Page 18 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 18

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23                01-83                   84-192                  193-365
                                                                                                                                     Integrated Report       Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                                                                                                                     Basic Chemistry Business

           Operational and strategic developments – UK                                                                             Operational and Strategic Developments – Kenya

           Working closely with customers, the UK operations was able   Way forward                                                Staying on course                                  Way forward
           to weather the challenges of high energy cost by modifying its     Ÿ Strengthening UK’s edge in terms of one of the lowest carbon   Kenya business performance during the year remained     Ÿ Improving on Mean Time between Failure (MTBF) and plant
           contracting strategy. This led to all plants operating at full capacity.  footprints in soda ash manufacturing in the EU, Tata Chemicals   healthy both on volumes and realisations. Fulfilling   availability by 10%
                                                                Europe (TCE) UK has developed the first major CCU in the           customer demand across markets was an area of focus     Ÿ Generating cash from operations to support expansion
           During FY 2022-23
                                                                country, a new power plant for salt operation, and an energy-      given supply chain challenges during the year. Strong cash   capex
             Ÿ UK commissioned and fully operationalised a 40 KT carbon   from-waste plant which is expected to be completed by 2026   flows enabled prepayment of all debt.
             capture unit, producing CO  to EIGA (European Industrial   at the Lostock site                                                                                              Ÿ Production of Pure Ash through solar ponds project in
             Gases Association) standard, for manufacturing of sodium                                                                                                                   Q3 FY 2023-24
             bicarbonate                                        Ÿ Enhancing manufacturing capabilities with new investments                                                              Ÿ Installation and commissioning of 10 MW solar plant
                                                                and continuous improvement in cost efficiencies
             Ÿ Started construction of a new pharmaceutical grade salt
             manufacturing facility and associated warehousing    Ÿ Generating electrical energy at high efficiency from the CHP
                                                                plant as part of the minimisation of the carbon footprint
             Ÿ UK signed an MoU for potential hydrogen supply to the
             Northwich operations                               Ÿ Developing strong export capability in high grade and high
                                                                end applications

                    Enabling 10% carbon
                    footprint reduction

                n 2020-21, TCE constructed the Carbon Capture and   Benefits
               IUtilisation plant (CCU) for capturing CO  from its gas-fired   The project has yielded excellent outcomes.
                Combined Heat and Power plant (CHP) at Winnington,   Commissioned in an exceptionally short period, the
                Northwich. The plant was commissioned in August 2021   CCU has been reducing CO  emissions from the CHP by
                and the first CO  was captured in September 2021. EIGA   40,000 tonnes per annum, which is equivalent to 11% of
                quality approvals were obtained the same month, after   its total emissions.
                which all of the CO  needs of the TCE Sodium Bicarbonate
                (SB) plant at Winnington have been fulfilled from the   We are certain that the project’s success will act as a
                new CCU plant. Initiated in 2018, the project is the first   pathfinder for other CCU projects in the UK, as was
                industrial scale CCU plant in the UK.        intended by BEIS (Business, Energy and Industrial
                The CO  is liquefied and purified at the CCU to EIGA Food
                and Beverages Grade standards. It is used as a key raw
                material for the manufacturing of high purity SB at the
                Winnington plant.

                                                                                                                                   Location: Magadi Plant

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