Page 157 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                      Management Discussion
                                      & Analysis

 (B)  Standalone Balance Sheet Analysis  Increase in trade payables is mainly due to higher cost of   ii.   Cost of materials consumed   ` in crore
 1.  Investments:  raw materials reflected through an overall increase in the       FY      FY              %
    ` in crore  cost base.                                      Entity         2022-23 2021-22  Change  Change
 FY   FY   %   (C)  Standalone Cash flow analysis               TCL, India        1,138    814     324      40
 Particulars  Change
 2022-23 2021-22  Change
                                                     ` in crore  TCE Group, UK     246     181      65      36
 Investments in equity instruments in subsidiaries  3,607  3,607  -  -  FY   FY
 Investment in joint venture  336  336  -  -  Particulars  2022-23 2021-22  Rallis, India  1,592  1,448  144  10
 Investment in preference shares in subsidiaries  750  750  -  -  Cash from operating activities  885  582  Others and   (29)  (19)  (10)  53
 Investment in other companies*  4,889  4,971  (82)  (2)  Cash from investing activities  (558)  (355)  Eliminations
 Investments in non-convertible debentures  39  150  (111)  (100)  Cash from financing activities  (332)  (270)  Total  2,947  2,424  523  22
 Investment in mutual funds  1,010  1,113  (103)  (9)  Net cash flow from operating activities: Higher operating cash
 Investment in perpetual instruments  150  -  150  100  flow in FY 2022-23 against FY 2021-22 is mainly on account of   The increase in cost of materials reflects higher raw material
                                                               costs across units. In case of TCNA and TCML, raw materials are
 Total Investment  10,781  10,927  (146)  (1)  change in working capital.  primarily mined and do not involve external purchases and are
 *  Decrease  in  the  value of  investments  in other  companies is  mainly due to changes  in fair value of investments.  Net cash flow from investing activities: Higher investing cash   hence not reflected in cost of materials consumed.
            outflow in FY 2022-23 is mainly on account of redemption of
 2.  Inventories:  ` in crore  5.   Cash & Cash Equivalent (net)   ` in crore  current investments compensated by higher purchase of property,   iii.  Purchases of stock-in-trade   ` in crore
 FY   FY   %   FY   FY   %   plant and equipment (including capital work-in-progress).  Entity  FY   FY   Change  %
 Particulars  Change  Particulars  Change                                      2022-23 2021-22          Change
 2022-23 2021-22  Change  2022-23 2021-22  Change  Net cash flow from financing activities: Higher cash outflow in
 Inventories  1,203   880   323  37  Cash and cash   FY 2022-23 is mainly on account of dividend paid.  TCL, India   130  160  (30)  (19)
 Inventories are higher primarily due to higher prices on inventory   (including Bank   85         493  (408)  (83)  (D)   Details of significant changes in key Standalone   TCNA, USA  26  24  2  8
 of raw materials and coal.  balances)  financial ratios:       Rallis, India      158     120      38      32
 Borrowings                                                     Others and
 3.   Trade Receivables:   ` in crore  Current -        Debt Equity Ratio (times) of the Company has improved   50  32  18  56
 FY   FY   %   -  (3)  3  (100)  due to increase in equity (on account of profits earned   Eliminations
 Particulars  Change  lease liabilities
 2022-23 2021-22  Change  Total Borrowings  -  (3)  3  (100)  during the year), while debt continued to remain almost   Total  364  336  28  8
 Trade receivables  201  182  19  10  Cash and Cash   negligible during the year.
 equivalent (net)  85  490  (405)  (83)                        iv.   Power and fuel                    ` in crore
 Trade receivables are higher primarily due to the higher sales   (E)   Consolidated performance for the year ended
 during the year.  Lower cash and cash equivalents have been represented through   March 31, 2023:  FY   FY   %
 higher outflow in corporate deposits.  i.   Revenue from operations   ` in crore  Entity  2022-23 2021-22  Change  Change
 4.     Loans, other financial assets, advance tax assets (net)   FY   FY   %   TCL, India   1,188  670  518  77
 and other assets:   6.    Trade payables, other financial liabilities, other liabilities,   Entity  2022-23 2021-22  Change  Change
    ` in crore  provisions, current tax liabilities (net) and deferred tax   Tata Chemicals   TCNA, USA  610  392  218  56
 FY   FY   %   liabilities (net)  Limited   4,930  3,721   1,209  32  TCE Group, UK  960   878      82       9
 Particulars  Change     ` in crore  (‘TCL’), India
 2022-23 2021-22  Change                                        TCML, Kenya        136     103      33      32
 Loans*  325  -  325  100  Particulars  FY   FY   Change  %   Tata Chemicals
 Other financial   26  64   (38)  (59)  2022-23 2021-22  Change  North America Inc.   5,271  3,688  1,583  43  Rallis, India  94  69  25  36
             (‘TCNA’), USA
 assets  Trade payables  698  560   138  25  TCE Group Limited   Total           2,988   2,112     876      41
 Advance tax assets   667  613  54  9  Other   256  181   75  41  - Consolidated   2,629  1,949   680  35  Power and fuel costs have increased on account of higher coal
 (net)  financial liabilities  (‘TCE Group’), UK               and gas prices across units.
 Other assets  295  278  17  (6)  Other liabilities  89  75   14  19  Tata Chemicals
 Total  1,313  955  358  37  Provisions  372   352   20  6  Magadi Limited   945  577  368  64
 Current tax   (‘TCML’), Kenya
 *inter-corporate deposits made during the year  91   107   (16)   (15)  Rallis India Limited
 liabilities (tax)             2,967   2,602    365      14
 Decrease in other financial assets is mainly due to reduction   Deferred tax   (‘Rallis’), India
 in subsidy receivables. Decrease in other assets is mainly   liabilities (net)  390   397   (7)   (2)  Others and   47  85  (38)  (45)
 due to settlement of advances given and reduction in   Total  1,896   1,672   224  13  Eliminations
 statutory receivables.  Total  16,789  12,622  4,167    33
            Higher realisation for soda ash across geographies compared to
            previous year.

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