Page 21 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 21

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
               Basic Chemistry Business

 Operational and strategic developments – USA

                                                                         TCL exit
 Leveraging export opportunity  reduce over the course of 2023, making exports from the USA     Ÿ Targeting supply opportunities in emerging green technology:   from ANSAC
 TCL’s presence across four continents gives us a unique position,   competitive in Latin America, Australia and South East Asia.   Lithium carbonate for EVs and solar glass manufacture
 and equips us to synergise and deliver superior value to our     Ÿ Identifying incremental opportunities for efficiency   ince its inception in 1984, ANSAC has marketed
 global and regional customers. We are committed to investing in   Tata Chemicals North America is one of the leading soda ash   improvement; Deploy technology to reduce fixed costs  Sand supplied soda ash to export markets. Tata
 increasing our capacities to service the growing global demand   manufacturers in the country, with ~20% capacity share of the     Ÿ Implementing energy efficiency and fuels switch from coal to   Chemicals started exit from ANSAC on December
 of soda ash, while focussing on increasing our productivity, cost   US domestic market. With our recent exit from ANSAC, our direct   natural gas to reduce carbon footprint and sequestration of   31, 2022. As part of the exit agreement, ANSAC will
 competitiveness and sustainability metrics.   connect with global customers has now increased allowing us to   carbon through CCS and CCU  continue to provide logistics services for USA exports
 focus on growing export opportunities.    Ÿ Focus on generating cash to continue to prepay debt and   in the medium term.
 The Soda Ash outlook in North America remains positive, with   Way forward  fund capex
 stable local demand and continued ongoing recovery in export        Benefits
 markets. Compared to the synthetic production process Natural     Ÿ Debottlenecking existing processes and adding more energy     Ÿ It will help us establish a direct relationship with
 soda ash, process used in the USA, requires lower amounts of   efficient capacity  our export customers, who represent approx. 50%
 energy and emits lower volumes of carbon dioxide. Energy     Ÿ Building on newly established overseas distribution networks   of our business
 costs in the USA are expected to remain lower compared to   in Latin American and South East Asia; Onboarding distributors
 other regions. Both coal and natural gas prices are expected to   and resources to manage direct sales    Ÿ With expansion of our facility in USA, the export
                                                                       sector will become a more significant portion of
                                                                       our business
                                                                        Ÿ A direct relationship with our export customers
                                                                       allows us to better partner with them on various

 TCNA Employees

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