Page 149 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                      Management Discussion
                                      & Analysis

     Operational excellence permeates every aspect of the   bicarbonate was down by 3% to 2.3 lakh MT in   costs higher, though some of this was passed on to   fructo-oligosaccharide, a prebiotic dietary fibre that
 Company’s operations and its people. Cost reduction,   FY 2022-23.  the customers. Prices began to fall in the second half,   promotes the growth of the gut microbiome which
 faster resolution of customer issues, and world-class      but high inflationary pressures kept demand and   in turn positively improves digestive health, mineral
 manufacturing   are the mainstays of a culture of continuous   b.  Basic Chemistry Products  margins under control.  absorption and immunity.
 improvement at the Company.     Industry Structure & Developments
                II.   Sodium Bicarbonate                                 The Company’s partnership with Indian and global
     The Company serves customers across five continents
     The Company is on an accelerated path towards   through its Basic Chemistry Products (‘BCP’) business           Sodium bicarbonate is a versatile product having a   academic institutions and research bodies to further
 digitalisation. By adopting several digital initiatives   (soda ash, salt, sodium bicarbonate, cement and marine      wide range of applications like food additives, animal   understand the gut microbiota and related health
 and  new  age  technologies  like  IIoT,  remote  sensing,   chemicals). The Company’s global supply chain gives it   feed, pharmaceuticals, dyes, textiles and industrial   effects will help it build a leadership position in
 automation etc., the Company is focussed on improving   the unique advantage of maintaining reliable supply and   emission control. The Company believes that given its   this space in the long run. This will create a base for
 its manufacturing and process efficiencies.  wide range of current and emerging new applications,   extending the fermentation platform to several other
 efficient service at competitive prices.                              green and sustainable solutions for a wider range of
                    sodium bicarbonate will sustain consistent growth,
 4.  Operational Performance      The Company has a soda ash capacity of 4.3 million tonnes.   besides offering significant value addition potential   products and applications.
 a.   Tata Chemicals Overview  More than two-thirds of this is natural soda ash, located   in the future.     III.  Agrochemicals & Seeds
    I.   Annual Performance Overview  in Green River Basin, Wyoming, USA, where the world’s           The Company has a total annual capacity of 0.24           India has emerged as a net exporter of agricultural
         The Company achieved a consolidated revenue   largest deposits of Trona are situated, and in Lake Magadi    million tonnes per annum in India and the UK. Sodium   products in recent years. During FY 2021-22,
 of ` 16,789 crore (33% increase over FY 2021-22)   in Kenya. In addition to having lower manufacturing costs,   bicarbonate demand grew at a healthy rate of about   agricultural exports reached an all-time high of US$
 and EBITDA of ` 3,822 crore (66% increase over    natural soda ash has a lower energy and environmental   4% in FY 2022-23. Higher demand for processed   50.2 billion. The value of agri-food exports, including
 FY 2021-22).  footprint. Synthetic soda ash and sodium bicarbonate are     food products, pharmaceuticals, textiles, specialty   processed food exports, was about 10.9% of India's
 manufactured at Mithapur, India and Northwich, UK, to   chemicals and animal feed will continue to drive   total exports during FY 2021-22. Government
         The global soda ash demand continued to recover   cater to their respective domestic and export markets.  bicarb demand in India at 6% to 7% CAGR for the    encouragement to farmer-producer organisations,
                                                                       thrust on crop diversification, improved agricultural
 at a gradual pace in FY 2022-23. The consolidated   next five years. Indian bicarb capacity was flat in   productivity through support provided for
 soda ash sales volumes were slightly down by 3%, to      I.   Soda Ash  FY 2022- 23 and overall demand-supply remained   mechanisation, and the creation of the Agriculture
 35.4 lakh Metric Tonnes (‘MT’), in FY 2022-23 against           World soda ash capacity contracted a little, which   between balanced and  tight.  Infrastructure Fund helped in improvement of yields.
 the previous year. The pace of global demand was   pushed operating rates slightly on the upward side, in   However, India’s crop yields are still lower than the
 affected by the  Russia-Ukraine conflict, elevated   the financial year under review due to tight supplies.      III.  Salt  Americas, Europe and China.
 energy prices and subsequent monetary tightening   Solar glass and lithium carbonate continued to drive           Being an essential food ingredient, edible salt did not
 policies in the US, and  slowing economic growth.   the soda ash demand in China and Latin America.  experience demand challenges in India even during   Agrochemicals
 Indian soda ash demand remained steady, driven           Aggressive focus on green energy is driving increased   the high inflationary situation. However, in the UK           The agrochemicals market in India is a rapidly growing
 mainly by container, flat and solar glass segments.   usage of glass for solar panels and lithium carbonate   market, the demand for both edible and non-edible   industry due to the increasing demand for food and
 Solar glass and lithium carbonate continued to drive   for EV battery applications, leading to sharp demand   applications was affected due to slowdown in the   the need to ensure food security in the country. India’s
 soda ash demand globally. Despite a challenging   growth for soda ash, which is a vital ingredient in   leisure and  hospitality sectors.  agrochemicals market is projected to sustain the past
 input cost and supply chain environment, the   these two sectors.     five-year growth trend of ~6% over the next five years.
 Company was able to generate record profitability   c.   Specialty Products  Indian agriculture is faced with the challenge of losses
 in FY 2022-23.          Indian soda ash demand remained steady during      I.   Specialty Silica  caused by pest attacks. Every year in India, pests,
 FY 2022-23, growing at around 4.0-4.5%, driven                        diseases and weeds cause crop loss of 20-30% on an
         All the geographies showed improved operating    mainly by container, flat and solar glass segments.           TCL’s wide range of conventional and HDS products   average. Despite this, India’s crop protection usage is
 and financial performance in FY 2022-23 against   Considering annual solar installations of 20–25 GW,          allows it to participate in markets poised for   one of the lowest worldwide.
 FY 2021-22. The soda ash export markets, which are   solar glass is expected to remain a key demand driver.   growth, driven by a push for sustainability across         Indian Agrochemicals usage pattern
 in particular served by the US and Kenyan units, saw   Increasing supply chain costs and rise in global soda    application sectors. In FY 2022-23, the overall market
 strong demand and pricing recovery during FY 2022-23.    ash prices resulted in import parcels coming at higher   demand growth remained healthy. The Company   5%
 The Indian market continues to be short supplied    prices during the year.  believes that long-term trends like tightening of   21%
 and remains a net importer of soda ash, which is   automotive labelling standards will drive demand for    49%
 expected to continue. This provides an opportunity           Domestic availability remained normal, with no   high- performance, low noise and fuel-efficient green
 for further capacity expansion, and the Company has   major outages and high operating rates due to   tyres, which need superior materials like HDS.
 planned for phase 2 capacity expansion in Mithapur for   steady demand.
 soda ash and sodium bicarbonate, and in Cuddalore           Imported material availability was tight in the first      II.   Prebiotics & Formulations
 for silica, as part of its  growth plans.  half of the year but started to ease in the second half            The Company has growing expertise in the   25%
 with easing of supply chains and lower ocean freight   fermentation platform for synthesis of products and
         Salt volumes grew at a steady pace of 1%, to 16.3   rates. Coal prices remained volatile and surged after   solutions. The business offers solutions for human   Insecticides    Herbicides
 lakh MT, in FY 2022-23, and the volume of sodium   the Russia-Ukraine conflict. This kept the production   and animal gut health through its flagship product -   Fungicides    Others

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