Page 158 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23                01-83                   84-192                  193-365
                                                                                                                                     Integrated Report       Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                                                                                                                                             Management Discussion
                                                                                                                                                             & Analysis

           v.    Employee benefit costs            ` in crore  viii.  Other expenses                  ` in crore                       4.    Return on Net Worth (%) has increased to 12.23%   9.  Digitalisation and Information Technology
                                                                                                                                           (FY 2021-22: 8.19%) due to increase in revenue and
                               FY      FY               %                         FY      FY              %                                                                                The Company is currently undertaking a project to
           Entity                          Change             Entity                          Change                                       profit from operations across geography.
                           2022-23 2021-22         Change                    2022-23 2021-22          Change                                                                              modernise its Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system,
           TCL, India          274     249      25     10     TCL, India         545     460      85      18                       (G)  Total Debt and Amortisation Schedule              with a focus on Business Process Re-engineering (BPR).
           TCE Group, UK       224     212      12      6     TCE Group, UK      391     354      37      10                           Repayment schedule of existing debt   ` in crore   The Company aims to migrate from SAP ECC6 to S/4HANA
                                                                                                                                                                                          to streamline processes across all geographies, establish
           TCML, Kenya          65      69     (4)     (6)    TCML, Kenya        176     145      31      21                                                                              best practices, and improve operational efficiency. TCL's
                                                              TCNA, USA         1,225    836     389      47                           8,000                            TCL consolidated
           TCNA, USA           868     763     105     14                                                                                                                                 Industry 4.0 agenda includes enhancing its Industrial IIoT
                                                              Rallis             467     396      71      18                           7,000  6,296
           Rallis              256     239      17      7                                                                              6,000                                              applications, with a particular focus on areas such as the
                                                              Others and                                                                                                                  Carbonation Towers located in its Mithapur plant, India.
           Others                4       8     (4)    (50)                        17      31     (14)    (45)                          5,000
                                                              Eliminations                                                             4,000                                              Additionally, TCL is developing and testing IIoT applications
           Total             1,691   1,540    155      10     Total             2,821   2,222    599      27                           3,000                                              for its  MUW plant for salt, with the goal of increasing
                                                                                                                                       2,000              2,750                           efficiency and improving yield.
           Employee costs increased due to increments in TCL, TCE, TCNA                                                                1,000       619          1,039  1,181  707
           and Rallis.                                       ix.   Other expenses represent the following   ` in crore                                                                     To address the issue of unplanned downtime for critical
                                                                                  FY      FY              %                                March 2023 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2027-28  equipment,  TCL is developing a predictive analytics
                                                              Entity                          Change
           vi.  Freight and forwarding charges     ` in crore                2022-23 2021-22          Change                               Gross Debt         Repayment                   application that predicts Induced Draught (ID) fans and
                                                              Stores and                                                                                                                  CO  pumps. The Company has also introduced a video
                               FY      FY               %                        348     314      34      11                                                                                2
           Entity                          Change             spares consumed                                                      Notes:                                                 analytics solution to improve bag counting accuracy and
                           2022-23 2021-22         Change
           TCL, India          527     460     67      15     Packing materials   318    319      (1)      -                       1.      Gross debt of ` 6,296 crore includes ` 325 crore of working capital   remotely monitor solar salt pan intake pump operations.
                                                                                                                                       loans/short-term borrowings.
                                                                                                                                                                                          TCL has also introduced e-logbooks to digitalise its data
           TCE Group, UK       194     175     19      11     Repairs            593     448     145      32                       2.     The repayment schedule  for term loans has been prepared   capture system. In addition to the above, the Company
           TCML, Kenya         118     101     17      17     Rent                50      43       7      16                           considering the existing repayment terms. Some of these loans/   plans to implement a spends analytics solution to improve
           TCNA, USA         1,245     953    292      31     Royalty, rates                                                           facilities may be refinanced / pre-paid, in full or in part, from time to   visibility, mitigate risks, analyse historical data, and identify
                                                                                                                                       time in future depending on the requirement and the business plans.
           Rallis               98     112    (14)    (13)    and taxes          518     378     140      37                           Non-current portion of finance leases has been included in FY 2024-   savings opportunities.
