Page 13 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 13

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
               Chemistry for
               Sustainable Growth

 B. Water Conservation  C. Circular Economy

 Both synthetic and natural Soda Ash   Circularity is one of the core principles of   Company’s growing thrust on   Salt     Ÿ HDS in increasingly being used in     Ÿ The Fermentation Platform also has
 processes are water intensive.  green chemistry. In addition to renewable   circularity. It consumes 100% fly ash   In addition to being a key food ingredient,   automotive tyres for green labelling.   the potential to produce industrial
 energy, Tata Chemicals also focusses   generated during burning of fuel. It   It is known to improve safety and   materials and nutraceutical products,
   Ÿ Tata Chemicals is one of the   on recycling waste and by-products   recycles 100% of off spec / rejected   Salt is a versatile starting material for   performance of automotive tyres and   replacing conventional unsustainable
 pioneers in conserving water in   to harness sustainable chemistry for   Calcium Carbonate generated at the   industrial chemicals. It is a key feedstock   increase fuel efficiency by ~7%  and non-renewable products
 Soda Ash and other manufacturing   propelling green growth.  lime kiln. It also uses Calcium Chloride   for synthetic Soda Ash, Caustic Soda and
 processes. Its main manufacturing   in the effluent stream as a feedstock   Chlorine Derivatives.     Ÿ Tata Chemicals is investing in
 complex in Mithapur is already net     Ÿ  Tata Chemicals’ cement plant at   for cement manufacturing    Ÿ While Solar Salt is considered carbon   sustainable green chemistry for
 freshwater neutral  neutral, its productivity, over the past   producing HDS from a renewable
 Mithapur is an example of the
               decade, has been impacted due to   feedstock, Rice Husk. India has the   Collaboration with Customers &
               changes in the rainfall patterns and   potential to become a global supplier   Supply Chain Partners
               temperatures, in India and globally   of HDS produced from Rice Husk
                                                                                Tata Chemicals is proactively engaging
 2. Pivoting towards sustainable applications and green chemistry for growth     Ÿ Tata Chemicals is committed to     Ÿ Tata Chemicals plans to increase HDS   with customers, suppliers, academia
               increase its Solar Salt capacities to   capacities by 50 KT in next 3 to 4 years
 Even though it is a part of the problem,   chemicals system to grow its annual   derivatives. While the conventional   and other supply chain partners to
 the Chemicals Industry is, notably, also a   production volumes 2.5 times and create   application of these products has a stable   support the capacity expansion of   ensure inclusive transition to a greener
 significant solutions provider, contributing   11 million new jobs globally by 2050.   outlook, growth is mainly driven by   Soda Ash and Edible Salt  tomorrow.
 to the development of a sustainable   new applications linked to sustainability     Ÿ Tata Chemicals plans to increase its     Ÿ Product & Process Innovation –
 global ecosystem. The global transition   Tata Chemicals' core portfolio comprises   drivers. The Company aims to build   Edible Salt capacities by 1.5x in next 5   Fermentation Platform  investment in new technologies and
 to a circular and net-zero-emissions   Soda Ash, Salt and Bicarb, with adjacent   leadership in these new applications by   to 7 years  processes along with academia, based
 economy is an opportunity for the   products of Silica, Bromine and Chlorine   substantially investing in these products.  In line with its green growth agenda,   on the principles of green chemistries.
                                              Tata Chemicals is exploring and investing
                                              in tomorrow’s technologies aligned to   (Refer to 'Innovating for Green Chemistry'
                                              the principles of green chemistry, i.e.   - page 32)
                                              renewable feedstock, sustainable green     Ÿ Customer Collaboration – process
 Soda Ash  Carbonate, a key active material used   India over the next five years.    Silica is a versatile product used as an   chemistries and eco-friendly applications.   modifications and technology
 Tata Chemicals is the third largest producer   in the manufacturing of EV batteries  Tata Chemicals’ Carbon Capture   ingredient and intermediate in industrial,     Ÿ It has already begun its green   exchange for new products and
 of Soda Ash globally with installed     Ÿ Share of newer sustainable application   unit is able to generate Pure Carbon   food, pharmaceutical and personal care   chemistry journey by investing in the   processes, based on the life cycle
 capacities of 4.36 million MT. While, overall,   segments  of Soda Ash will increase   Dioxide (~99.99% purity), enabling   applications. While the overall category   Fermentation Platform. Its current   assessment of the products
 long-term growth (CAGR) is projected   from ~11% in 2022 to > 20% by 2030   it to directly produce high grade   is projected to grow at ~5% globally, its   product, Fructooligosaccharide, is     Ÿ Supply Chain Solutions – sharing
 at ~3% globally and ~6% in India, new   carbon neutral Sodium Bicarbonate.   specialty variant, Highly Dispersible Silica   increasingly being used as a prebiotic   of best practices with suppliers and
 application segments fuelling faster growth     Ÿ The current global capacities of   Conventional applications of Sodium   (HDS), is projected to grow at >10%.   and alternative sweetener  logistics partners to transit to low
 are Solar Glass and Lithium Carbonate, in   Soda Ash (~65 million MT) will not   Bicarbonate include food, feed and   carbon sustainable value chain
 pharmaceuticals, while its new
 be adequate to service the growing
 addition to conventional applications.
 demand driven by sustainable   sustainable applications include:
   Ÿ Global solar power capacities are   applications and will need to add     Ÿ Industrial flue gas treatment to
 estimated to grow at ~250 GW for the   incremental capacity of ~16 million MT   reduce emissions. This segment is
 next 5 years, translating into ~1    by 2030  estimated to grow by ~4% globally
 - 1.5 million MT consumption of Soda     Ÿ Tata Chemicals plans to double its   and ~10% in India
 Ash annually on account of Solar   Soda Ash capacities in a phased
 Glass alone. Additionally, glass is also   manner to service growing demand    Ÿ Applications in cattle and poultry
 increasingly being used in construction   feed to increase productivity. In
 to ensure better energy management  addition, it also helps in reducing
 methane emissions in cattle
   Ÿ Driven by sustainable mobility, EV
 batteries are estimated to grow    Bicarb     Ÿ Tata Chemicals plans to increase its
 > 20% over the next 5 to 7 years. Soda   Sodium Bicarbonate is projected to    Bicarb capacities by 2.5x in next 5 to
 Ash is used to manufacture Lithium   grow at ~3% globally and ~7% in    7 years

 *Sustainable Application Segments include –  Solar Glass, Lithium Carbonate, Sodium Bicarbonate
            Location: Mithapur Plant
            Picture Credit: Chirag R. Parmar
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