Page 151 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                      Management Discussion
                                      & Analysis

         The market is expected to continue growing as   challenges. Strict cost control measures and rapid      Prebiotics & Formulations  will continue to improve manufacturing efficiency,
 farmers adopt modern farming practices and seek   digitisation helped mitigate some of these pressures.      The Company stabilised its operations at its state-of-the-   supported by improved operational efficiencies, and
 solutions to protect their crops from various threats.   art greenfield facility in Mambattu, Andhra Pradesh. Food   capital improvements to alleviate bottlenecks and
 Agriculture has various challenges, such as increasing           TCL India is the largest manufacturer of edible iodised   safety certifications (FSSAI, FSSC 22000, FAMI QS, Halal,   minimise unplanned shutdowns, with a particular
 pest pressure, soil degradation, and changing   salt in the country. The Company recorded its highest   Kosher), strong scientific backing, regulatory support,   emphasis on controlling energy consumption to
 weather patterns, which are affecting crop yields.    ever sale of salt at 13.1 lakh MT during the year, an   together with ongoing application development have   mitigate recent increases in energy costs, and improve
 To address these challenges, there is need for quality   increase from 12.5 lakh MT in FY 2021-22. The Company   enabled the Company to serve customers across the globe.  electrical power management as the US continues to
 agri-inputs. Use of bio-pesticides is increasing in India   is investing to increase its salt production capacity   experience significant inflationary pressures.
 as they affect only the target pest. The Government   to meet the growing demand of its key customer,       In addition to continuing growth from the US and S.E.
 has  adopted Integrated Pest Management Practices   Tata Consumer Products Limited (‘TCPL’).  Asian markets, there has been encouraging potential also   II.   Financials (continuing operations)  ` in crore
 (IPM) with emphasis on the use of bio-pesticides.  opening up from the EU. The facility has been qualified by
         With favourable demand for sodium bicarbonate,                                            FY       FY
 the Company achieved higher realisations across   some global customers, putting the Company on the path   TCNA (USA)  2022-23  2021-22
 Seeds          of achieving full capacity utilisation in the coming year.
 branded and non-branded segments of the market
         The seed industry size in India is projected to   during the year. The Company continued focussing    There were specific intervention projects during the year   Revenue   5,271   3,688
 maintain the 5% growth trend in the next five years.    on growing its portfolio of high value branded    to improve  efficiencies and cost of operations.  from Operations
 The industry  is working closely with the Government   sodium bicarbonate sales.  EBITDA        1,269     787
 to enhance adoption of high-quality hybrid seeds.      II.   Financials (continuing operations)   ` in crore  PBT  750   338
 This will support in increasing the productivity and           ‘Chem Connect’, the Company’s online customer   FY   FY
 quality of agri produce in India.  portal and mobile app, remained at the forefront   TCL India  2022-23  2021-22  PAT after    601   270
 with user-friendly dashboards for ease of customer                        non-controlling interest
 d.  Entity-wise Performance  support, engagement and navigation. Customer   Revenue from Operations  4,930   3,721              The revenue increase is mainly driven by an
    TCL India (Standalone)  engagement activities such as senior leader connect,   EBITDA  1,235   951   increase in prices.
 annual reward and recognition events for channel
 I.  Operations      Profit before tax (PBT)  1,265     988
 partners, Club 15K meets, knowledge-sharing                           Tata Chemicals Europe Group Limited, UK (‘TCE Group’)
       Sales trend of Basic Chemistry Products is as follows:  sessions, ‘Web pe Charcha’, were the hallmarks of   Profit after tax (PAT)  1,027   787
 staying connected with the customers and partners.                    I.  Operations
 TCL India - Basic Chemistry Products Sales Volume   Subsidiaries             Sales trend of Basic Chemistry Products is
 in lakh MT        Sales trend of Specialty products is as follows:        as follows:
                a.   Basic Chemistry Products
 12.5  13.1                                                                TCE Group Sales Volume in lakh MT
 12.1  TCL India-Specialty Products Sales Volume in MT  Tata Chemicals North America Inc., USA (‘TCNA’)
 8,858              I.  Operations                                              3.7          3.6
 7,187                    Sales trend of Basic Chemistry Products is                                      3.2
 6.8  6.5
 6.2                    as follows:                                      2.7          2.8          2.6
                        TCNA Sales Volume in lakh MT

 1.1  1.2  1.2                        23.9          23.5
 2,995  2,999                                                                1.1          1.1         1.0
 FY 2020-21  FY 2021-22  FY 2022-23  19.0
 Soda Ash  Sodium Bicarbonate  Salt
 FY 2020-21  FY 2021-22  FY 2022-23                                       FY 2020-21   FY 2021-22  FY 2022-23
         Soda ash realisations improved during FY 2022-23,                  Soda Ash   Sodium Bicarbonate  Salt
 resulting in increase in revenues and EBITDA over   Silica  FOS
 FY 2021-22. Higher than expected demand, coupled
 with supply constraints and the pressure of increased            Tyre demand normalised during FY 2022-23. Tyre              TCE catered to 50% of the UK market demand of
 input and energy costs led to increased pricing.    labelling norms will continue to drive HDS demand.  FY 2020-21  FY 2021-22  FY 2022-23  soda ash from its manufacturing operations at
 On the manufacturing side, solar salt production                          Lostock. All input costs rose strongly, particularly
 was affected due to brine dilution, owing to extended           Silica margins in FY 2022-23 were impacted by a   Soda Ash  in the second half of the year. The Company, by
 rains and flooding. Proactive planning, strong   steep increase in raw material and energy costs.             In FY 2022-23, sales volumes decreased by 2% as   engaging with its customers was able to secure
 customer relationships, robust processes and product    The Company’s primary focus will be on scaling HDS   compared to FY 2021-22. Demand for soda ash has   mid-year price increases to cope with these
 configuration changes helped  to  overcome  these   use in tyre to protect overall realisations.  fully recovered from the decline seen in previous   unprecedented cost pressures.
                    years due to the COVID pandemic. Internally, efforts

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