Page 22 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23                01-83                   84-192                  193-365
                                                                                                                                     Integrated Report       Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                                                                                                                     Specialty Products Business

           THE YEAR IN REVIEW                                                                                                      Operational and strategic developments
           Specialty Products Business                                                                                             Stabilising specialty silica operations

                                                                                                                                   Given the new and growing opportunities in this segment, we   Developing high purity silica for
                                                                                                                                   are making continuous investment towards strengthening our   silicone rubber applications
           Our Specialty Chemistry business segment comprises Specialty Silica,                                                    presence in this business.
           Prebiotics, Agrochemicals & Seeds
                                                                                                                                                                                             he silicone rubber industry needs high purity
                                                                                                                                   During FY 2022-23                                       Tand consistent quality of silica. This space was
                                                                                                                                      Ÿ We successfully stabilised and improved our specialty silica   occupied mostly by imports. Our Innovation Centre,
                 Specialty Silica Business Overview                                                                                  operations at our Cuddalore plant in Tamil Nadu, reaching    along with our business development and plant teams,
                                                                                                                                     86% operating rates                                   collaborated with leading silicone rubber customers
                                                                                                                                                                                           to introduce three specially designed precipitated
           We have extended our expertise in basic chemistry products   Value Chain                                                   Ÿ We made significant improvements in the infrastructure and   amorphous silica. These silica products were aimed at
           to manufacture a range of Specialty Silica products. Our foray   Precipitated silica is a part of Soda Ash value chain produced   processes/systems, contributing to greater efficiency and   addressing the stringent quality requirement of end
           into specialty products has been driven by our Pune Innovation   from Sodium Silicate (Soda Ash derivative) as a key raw   consistent product quality                           users in the silicone rubber industry. They have received
           Centre’s focussed R&D around chemistry-based material solutions.  material, reacted with mineral acid under controlled     Ÿ We received HDS product approvals for the tyre industry and   widespread acceptability in India, and equip customers
                                                             process condition. Rice husk-based Silica is expected to be a           started commercial supplies                           to plan their production with minimum inventory
           Our high-performance, differentiated materials are essential   sustainable alternative, predominantly for customers making                                                      carrying cost for silica.
           inputs for varied industries. Our specialty silica products are   green tyres for lower carbon footprint.                  Ÿ We expanded our market reach by strengthening our channel
           finding great demand in the manufacture of high-performance                                                               partner and distributor network across the globe, enabling us
           and fuel-efficient green tyres amidst tightening automotive                                                               to commence supplies to overseas customers (both rubber   Benefits
           emission standards, labelling requirement of tyres, and the   For our product portfolio and end applications, please visit our   and non-rubber segments)                          Ÿ The specialised silica products impart not only a
           growing Electric Vehicles (EVs) demand. There is also a growing   website at                                                               bright white colour, but also make processing of
           demand for these materials in other application segments like                                                           Way forward                                               silicone rubber compounds easier, on account of
           silicone rubbers, battery separators, technical rubber goods and   TCL was awarded 'Best Supplier'                         Ÿ Co-creating customised solutions for high-performance   their high purity, narrower particle size distribution
           oral care.                                           under innovation category                                            applications by leveraging proprietary HDS platform     and consistency
                                                                during FY 2021-22 from a leading                                     technology and customer relationships                    Ÿ The Expand BET silica TAVERSIL™ 120F ensures the
                                                                Tyre manufacturer
                                                                                                                                      Ÿ Undertaking innovation to launch new grades, to address a   highest level of filler loading in compounds
                                                                                                                                     larger base of customers and application segments        Ÿ The highest BET material TAVERSIL™ 100B provides
                                                                                                                                      Ÿ Expanding global footprint by ramping up supply to overseas   translucency in silicone rubber based finished
              Robust portfolio                                                                                                       markets                                                 goods, such as roll cover, flexible chocolate
                 Ÿ  Customised HDS products for PCR/TBR                  World-class quality standards                                Ÿ Addressing sustainability targets for key customers by   moulds, performer for toys etc., among others
                (Passenger Car Radial/Truck and bus radial)                 Ÿ Reliable and consistent product                        introducing rice husk based precipitated silica
                and various radial tyre applications
                 Ÿ New product developments for battery,                    Ÿ REACH quality certification
                defoamers, polymers and personal care
                industry; Import substitution for silicone
                rubber grade silica
                                                       with right
              Unmatched customer value
                 Ÿ  Materials expertise for technical and                Sustainability focus
                application support                                         Ÿ Products facilitating manufacturing of
                 Ÿ Quick and assured supply, being the only silica         high-performance and fuel-efficient
                plant in major automotive hub of South India               green tyres
                 Ÿ Customised products and packaging to                     Ÿ Rice husk silica development for tyre
                address customer demand and better logistics               application

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