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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                      Management Discussion
                                      & Analysis

            In FY 2022-23, salt volumes decreased by 10% as              Soda ash is the key product in the  TCML   high price opening inventory issues and       In India, recovery in soda ash demand across application
 compared to FY 2021-22. Strong revenue growth   portfolio, mainly servicing the container glass   pressure on prices due to drop in raw material   sectors, an anticipated reduction in imports, and increasing
 in FY 2022-23 was due to the price increase   and silicate sectors in the East African domestic   prices in the latter part of the year, resulting in   energy and freight costs will necessitate increased focus
 during the year to cover increased energy   market, and the export markets in SEA and the   Profit After Tax of ` 92 crore compared to ` 164   on  operating rates  and the  ongoing  programmes  for
 costs. Gas  prices remained volatile throughout   Indian subcontinent.  crore achieved during FY 2021-22  driving cost reductions and efficiencies, which are
 FY 2022-23,  with decline towards Q4. Capping                     likely to yield benefits in margins. Timely completion of
 of energy  prices in Europe may stabilise energy   II.   Financials (continuing operations)  ` in crore        II.    Financials   ` in crore  phase 1 expansion under execution, and projected phase 2
 markets. However, there remain a significant   FY   FY            expansion at Mithapur will further drive growth across the
 number of uncertainties as 2023 unfolds quarter   TCML (Kenya)  2022-23  2021-22  FY   FY   Company’s product portfolio in its core business.
 by quarter.             Rallis             2022-23  2021-22
 Revenue                                                            A key focus area will be continuing push on expanding
            The UK sodium bicarbonate business had a   from Operations  945   577   Revenue   2,967   2,602   value-added sodium bicarbonate sales into the growing
 good year, including the full commissioning of   EBITDA  468   143   from Operations  food, feed and pharma sectors, in line with the Company’s
 the new CCU plant which is now providing the      EBITDA  219   276   transformation strategy, and offering customers in these
 European Industrial Gases Association (EIGA)   PBT  439   94   PBT  128   222   sectors a portfolio of products, including its NQ range
 standard CO  required for high grade sodium                       of prebiotics. This would also further ramp up capacity
 2  PAT  450   94
 bicarbonate production, and has also reduced   PAT  92   164      utilisation of the new prebiotics plant. Similarly, the
 emissions by over 10% in the process.             The revenue increased by 64% compared to the                Note: The figures are as per TCL’s consolidated books  ongoing project to increase salt capacity in order to service
 II.   Financials (continuing operations)  ` in crore  previous year, on account of better realisations              The revenue grew 14% compared to the   long-term growth in demand from the key customer, TCPL,
                                                                   will continue.
 due to favourable market demand. Hence, PAT
 FY   FY   improved by ` 356 crore. A tight control on costs,   previous year on account of growth in Crop
 TCE Group (UK)                                                     Sustainability driven trends in the rubber and tyre
 2022-23  2021-22  especially lowering of fixed cost, coupled with   Care. Crop Nutrition business registered 21.8%   industry are calling for incorporation of specialty grades
 Revenue   2,629   1,949   higher realisations resulted in better EBITDA.  growth over the previous year. Growth in Crop   of silica, which augurs well for the growth of the specialty
 from Operations        Care business was positive at 16.3%, though   silica business in terms of customer acquisition and
    b.   Specialty Products  margins were under pressure  due to steep cost
 EBITDA  615   118                                                 capacity growth.
 Rallis India Limited (‘Rallis’)  volatility. Seeds business had a challenging
 PBT  382   (85)   I.  Operations:  year, resulting in degrowth of 1.3%,  impacted       The outlook for TCNA, US, remains positive, with soda ash
 PAT  435   (85)        by both internal and external factors. Optimising   operating rates at maximum levels driven by a continued
 Rallis Revenue   ` in crore  the fixed costs and net working capital are key   ongoing recovery in export markets. At TCNA, continuous
            The revenue grew 35% compared to the   2,622  priorities going forward.  improvement, cost reduction and sustainability in
 previous year, led by higher soda ash, salt and   2,028  2,253    operations will remain areas of focus to drive margin
 sodium bicarbonate revenue.  5.  Business Outlook                 improvement. Generating free cash flow and prepaying
                                                                   debt remains a key area of focus.
          Tata Chemicals Magadi Limited, Kenya (‘TCML’)      The Company continues to focus on growth of its
                core businesses and develop new products that serve       In TCE, UK, product demand across the range has built
 I.  Operations
                customers' needs along the vectors of sustainability and   strongly throughout the year from a slightly hesitant start,
            Sales trend of Basic Chemistry Products is   green chemistry. The demand growth is in sustainability   with price rises occurring on the back of the significantly
 as follows:  401  driven applications like solar glass, lithium carbonate   increasing input price pressures. The sodium bicarbonate
 349  345
          TCML Sales Volume in lakh MT  and shift from plastic to glass containers, and also in   plant  is  now  self-sufficient  in  carbon  dioxide,  having
                sectors such as food, feed and pharma. These, in turn,   successfully commissioned the CCU plant as part of the
 3.2                                                               Company’s overall sustainability push towards its carbon
 2.9  FY 2020-21  FY 2021-22  FY 2022-23  will continue to drive the Company’s current and future
 Crop Care  Seeds  investments as an ingredients supplier of choice to   reduction targets. Future sodium bicarbonate and salt
 2.3                                                               growth is being driven by focus and investment in high
            Note: Excluding inter-company transactions  these sectors.  grade pharmaceutical applications, including investment
 Rallis registered ` 2,967 crore during FY 2022-      Global demand growth for  FY 2022-23 saw strong   in a pharma salt plant at the Middlewich site, due onstream
 23 compared with ` 2,602 crore recorded in   demand across all sectors, continuing the post COVID-19   in 2024.
 the previous year in a challenging business
 environment. Rallis was able to take calibrated   economic recovery which began mid 2021. There will       For TCML, Kenya, sustained demand in export markets with
 price increases to the domestic customers, in   be a new capacity of 1 million tonne coming online in   a focus on developing the domestic East African market to
 FY 2020-21  FY 2021-22  FY 2022-23  order to absorb the input costs,  by leveraging   the US in 2023 and 1.5 to 2 million tonnes in China by   maximise overall price realisation through strategic market
 its strong brands. International markets had   year end. This may put pressure on prices for FY 2023-24   mix, would be an area of focus. In addition, ensuring plant
 Soda Ash       supply period.                                     reliability as well as optimising costs would continue to be

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