Page 17 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 17

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
               Basic Chemistry Business

 Value Chain   Way forward                       Ÿ Optimising outbound logistics and   technology to improve manufacturing
               Ÿ Focus on safety, process safety,   modes to enhance customer service   practices and business processes
               risk management and sustainable   and reduce freight cost           Ÿ Implementing key projects to achieve
               operations                        Ÿ Improving realisation by optimising   SBTi targets and moving towards the

               Ÿ On time execution of capex projects   product portfolio and market mix   goal of carbon neutrality
               Ÿ Maximising capacity utilisation of all     Ÿ Intensifying R&D to develop new     Ÿ Sustainable operations with
 Raw materials   Processing  Products  Packaging  products  products, new applications and   augmentation of power through
                                                process improvements              renewables – establishing biomass
 India/UK  India/UK  India/UK    Ÿ  Bags    Ÿ Enhancing market leadership and value   usage and alternate fuel, installation of
   Ÿ  Limestone, coke, coal/natural     Ÿ  Synthetic: Soda Ammonia     Ÿ  Soda Ash, Sodium     Ÿ  Bulkers  addition in sodium bicarbonate    Ÿ Increasing the use of IIoT (Industrial   solar and wind resources
 gas are procured in bulk from   Process  Bicarbonate, Salt  Internet of Things), AI (Artificial
 suppliers    Ÿ  Salt: Vacuum evaporation  USA    Ÿ Market expansion of sodium bicarbonate   Intelligence), data analytics and
   Ÿ  Solar salt and brine   in newer segments and geographies
 from captive salt works/   USA/Kenya    Ÿ  Soda Ash
 Underground Brine field    Ÿ  Natural: Mining and   Kenya
 processing of ore
 USA/Kenya    Ÿ  Soda Ash, Crushed
   Ÿ  Trona ore from captive mining  Refined Soda  Simplifying
                      transportation                                          Recycling
   Ÿ  Coal, HFO, Natural gas are                                              waste heat
 procured in bulk from suppliers  processes

                   ognisant of the increasing complexities of Global         e have initiated the installation of a
                Csupply chain and logistics, we have rolled out a        WSteam Rankine Cycle System (SRC)
 End use  Distribution  Logistics  Transport Management System to effectively visualise,   for trapping waste and reusing it in the
                track, and manage all inbound and outbound despatches    manufacturing process. The production of
   Ÿ  Detergents, Glass, Food,     Ÿ  Direct 73%     Ÿ  Sea  from a centralised platform. Our new platform helps   cement is an energy-intensive process that
 Animal Feed, Pharma and     Ÿ  Channel Partners 27%    Ÿ  Rail  customers stay informed on the progress of their orders,   requires high fuel consumption in the kilns.
 Chemical intermediates
   Ÿ  Salt (India) 100% to Tata     Ÿ  Road  and make necessary adjustments for their cargo arrival,   Nearly 40-50% of total thermal energy is ideally
 Consumer Products   inventory management and production planning. The   required for the clinker manufacturing process.
 Limited (TCPL)
                transport management system also offers mobile and web   Flue gases of preheater and cooler being
                portals, allowing customers to track and manage their    vented contain 30-35% thermal energy. In SRC,
                shipments from anywhere. The system also offers real-time   the exhaust gases released from the rotary kiln
                tracking so that customers have visibility on the status   pass through preheaters (PH) and reach the
 Operational and strategic developments – India  of their shipment at any given moment. The customer-  preheater boiler.
                centric system is equipped with features like notifications
 Strengthening   During FY 2022-23  February 2022. Product prices were   and alerts, which provide customer convenience and   Benefits
 business foundations    Ÿ Soda ash markets remained balanced,   realigned to offset the cost escalations  peace of mind when it comes to shipping goods.    Ÿ The new system will reduce specific energy
 with all end user segments reporting     Ÿ Lower availability of raw salt due to   consumption by 18%, thus reinforcing our
 Despite multifarious challenges   Benefits                                theme of “Sustainable Chemistry”.
 faced by the business, we   growth. Improvement in import   bittern dilution required securitisation     Ÿ Enables automatic allocation of orders to transporters
 continued to stay on course with   volumes and normalcy in domestic   of salt from external sources, which   as per contracts
 our strategic plans through agile   availability kept the supplies adequate,   further increased the production cost
 and timely interventions to boost   except for slight tightness in first half     Ÿ Supply chain was strengthened     Ÿ Standardisation of documents like Lorry Receipts,
 operational and cost efficiencies   of the fiscal  through increase in container rake   visibility and complete tracking of billing cycle for
 and strengthen the foundations.    Ÿ Market demand for bicarbonate,   movements and other multi-modal   TCL and transporters, ensuring faster and error-free
 cement and other halogen products   methods for quick market deliveries  commercial processes
 remained healthy. Salt demand also     Ÿ Provides dashboards for analytics and decision-making
 remained consistent    Ÿ We remained focussed on
 operational excellence, automation
   Ÿ Elevated energy prices escalated   and digitalisation projects for
 the cost of production. Coal prices   improvements and efficiency
 remained volatile and surged after   enhancement
 the Russia-Ukraine war broke out in
            Location: Mithapur Saltworks

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