           Others               2       5      (3)    (60)    Distributor's                                                            25 repayment.
           Total             2,184   1,806    378      21     service            140      79      61      77                       8.  Innovation and Technology                           TCL's IT and digital transformation strategy is regularly
                                                              charges and                                                                                                                 reviewed and revised to align with industry trends and
           Freight and forwarding charges have increased primarily due to   sales promotion                                            Innovation Centre                                  business requirements, with digital initiatives being adopted
           increase in fuel cost over the period in TCL, TCNA, TCE and TCML.  Others(*)  854  641   213   33                            The Innovation Centre (‘IC’) at Pune is the Company’s   across all functions. TCL has implemented a Transportation
                                                              Total             2,821   2,222    599      27                           science and technology hub for seeding new businesses   Management System (TMS) for Tata Chemicals and Rallis
           vii.  Finance costs                     ` in crore  *  Others include  insurance  charges,  professional  fees, foreign exchange   and accelerating the Company’s sustainable long-term   to improve collaboration with transporters and logistics
                                                                                                                                                                                          management. Additionally, the Company has implemented
                                                             loss, travelling expense, provision for doubtful debts and advances,      growth. IC supports the Company’s businesses by providing
                               FY      FY               %                                                                                                                                 Robotic Process Automation (RPA) for selected finance
           Entity                          Change            directors’  fees  /  commission,  subcontracting  cost,  outsourcing  cost  and   cutting-edge  technology  solutions,  and  a  customer-
                           2022-23 2021-22         Change    other expenses.                                                           centric, multi-disciplinary problem-solving approach for   processes to enhance productivity. To ensure compliance
           TCL, India           26     19       7      37                                                                              sustainable growth and differentiation.  The Company   with labour regulations, TCL has implemented a contractor
           TCE Group, UK        90     65      25      38    (F)   Details of significant changes in key Consolidated                  has filed 199 patent applications (cumulative) with 133   management system. The Company also plans to introduce
           TCML, Kenya          9      14      (5)    (36)       financial ratios:                                                     patent grants.                                     digital dashboards for all Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
           TCNA, USA           167     127     40      31        1.     Interest  Coverage  Ratio  (times)  has increased  to                                                             to democratise the usage of data and analytics.
           Rallis               12      5       7     140            7.75 (FY 2021-22: 5.79) due to increase in revenue                 During the year, IC made significant contributions to the       TCL recognises the importance of cybersecurity in
                                                                     from operations and earnings before interest and tax
           Others and          102     73      29      40            across geography.                                                 development of green highly dispersible silica (HDS),   safeguarding  its operations  as  it  journeys towards
           Eliminations                                                                                                                functional silica and environment-friendly process for   digitisation. To enhance manageability, scalability, and
           Total              406     303     103      34        2.     Current  Ratio  (times) has increased to 1.66                  bio-based surfactants, increased yield of bioactives in   agility, TCL is upgrading its on-premises IT infrastructure
                                                                                                                                       medicinal plants through Aeroponics. IC also developed
                                                                     (FY 2021-22: 1.23) mainly due to decrease in current                                                                 and adopting cloud technology. Moreover, the Company
           Increase in finance cost in  TCNA is due to increase  in    borrowing and lease liabilities to  ` 619 crore                 new FOS variants and co-created innovative applications   has upgraded its email, office applications and collaboration
           LIBOR/ SOFR rate.                                                                                                           of FOS with customers. The Company won the prestigious   systems to a more advanced platform that provides better
                                                                     (FY 2021-22: ` 3,164 crore)                                       CII’s India’s top 50 Innovative Company Award and Top   user experience and enhanced cybersecurity.
                                                                                                                                       Innovative Company (Large) in Manufacturing (category
                                                                 3.    Net Profit Margin (%) has increased to 14.70%                   winner). The Company received special appreciation award       TCL's subsidiary, Rallis, continues to embrace digital and
                                                                     (FY 2021-22: 11.18%) due to increase in revenue and               for its Intellectual Property (‘IP’) practices and portfolio   analytics  solutions  to  enable  agility  and  excellence  in
                                                                     profit from operations across geography.                          from CII as well.                                  business operations. For instance, Rallis is implementing

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