Page 105 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                      Business Responsibility &
                                      Sustainability Report

 PRINCIPLE 4 - Businesses should respect the interests of and be responsive to all its stakeholders  Stakeholder   Whether   Channels of communication (Email, SMS,   Frequency of   Purpose and scope of engagement
 Essential Indicators  Group  identified as   Newspaper, Pamphlets, Advertisement,   engagement   including key topics and concerns
 1.   Describe the processes for identifying key stakeholder groups of the entity.  Vulnerable &   Community Meetings, Notice Board,   (Annually/   raised during such engagement
                         Marginalised         Website), Other        Half yearly/
     The Company has identified its internal and external group of stakeholders and below listed stakeholder groups have   Group (Yes/No)  Quarterly /
 an immediate impact on the operations and working of the Company. This includes Employees, Shareholders, Customers,   others – please
 Communities, Suppliers, Partners and Vendors.                         specify)
             Government      No      Working  with local / state / national    Ongoing  Strong ESG practices (climate change
 2.    List stakeholder groups identified as key for your entity and the frequency of engagement with each stakeholder group.  government and  ministries, seminars,   roadmap, frameworks for sustainability
                                     media releases, conferences, membership    and beyond compliance and RC, changes
 Stakeholder   Whether   Channels of communication (Email, SMS,   Frequency of   Purpose and scope of engagement
 Group  identified as   Newspaper, Pamphlets, Advertisement,   engagement   including key topics and concerns   in local enterprise partnership and industry   in regulatory frameworks, skill and capacity
 Vulnerable &   Community Meetings, Notice Board,   (Annually/   raised during such engagement  bodies (ICC, IMA, CII, CIA,ESAPA, RC, UNGC,   building, employment, environmental
 Marginalised   Website), Other  Half yearly/   Labour Union, Federal Mine Safety & Health   measures), policy advocacy, timely
 Group (Yes/No)  Quarterly /         Association, State Environmental Agencies,   contribution to exchequer/ local
 others – please                     Kenya Association of Manufacturers,        infrastructure, proactive engagement
 specify)                            Kenya Chamber of Mines, Kenya National
                                     Chamber of Commerce & Industry)
 Shareholders  No  Annual General Meetings, other shareholder    Ongoing  Share price appreciation, dividends,   Communities
 meetings, email communications, Stock   profitability and financial stability, robust   Yes  Meets (of community / local authority and   Ongoing  RC, waste management, integrated water
 Exchange (SE) intimations, investor /   ESG practices, climate change risks, cyber   town council / committee / location head   management, clean water, climate change
 analysts meet / conference calls, Annual   risks, growth prospects  /  SWOT council), community  visits  and   impacts, community development, self-
 Reports, quarterly results, media releases,   projects, partnership with local charities,   sustainability, livelihood support, disaster
 Company / SE website                volunteerism,  seminars / conferences      relief, support of the United Nations
                                     Focussed Group Discussions with            Sustainable Development Goals (UN
 Employees  No  Senior leaders’ communication / talk /   Ongoing  Responsible Care (RC), innovation,   Communities / local authorities / location   SDGs) building capacity of future leaders,
 forum, town hall briefing, goal setting   operational efficiencies, improvement   heads, community visits  and projects,   digital ecosystem development
 and performance appraisal meetings/  areas, long-term strategy plans, training   partnership with NGOs, volunteerism.
 review, exit interviews, arbitration /   and awareness, responsible marketing,
 union meetings, wellness initiatives,   brand communication, health, safety and   Leadership Indicators  3.    Provide details of instances of engagement with, and
 engagement survey, email, intranet, flat   engagement initiatives  1.    Provide the processes for consultation between   actions taken to, address the concerns of vulnerable/
 screens, websites, poster campaigns, house   stakeholders and the Board on economic, environmental,   marginalised stakeholder groups.
 magazines, confluence, circulars, quarterly
 publication, newsletters  and social topics or if consultation is delegated, how is       The Company follows an integrated development approach
                feedback from such consultations provided to the Board.  which specifically targets the disadvantaged, vulnerable
 Customers  No  Website ECRM, distributor / retailer / direct   Ongoing  Product quality and availability,   and marginalised stakeholders. It has been the Company’s
 customer / achievers’ meets, senior leader   responsiveness to needs, aftersales service,       The Company's management regularly interacts with its key   constant endeavour to focus on inclusive and collaborative
 customer  meets  /  visits,  customer  plant   responsible guidelines / manufacturing,   stakeholders i.e. investors, customers, suppliers, employees,
 visits, COO club, key account management   climate change  etc. The Company also has a Safety, Health, Environment   growth. The Company began its journey a few years ago
 workshops, focus group discussion,   and Sustainability (SHES) Committee which updates the   by focussing on Affirmative Action (AA) i.e. disadvantaged
 trade  body  membership,  complaints,   progress on the actions taken to the Board and takes inputs   communities and while the Company continues to progress
 management, helpdesk, conferences,   and guidance from the Board on a quarterly basis.  on this roadmap, it has expanded its focus on diversity to
 joint BD plans, information on packaging,                         additionally cover gender diversity, disadvantaged regions
 customer surveys, NPS                                             and person with disability, LGBTQ all of which are important
            2.    Whether stakeholder consultation is used to support the
 Suppliers /   No   Prequalification / vetting, communication    Ongoing  Quality, timely delivery and payments,   identification and management of environmental, and   segments that can help create a more sustainable
  Partners  and partnership meets, plant visits,   ESG consideration (sustainability, safety   social topics (Yes / No). If so, provide details of instances   organisation. Towards this objective, the Company has
 MoU and framework agreements, trade   checks, compliances, ethical behaviour),   as to how the inputs received from stakeholders on these   reconstituted its current Affirmative Action Council into a
 association meets/seminars, professional   ISO and OHSAS standards, collaboration   Diversity Council (‘DC’). The organisation has instituted DC
 networks, Bhagidhari Sabha,  contract   and digitalisation opportunities  topics were incorporated into policies and activities of   led by the MD & CEO and Senior Leaders to focus on these
 management / review, product workshops   the entity.              identified areas of AA agenda. The Company’s leadership
 / on site presentations, satisfaction surveys,       Yes, through materiality study, the Company engages with   drives the AA agenda across the organisation with passion
 Pro Care helpdesk  its stakeholders in terms of identifying and prioritising the   and commitment. The Company’s integrated development
                issues pertaining to economic, environmental and social   interventions are based on the framework linked to the UN
                topics. (For further details, please refer to the section on   SDGs and has the following elements: building economic
                Stakeholder Engagement on Page No. 48).            capital, ensuring environmental integrity, enablers for
                                                                   social, economic and environmental development and

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