Page 53 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
               Managing Risk and Ensuring
               Business Resilience

 Managing Risk and Ensuring Business   Our approach to risk   Highlights of Enterprise Risk   To proactively identify and manage our key
                                                                               risks for achieving our strategic objectives,
                                              Management for FY 2022-23
 Resilience  TCL’s Risk Management Framework has   As we manage our business in a VUCA   we have put in place a well-defined ERM
                                                                               framework. Its key highlights are:
            matured over the past several years.   (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and
 We believe that effective risk identification   Risk mapping  The framework identifies, prioritises,   Ambiguous) environment, Enterprise Risk     Ÿ Risk management is embedded in the
                                                                                 day-to-day operations of each entity,
 and management is vital for business   manages, monitors and reports both, the   Management (ERM) enables us to identify   and operational managers are expected
 to be resilient and grow sustainably. We   High  key risks as well as the emerging risks -   and manage our risks by implementing
 periodically assess the risks that the Company   1  that can impact the achievement of the   risk mitigation plans and allocating the   to anticipate and react rapidly when
 faces in its business operations and invest   5  organisation’s objectives.   necessary resources. It also helps us focus   circumstances change
 in minimising the same through concerted     on becoming resilient through uncertain     Ÿ Apart from Risk Management Committee
 initiatives.  The Company’s Risk Management   business and geopolitical environments.  (RMC) and Senior Management providing
            Framework is founded on sound                                        inputs on risks, continuous scanning of
 The risk-related information outlined in   organisation design principles, and   The Company operates in a dynamic
 this section is not exhaustive and is for    environment which not only provides   external environment is done by the
 information purposes only. The section lists   3  10  7  is enabled by an effective review   opportunities but also exposes the   risk management team to identify new
 forward–looking statements that may involve   8  mechanism. Risk management at Tata   business to various risks:  risks, which are validated by the senior
 risks and uncertainties. Our actual results,   9  Chemicals forms an integral part of the   management and RMC
 including business operational performance,   Impact  Medium  6  Management’s focus.     Ÿ Geopolitical uncertainties (US-China     Ÿ The best global practices on risk
 could differ materially on account of risks   4  2  relationship) and security risk (Russia-  management are deployed with the help
 and uncertainties not currently envisaged, or   TCL has adopted an integrated   Ukraine conflict)   of third party consultant (Big 4)
 due to risks that we currently believe are not   ERM framework, which has been     Ÿ Volatile growth dynamics and      Ÿ Business Continuity Plan (BCP) for TCL
 material. Readers are also advised to exercise   implemented across the organisation.
 their own judgement in assessing the risks   We adhere to ISO 31000, and to the   market cycles  India’s major plant has been completed
 associated with the Company.  Committee of Sponsoring Organisations     Ÿ Increased sensitivity   and got certified under assessment for
            (COSO) Enterprise Risk Management     Ÿ Expectations related to climate change   ISO 22301:2019
 Risk Category  Framework.                       Ÿ Imperatives of energy transition     Ÿ Development of BCPs at TCL India’s
 1 Sustainability  2 Strategic  3 Operational    Ÿ Recession impacting demand    other plants and corporate functions is
 Low                                            and price                        complete
 4 Financial   5 Regulatory and Policy  Low  Medium  High

 6 Reputational   Probability  Tata Chemicals’ key risks and mitigation strategies
 Sr.   Key Risks & Category  Risk Description  Change in Rating over 2021-22  Sustainability risk
 No.  Probability  Impact
            Failure to address climate change related risks – Reduce carbon   Impact (3) X Probability (2)
 1  Sustainability risk  1  Failure to address climate change related risks – Reducing carbon   No Change  No Change
 emission, maintaining circular economy (water, solid waste &   emission, Maintain circular economy (water, solid waste &
 renewables) and Preserving nature & biodiversity  renewables) and Preserve nature & biodiversity
 2  Recession risk  Recession fuelled by rising interest rates, impacting demand and price  New Risk  Linkage to Capital  Oversight
 3  Digitalisation risk  Embracing digitalisation as a key lever of business growth  No Change  No Change   Natural Capital  Social and Relationship Capital    Ÿ Safety, Health, Environment & Sustainability Committee
 2                                                                Ÿ Audit Committee
 4  Talent risk  Challenges of attracting and retaining talent in remote   New Risk    Ÿ Risk Management Committee
 manufacturing locations
 5  Cyber risk  Loss of data & compromised operations resulting from cyber attacks  No Change  No Change  Mitigation plans
 6  High energy costs   3  High energy costs (high prices of energy sources like oil, natural   Reduced  Reduced    Ÿ Regular monitoring of sustainability     Ÿ Working closely with supply chain     Ÿ EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility)
 risk & supply chain   gas, coal will impact variable costs) & supply chain constraints   risks against sustainability targets of all   partners to reduce the carbon footprint   compliance on plastic waste, as per
 constraints risk  (higher freight costs and longer delivery cycles)  business units  of the entire value chain  EPR action plan
 7  International debt risk  Managing international debt and tightening interest rates  No Change  No Change    Ÿ Board-level quarterly review     Ÿ Dedicated investment to appropriately     Ÿ Optimise water consumption
 4             of Sustainability Roadmap and    balance environmental targets and long-  across plants and implement water
 8  Unfunded pension risk  Unfunded pension liabilities of overseas subsidiaries    No Change  No Change  Environmental Compliance Status  term, sustainable business growth  harvesting projects
 (UK Natrium Holdings)
               Ÿ Focussed implementation of the     Ÿ Signatory to Responsible Care as well as     Ÿ Focus on sustainable green chemistries
 9  Regulatory & policy risk  5  Policy changes which could impact the Company’s operations at large  No Change  No Change  solutions identified to reduce carbon   CORE certified
 10  Safety risk  6  Ensuring containment of safety hazards (behaviour, workplace,   No Change  No Change  emissions and carbon capture across the
 process and product)   manufacturing facilities

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