plant visits, MoUs and   Engagement Methods  Meets (of community/local authority
 account management workshops,   Company/SE website  meetings/reviews, exit interviews,   framework agreements, trade   Advocacy meetings with local/state/  and town council/committee/location
 focus group discussions, trade   union meetings, wellness initiatives,   association meets/seminars,   national governments and ministries,   head/SWOT council), community
 body memberships, complaints   engagement surveys, emails,   professional networks, Bhagidhari   seminars, media releases, conferences,   visits and projects, partnerships with
 management, helpdesk, conferences,   intranet, flat screens, websites,   Sabha, contract management/  membership in local enterprise   local charities, volunteerism, seminars/
 joint BD plans, information on   poster campaigns, house magazines,   review, product workshops/on-site   partnerships and industry bodies    conferences
 packaging, customer surveys, NPS  confluence, circulars, quarterly   presentations, satisfaction surveys,    (ICC, IMA, CII, CIA, ESAPA, RC, UNGC)
 publications, newsletters  Pro Care helpdesk

 Material Matters  Material Matters  Material Matters  Material Matters  Material Matters  Material Matters

 M1  M2  M4  M5  M6  M1  M2  M7  M1  M3  M11  M13  M1  M3  M4  M12  M1  M4  M7  M8  M1  M2  M7   M9
 M7  M9  M10  M15  M16  M15  M20              M14   M16  M17   M18              M11  M15   M16

            Location: Mithapur Plant
            Picture Credit: Chirag R. Parmar
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